Chapter 150 Lin Xiao’s invitation

Jiang Nuannuan had a bad dream. She chewed lollipops and tobacco-flavored gum non-stop. The taste was not good, not as good as sweet and sour fish.

She turned over, pursed her shiny moist lips irritably, buried her face in her warm hands, and snored.

He couldn't bear it, and even though she was sleeping soundly, he couldn't bear to disturb her.

Gu Tingyan wiped her moist lips with her fingertips, pressed her into her arms angrily, buried her head in the back of her neck and forced herself to close her eyes.

When Jiang Nuannuan woke up, there was no one beside the bed, but System 66 repeated the prompt from last night.

Gu Tingyan's favorability level reached 36 and he earned 1000 million.

"Did he come back last night?"

System 66: "Well, I caught you and kissed him for half an hour, and you bit him on the mouth, very violently."

Case solved.

She was talking about why she kept chewing gum last night. It would be great to take the initiative to wake her up and cooperate with her.

Jiang Nuannuan scratched her hair and asked a question, "Tell me, if he really wants to have sex with me in the future, should I agree or not?"

System 66: "Why don't you look at what you are talking about."

Jiang Nuannuan: "I am asking you this question very seriously."

System 66 pondered for a moment, "I still say the same thing, there is something wrong with the script you have now, don't mess around."

Even now it doesn't guarantee that Gu Tingyan won't really fall in love with her. The way it looked at the man last night was like a hungry wolf.

It already suspected that this script was really used as a substitute for a counterattack.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips with regret, "Okay, after all, I still have other parts that can be used."

System 66: "." This is not a car going to kindergarten!Don't feed it any more yellow waste!

After washing up and going downstairs, Aunt Mei's hot breakfast was ready, "Miss, it's time to eat."

Jiang Nuannuan nibbled on the freshly fried soft butter sticks, took a sip of the yellow pumpkin porridge, and nibbled on the yellow sweet-scented osmanthus cake. She was satisfied.

News came from Lu Jin today that the promotional video of Qiao Lin Jewelry endorsed by Hang Panxia was officially released on Weibo.

She clicked on Weibo, entered Hang Panxia's Weibo account, and clicked on the short video forwarded by her account.

The crow forest is filled with smoke. The woman is wearing a fishtail red dress, flaming red lips, and a silver scale snake-shaped necklace around her neck. The snake's head is crawling on the collarbone. Her eyes are faint emeralds. Her hair spreads like a waterfall with a hat. The black crown of thorns and the full aura of a queen directly subvert the image of Hang Panxia's former Xiaojiabiyu.

As soon as this set of luxury jewelry was released, it was ordered at a high price by an anonymous wealthy overseas businessman.

The words "Hang Panxia" and "queen" have skyrocketed in the hot searches, which has brought a huge impact to fans. It turns out that the little beauty from Jiangnan can have such a strong aura, and the response has been great.

Having celebrity endorsements and popularity in the domestic market is the first step. The next step is to send jewelry to fashion shows.

Jiang Nuannuan said: "Compile the information on the upcoming shows and see if there is anything we can cooperate with."

Lu Jin quickly said: "Yes, there is a celebrity show recently, organized by Tenghai, a domestic fashion brand. You should have heard of them. They are very famous. You can let our spokesperson go."

"Okay, let me ask about Hang Panxia's schedule."

Just as Jiang Nuannuan ended the call, Hang Panxia also called and said in an excited tone, "You are simply a genius, Nuannuan. This promotional video has allowed many directors to see my potential. I have to say thank you." you."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Have you been invited to the Tenghai brand show?"

Hang Panxia: "I just wanted to tell you this, yes."

Jiang Nuannuan responded, "I will bring jewelry to design for you. In terms of clothing selection, your team will try their best to match your new image." Hang Panxia had this intention and agreed readily.

After dinner, she went upstairs to draw some pictures. Jiang Nuannuan was going to go out and buy herself a studio. The location must not be too bad. It is best to be near the city center. This house is not easy to find. It will probably take a few days. .

As soon as the person stepped down the steps, a strange nanny car came to the door of the villa. The model looked similar to the one Gu Tingyan rarely used.

She stood by her car and watched the two bodyguards in black suits coming down the other side. They walked up to her and said respectfully: "Mrs. Lin invites you."

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, "Who?"

"Mr. Gu's mother, Mrs. Lin Xiao."

Jiang Nuannuan has never had contact with Gu Tingyan's family so far, why is she suddenly looking for her?
She thought about it and got into the car with someone. She thought it would be another luxurious and deep mansion, but she ended up in a nursing hospital.

I followed the nurse into the VIP suite. The sunshine outside the window was just right, and a woman about 50 years old was sitting under the light.

"Miss Jiang is here."

The woman turned her head, her eyes fell on her face, her eyes were stunned, and she blurted out, "It's so similar."

I had always heard from Shiliu's child that her son had found a substitute lover who was exactly like her. Now that these eyes met in person, they couldn't help but sigh the similarity.

"Mrs. Lin, look for me." Jiang Nuannuan walked over, pulled out the chair opposite and sat down.

There is a rule in wealthy families. If the master doesn't tell you to sit down, you won't sit down.

Lin Xiao frowned, and was the first to label her as uncultured.

"Ms. Jiang came to my son because her family was desperate." She spoke softly, with hidden contempt in her eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan admitted generously, "Yes."

Lin Xiao asked: "How does my son treat you?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Very good."

Looking at her from the other side, he stood up and poured her a cup of tea. "I took the liberty of calling you here today, but Ting Yan is almost 30 years old now, and you are not young at all. Do you plan to stay with him for the rest of your life?"

Jiang Nuannuan thought about the meaning behind this, and realized that she was probably afraid that she would hang on and try to get a higher position, so she smiled and said, "I admire him very much and love him very much."

66 sighed in her mind, "You are just attracted to her big breasts."

Don't think that it doesn't know that she has sneaked around many times and even leaned against other people's breasts when she fell asleep.

Lin Xiao took an envelope from the side and handed it to her.

Jiang Nuannuan thought that there would be the kind of evil mother-in-law plot where she slaps you with a check and tells you to get lost. Unfortunately, she was disappointed. Inside the opened envelope were several photos of women.

These people are all the ladies of today's wealthy families, all of them have extraordinary temperament and are very beautiful.

Lin Xiao stared at her closely and said in a slow and leisurely tone, "If a man wants to succeed, he must have a woman by his side who can help him. These women are either the daughters of mining tycoons or the granddaughters of wealthy oilfield businessmen. What do you think of them matching him?" "

I asked her why she was doing this, and it seemed like she could make the decision.

Jiang Nuannuan rubbed the envelope with her fingertips and suppressed her smile, "What Mrs. Lin wants to say, let's get straight to the point."

Lin Xiao clicked on the photos, "These are the wife candidates I have found for him. Each of them is an outstanding family heir with excellent conditions, and I think Miss Jiang is also a smart person. I will take care of my son's canaries." No, but I hope the canary will behave and stay out of his way."

"What if I don't agree? What if he likes me too?" Jiang Nuannuan asked with interest, holding her chin in the palm of one hand.

Before Lin Xiao could say anything, a nurse hurriedly opened the door and said, "Mr. Gu is here."

(End of this chapter)

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