Chapter 146 You use me as a dog training
Okay, this dog is not completely rabid. Look how well-behaved he is now.

Zhai Lin came over soaked, panting, and handed the Frisbee to her. Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand and rubbed the top of his hair, "Zhai Lin is great."

What's the difference between this coaxing tone and when you say Hubby is great?
Zhai Lin later realized that he had come to his senses. He yanked her wrist towards him and shouted loudly: "You are using me as a dog training!"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't stand firm and threw herself at him, while Zhai Lin, whose prosthetic limbs were already worn and painful, rushed towards her. One of them couldn't stand, and they both fell back.

Fortunately, Zhai Lin was underneath her as a cushion, and the other party let out a muffled groan, but her fall didn't hurt at all.

Zhai Heng's pupils shrank when he came downstairs to the garden. He didn't care about Uncle Wang's obstruction and walked in. He didn't care if the cold water was spilled on him.

Uncle Wang angrily scolded: "Hurry up and turn off the sprinkler system!"

The gardener hurriedly ran to pull the switch. Jiang Nuannuan threw herself on Zhai Lin's chest, spread her legs and pressed her knees against the lawn. She sat on his abdomen, speechless.

Zhai Lin's face was still tangled with her hair, and his eyes fell on her chest with a V-shaped lace collar. The white lace underwear was looming, half exposed.

This is not the first time I have seen it, it was also the last time it rained heavily.

His pale lips pursed tightly, and his heart beat suddenly under his chest.

System 66: "Alipay has received 100 million, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 4%. Tsk, where are his eyes looking? It's because of the increase in desire."

Zhai Lin quickly looked away and shouted in anger, "Get off here."

Jiang Nuannuan rolled her eyes. Just as she was about to climb off him, a hand wrapped around her waist and lifted her up.

She exclaimed, turned her head in confusion, and met Zhai Heng's eyes. Under the warm sunlight, the center pupils of those dark eyes were lighter in color, clear and gentle.

"Did it hurt from the fall?" His voice was very clean, full of worry.

Jiang Nuannuan only noticed the water still falling on his porcelain cheeks, and subconsciously wiped it away for him, then asked a question that didn't make sense, "You just walked in like that?"

Zhai Heng hugged her sideways, and his brother on the ground didn't even look away. He turned around and walked out, "It's okay. Let the doctor show you where you fell."

"I'm fine. Just let me down and I'll walk on my own." She was really afraid that this fragile beauty would fall after taking only two steps, and she even looked back at Zhai Lin lying on the grass. Obviously that person needed more help. Hug service.

Zhai Heng did not respond to her request. He even tightened his fingers, hugged her even tighter, and whispered, "Be good and let the doctor take a look at you."

It was rare that he could find a valid reason to hug her. He really didn't want to let go.

Jiang Nuannuan also heard the undoubted tone in his tone, pursed her lower lip, and was finally held by him without rejection.

When the doctor came, he thought something serious had happened. He looked at the person from head to toe, then shook his head at Zhai Heng, "This lady is fine, there are no scratches."

Jiang Nuannuan gave Zhai Heng a look, and the other party smiled back, so light and warm that she almost lost her soul.

Then, Uncle Wang at the door carried Zhai Lin in and said hurriedly: "Doctor, come and take a look."

The first one to fall was Zhai Lin. He had fallen several times before and had a lot of blades of grass on his body and a lot of scratches. Looking at him in such a miserable state, the doctor hurried over to treat those who really needed it.

Seeing his brother's cold expression, Zhai Heng turned around and restrained himself. He said to Jiang Nuannuan in a warm voice, "Go upstairs and wash up. I'll ask the servant to prepare the clothes."

She nodded and left with the servant.

I originally planned to take Zhai Lin to the exhibition, but I overdid it today. The area where his amputated leg was red and swollen made him unsuitable for walking.Jiang Nuannuan gave her contact information to Zhai Lin, "Call me when your leg heals and I will take you away."

She kept her word, so Zhai Lin stared at her for a while and reluctantly took her number.

Zhai Heng personally walked her to the door, petted her head like a doting child, "You really don't want to stay for dinner?"

Thinking of being at the same dining table with Fu Shiliu, Jiang Nuannuan felt that she would have a bad stomach, and shook her head decisively, "No, I'll go back and eat something."

"Nuan Nuan." Zhai Heng walked down two steps and stopped again.

Jiang Nuannuan turned around, waiting for his next words.

Zhai Heng's Adam's apple rolled, and he touched the ring on the joint with his long, jade-like fingers, and said softly: "If you need help, you can come to me."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "Huh?"

He lowered his eyes, and the dark eyelashes cut shadows on his eyelids, "Any level is fine."

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while, knowing that he must understand what she and Gu Tingyan had in common, so she nodded, "Okay, thank you."

She turned around, got into the car, and left the manor along with the fiery red sunset, the shadow of the little Audi car trailing long.

Zhai Heng stood outside for a long time, the nostalgia in his eyes turning cold. He turned and told Uncle Wang, "Go get those two dogs and throw them into Fu Shiliu's room."

A chill ran down Uncle Wang's back, and he groaned, "This, isn't that good."

Zhai Heng smiled and said warmly: "What's wrong? She refuses to divorce and always makes me feel better."

When Fu Shiliu was locked in the bedroom with the two dogs, everyone was stunned. She tried to escape, but was pushed back by the servant.

Ever since the rule that Miss Jiang could not be touched was vaguely spread at home, the status of this real lady has plummeted.

"Where's Zhai Heng! What is he going to do! How could he do this to me!"

Fu Shiliu looked at the two mighty German-style Dobermans. She only knew that Fu Ying had raised the dogs before her death and that someone had specially raised them, but she had never touched them at all. Now they were in the same room without a leash, which scared her to the point of getting goosebumps. .

Zhai Heng appeared amidst her roar, with a silent expression and a pair of dark eyes with a faint cold light. The warm-colored suit with ironing on him looked as cold as jade.

"Zhai Heng! Are you crazy! What are you doing!" Fu Shiliu huddled on the floor, circling her knees with her hands and yelling angrily: "Let me out! What will grandma think when she sees it! Don't make it difficult for her to be a good person!"

The man raised the corners of his lips and said softly: "How did Zhai Lin order these two dogs? To bite her?"

Uncle Wang: "Yes."

"Well, then you give them an order to bite her." Zhai Heng nodded, facing Fu Shiliu's disbelieving gaze, and said calmly: "Your mother called and asked me to punish you with small punishments and big punishments. Divorce is also a matter of It’s over, just bear with it.”

Fu Shiliu screamed in horror, "No, no, no! Don't do this to me! Zhai Heng! Gu Tingyan won't let you go!"

Zhai Heng smiled and said, "How do you think I knew you were following her?"

At the moment when the two dogs pounced on her, Fu Shiliu thought in despair. In the past, she only thought that this man was a sick and consumptive ghost who would not live long, but now?He is obviously wearing sheep's clothing, an out-and-out lunatic!demon!
She looked wrong, and everyone looked wrong!
Jiang Nuannuan contacted the moving company today and also contacted Fei Jinzhao and asked him to come to Yunkun Community to help with the move.

(End of this chapter)

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