Chapter 145 Dog Frisbee
Looking at Zhai Lin who was laughing proudly outside the lawn, she wiped her face and glanced at the Frisbee in her hand. An idea came to her mind and she shouted to the people outside: "Uncle Wang, please ask Master Zhai Lin to come to my place." .”

She could tell that Uncle Wang listened to her words very much, and his orders were particularly smooth.

Zhai Lin's expression changed, and he controlled the prosthetic leg to move back, but was still pushed mercilessly into the watered lawn by the servants.

Several people were still mumbling apologies in his ears, "I'm sorry, Second Young Master. The eldest young master said that everything will be listened to by Miss Jiang when teaching. You said that you always behave well and bully other girls."

They couldn't stand it any longer.

Just like that, Zhai Lin was dragged and pushed to the center of the splashing lawn, staring at her angrily.

Jiang Nuannuan wiped her face and sneered.

New lesson today.

Golden Retriever catches Frisbee.

"Have you ever played Frisbee?" She shook the yellow Frisbee in her hand twice, looked at him and said, "Today you, Hubby and Luca will catch my Frisbee."

"Are you training the dog?" Zhai Lin gritted his teeth, the white satin shirt sticking to his cold white skin, soaking wet through his thin body.

Jiang Nuannuan ignored the two pink spots and coughed lightly, "Well, I just want to help you adapt to walking and running better. I will take you out for a walk in the future, um, it will be much more convenient to go out and play."

She stopped her cursing in time, freed her mind from the dog class, and was always alert to the person opposite who looked like a dog.

"No fun." Zhai Lin snorted coldly and walked out. Jiang Nuannuan quickly grabbed his wrist, "You have to escape like this?"

It didn't refer to something in particular, but it touched Zhai Lin's wound accurately, causing his hair to explode at the touch, and he asked fiercely, "What do you want to say?"

"Fu Ying fell into the sea, there is no body." Jiang Nuannuan stared at him and said: "Although the police determined that she was dead, you don't even have the courage to find her in person. Why are you pretending to be so affectionate with me?"

After breaking his leg, he curled up in this cell, like a miserable childish ghost.

"Don't say it's my fault. I'm just an unlucky employee who was careless. The source of the series is that the employee who went to jail is not me."

Jiang Nuannuan let go of Zhai Lin's wrist and lowered her voice, "I'm just reminding you that you should see and find everything by yourself. Seeing is believing, and what you hear with your ears may not be true."

System 66: "Alipay has received 100 million, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 3%. As a female supporting character, you have promoted the plot."

The dog training class said that rewards and punishments should go hand in hand. If you talk to the dog a little bit at the right time, he will compromise. At critical moments, it is also important to establish belief.

No, Zhai Lin was about to have a mania, but he suppressed it.

He hadn't been out for a long time. No one dared to persuade him to go out for a walk, and no one dared to mention Fu Ying in front of him. Jiang Nuannuan was the first to tell him that he should go out to look for Fu Ying. She might still be alive. people.

Zhai Lin was quiet for a moment, lowered his eyes, and his gray pupils slowly became confused, "If she was still alive, she would have come back in the past two years."

Jiang Nuannuan slapped the dogs waiting to throw the Frisbee on the head and told them not to worry. Then she said to Zhai Lin: "You don't believe she is still alive, then who can? If she is raped by someone, What if she lost her memory when she was found at the beach? What if someone deliberately concealed the news about her? There are so many possibilities, why do you think she is dead? "

Zhai Lin was silent, his soft golden hair hanging down, his face thoughtful.

After a while, Jiang Nuannuan changed the topic at the right time.

"There is a new art exhibition recently where you can buy paintings. If I remember correctly, the seller's name is Hendry. He seems to be quite famous?" She lowered her voice, her words full of temptation, "Do you want to go and see it? At least Let’s go out first, right?”

He slowly raised his eyes, there was a struggle in his eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan knew it was almost done, so she took a few steps back and said, "When the three-hour lecture is over and it's early, we can go and have a look? Now, please run faster than a dog and grab the Frisbee."

She lowered her eyes and looked at the two happily wagging dogs with their docked tails. She curled her lips and threw the Frisbee into the distance.

Zhai Lin subconsciously moved two steps in that direction, but after just two slow steps, the dog jumped up and bit the Frisbee, quickly picked it up and gave it back to Jiang Nuannuan, its docked tail wagging happily.

Jiang Nuannuan took the Frisbee and glanced at Zhai Lin with a slight disdain, "These conditions are placed in front of you, you can't be worse than a dog, right?"

When she finished speaking, she changed her face again, and said softly to the dog that had the Frisbee in its mouth: "Happy is great, let your Uncle Wang give you extra food tonight."

Zhai Lin's fists were hardened, and the emotions he had just suppressed suddenly became unstable and chaotic, and he followed her rhythm unconsciously.

Jiang Nuannuan faced him directly, waved the Frisbee in her hand, and coaxed, "Let's do it again."

Mrs. Zhai came out of the Zen room and came to the floor-to-ceiling window again. The beads in her hand snapped and the string broke, and she stared blankly at the two dogs chasing each other on the lawn.

"That's Xiaolin? What is he doing?!"

The servant next to him leaned over and took a look, with a strange look in his eyes, as if he was unsure, "Well, the psychology teacher's latest treatment method? It seems to be catching a Frisbee."

Someone next to me said, "Oh, it's a rising sport. I saw people playing it on the Internet. This is my first time playing with a dog. It's so unique."

Mrs. Zhai was stunned for a while, then she looked at her little grandson who was running with a prosthetic leg. Her eyes gradually became kind, "It's a new sport for young people. That girl is probably afraid that Zhai Lin will come into contact with outsiders, but she also has intentions."

Jiang Nuannuan stood there and kept throwing the Frisbee. Nine times out of ten times, the dog picked it up. This greatly tested Zhai Lin's ability to walk and run. Once, he was tripped by a dog and fell. Dogs eat shit.

His first reaction was shame.

A large part of his trouser legs were rubbed up, revealing ugly prosthetic limbs. They did not look like real muscles and bones, making him unable to maintain balance well.

Jiang Nuannuan walked over, with a calm face, and stretched out her hand to him, "The sprinkler you turned on has wet the lawn. The soil is soft, so it won't hurt if you fall. Get up and continue."

I don’t blame his legs, just that the grass is soft.

Zhai Lin looked up at her, his eyes falling on the white palm. This time, he did not refuse.

After using up some strength to pull him up, Jiang Nuannuan looked at the time and said, "If you play for the last time, your body will almost reach its limit."

She threw the Frisbee again, and Zhai Lin didn't know what happened. Looking at her calm face, which seemed to have no expectation, a fire burst out in his heart, and he turned around and rushed towards the location of the Frisbee.

Jiang Nuannuan tossed a dog biscuit somewhere where he couldn't see it, which caused the two dogs to hesitate and slow down for half a beat. It also made Zhai Lin jump up and catch the Frisbee.

The sprinkler system on the lawn was still running, and water fell on his delicate face, revealing a very faint smile full of desire to win.

Jiang Nuannuan caught it and put a smile on her face to match.

(End of this chapter)

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