Chapter 147 Move to Your House
Choosing a weekend, Fei Jinzhao was waiting at the gate of the community very early. Jiang Nuannuan came by taxi. Of course, she also guessed that he would definitely ride a small electric donkey, so she could find a reason to ride on it later.

"Have you had breakfast?" She carried two meat buns and soy milk in her hand, bit one in her mouth, and handed the rest to him.

Fei Jinzhao wanted to say that she had eaten, but she took it silently and changed the topic, "Where did you buy the house?"

The two walked in side by side, and Jiang Nuannuan said: "I bought a top floor in Bishui Bay."

It is close to the Linggang River and has river views. The penthouse suite is extremely valuable and the security must be good.

Fei Jin responded, finished her breakfast in a few moments, took her bag and threw it away together, and asked, "Where have you been staying recently?"

Jiang Nuannuan answered without blushing: "Hotel."

She was already very good at lying.

The two of them appeared together in the community. The aunts of several families were picking vegetables in the flower beds. When they saw her, they shook their hands and ran straight over.

With the lesson learned from the last time, Fei Jinzhao reacted quickly and pulled the person behind him, Qing Jun's face was full of vigilance.

Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his arm and hid behind him, looking at the strange middle-aged woman and frowning, "What do you want to do again?"

Fortunately, the other party didn't mean any harm and just kept apologizing to her.

In a few words, she also understood that after she hired a lawyer, the police went door-to-door looking for people who fingerprinted her and said she was selling meat, and all of them were taken to court and became defendants.

Now the family heard that they framed a star who was on the show and fined them a large sum of money. They almost scolded the aunts to death, and the entire dance troupe was disbanded.

The aunt whose two sons were lying in the hospital was also sentenced to actual imprisonment for false accusation and threatening others, and the whole family was imprisoned neatly.

"We really didn't know celebrities would live in a place like this. Please come here to apologize. Don't mind." The aunts only said nice things to her.

Later, I heard that she was moving out today, and everyone became anxious.

"Why are you moving away? We promise not to disturb you anymore. You can live here with peace of mind."

Jiang Nuannuan was too lazy to pay attention to them and directed the moving company to move things upstairs. The agent who had signed the rental contract also came. Since she left early and the rent would not be refunded, he also politely advised her not to move.

Fei Jinzhao said from the side: "Because of your incident, housing prices in the community have increased."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

No wonder, everyone can always change their face when it comes to personal interests.

The masters moved all the things into the car and asked her back: "Girl, where are you putting them?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and replied: "Old City, No. 356 Shili Lane."

Fei Jin heard that she reported her house number, and immediately turned around and asked her, "You want to put things at my place?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded innocently, "Yes, didn't you see that the refrigerator and sofa are brand new? Put them in your house."

The last time she went to his house, she saw that the refrigerator was old and the freezing effect was not very good. Since she couldn't buy it from him, of course she had to give it to him on the side.

Fei Jinzhao also understood what she wanted to do, and his expression turned cold, "I don't need it, you can just let it go home."

"No, it's not suitable for my home." Jiang Nuannuan shook her head and said seriously: "I have ordered all the sofa furniture. These things are not suitable for appearing at home, but it would be a pity to lose the new ones, so I will leave them with you. From now on, I will still feel at home when I’m a guest.”

Fei Jinzhao couldn't help but frowned, with a strange look on his face, "What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Nuannuan hugged his arm, with a clear look of disgust on her face, "Fei Jinzhao, you said your sofa spring It’s all creaking, and there’s the refrigerator, the popsicles have to melt inside, and the fan, it’s so noisy, how can I live with my delicate skin and tender flesh in the future?”

How can she live with her delicate skin and tender flesh?
Fei Jin called her around and actually thought about how to live with her for a while. The arm she was pulling tightened her muscles. She regained consciousness and whispered in annoyance: "Let me go first." .”

"Then let's move back and decorate your home?" Jiang Nuannuan smiled with white teeth and watery eyes, and acted coquettishly at him, "Okay? I spent a lot of money to buy it. I can't really throw it all away, right? It's too much. What a waste of money.”

He pursed his lower lip, clenched his trousers with his hands in his trouser pockets, and made a final struggle, "Why can't you take the refrigerator back and use it, and the sofa, they are all practical things."

Jiang Nuannuan answered fluently, "It's too small. My refrigerator has to use double doors. This one doesn't look good when it's opened alone. You'll know next time when you go to my place."

She bought herself a large mansion. The average furniture here only costs a few hundred yuan. Compared with the best furniture priced at 30 to [-] yuan, it is really out of step.

Fei Jinzhao had no choice, and in the end, all these new furniture and beds were transported to Fei Jinzhao's old house.

When he picked her up on a small electric donkey, he was wondering if she had already planned this.

Jiang Nuannuan hugged his waist and said behind his ear against the wind: "I want to eat sweet and sour fish when I'm done. Can you do it?"

Fei Jinzhao answered her simply: "No."

The voice behind her was obviously weak. The little paws on his waist held the clothes and scratched them twice unwillingly. She hummed, "No, I won't."

The nails scraped across the waist and abdomen through the clothes, making the hook itch. Fei Jinzhao suddenly felt a little hot on her body, and her palms holding the handle of the battery car started to sweat.

System 66: "Alipay received 500 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 31%."

I wonder if the sweet and sour fish is too expensive?
Jiang Nuannuan put her side face against his back in confusion, as if she understood something, and grabbed two handfuls of hands on his waist through the thin material of clothing.

His whole body tensed up, and he immediately held her down with one hand, his voice hoarse, "If you move again, get down and walk."

"whispering sound."

Threatened, she remained motionless.

The truck couldn't get in, so Jiang Nuannuan spent some money to ask them to help move it in.

When the things in the room were almost too piled up, she tied her fluffy long hair into a bunch, looked around, and decisively chose to throw Fei Jinzhao's broken sofa out first.

She couldn't move it, so of course she asked the owner of the house to move it.

The house was now in a mess and full of things. After all the broken sofas were thrown out, Jiang Nuannuan helped clean the house on the second floor. After the sofa was removed, there was a thick layer of dust underneath, which made her sneeze twice.

Fei Jinzhao watched her minding her own work. His knowing eyes swept over her white and tender fingers stained with dust. He frowned and went over to grab her broom. "Go sit down, I'll do it."

Those hands were not suitable for work, and secretly, he didn't want her to be as embarrassed as himself.

Jiang Nuannuan pushed his hand away and said nonchalantly: "I was the one who brought the things here, so of course I have to help pack them together."

It's not like she has never worked before, her hands and feet are actually very nimble, but Fei Jinzhao pursed his lower lip, grabbed her arm, grabbed the broom, and pushed her to sit on the small stool next to her, "Sit down."

Unable to resist him, Jiang Nuannuan had no choice but to stop, "Come here, I'll take out those small ornaments."

There are two floral pillows on the sofa at home. They were bought as a set with the sofa. After Fei Jinzhao finished it, she put the pillows on them and replaced the coffee table in front with her irregular table. Along with several unused small cups, she placed them on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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