Chapter 151: Long past the age of needing love
Jiang Nuannuan immediately clarified the relationship: "I didn't call you here."

Lin Xiao glanced at her, "I know, you go to the toilet and hide, I'll let him tell you the answer."

Jiang Nuannuan got up obediently and hid in the toilet.

She was also looking forward to the conversation between Gu Tingyan and his mother.

The toilet door closed, and a tall man in a black suit entered steadily.

Lin Xiao watched him come in. Faced with the increasingly steady and oppressive feeling on her son's body, she felt frightened in her heart, but her face was kind: "Why do you think of working days?"

Gu Tingyan looked around and saw that there was a cup of hot tea that had just been poured on the empty table. He narrowed his black eyes and went to sit down. "Mom, are you looking for Jiang Nuannuan?"

"You are very well informed. Can't I come and chat with her?" Lin Xiao changed the cup and poured him tea again.

Jiang Nuannuan was taken away when she went out in the morning. Aunt Mei at the window saw her and was afraid that something would happen to her, so she quickly called him.

The man crossed his legs and said in a cold voice, "What did you say? She is there."

Lin Xiao was dissatisfied with this interrogation of the prisoner and said, "I just brought her here to ask a few irrelevant questions, and to see how similar she is to Shi Liu. Now she has gone back."

Gu Tingyan drank the cup of tea on the table and acknowledged her words, "Recuperate here well and stay out of my business."

Seeing his son coming for a lover, he stood up and left after five minutes of sitting. Lin Xiao called out to him, "Stop, I'll ask you a few more questions."

The man stopped, suppressed the impatience in his eyes, and turned around to listen to her question.

"I have no objection to keeping that woman outside, but her face..." Lin Xiao took a deep breath, "You haven't let go of that girl Shiliu at all, have you?"

Gu Tingyan's eyebrows were deep and his expression was indifferent, "You are thinking too much."

"Then answer me, did you raise Jiang Nuannuan because she looks like Fu Shiliu?"

He put one hand in his pocket and replied simply, "Yes."

This is a fact and there is nothing to argue with.

Lin Xiao sighed, with a look like "I know it all." He stood up and took a document from the drawer of the bedside table and showed it to him, "Xin Tao has recently been in contact with Zhai Heng's attending physician. This is a top-secret document he obtained. , take a look.”

Gu Tingyan frowned and said, "You asked him to check Zhai Heng?"

Lin Xiao clicked on the document, "The Zhai family announced that Zhai Heng's condition is improving, but look at this report. The doctor said that he would not live to be 30 years old. They said that he would be cured by finding a heart source and replacing it with a new heart. But his health The situation is complicated, and he cannot bear the heart transplant surgery at all. The probability of dying on the operating table is 99%. The Zhai family does not dare to bet on the 1% probability, so they let him drag his life like this and run to the hospital every three days."

Gu Tingyan threw it onto the bed without even looking at the contents of the document, and a lot of paper fell to the floor.

He took out the cigarette case from his pocket, smoked a cigarette and lit it, "Mom, what do you want to say?"

Lin Xiao knew that he was annoyed and replied patiently: "You and Shi Liu were forced to separate. She is a good person. If you are willing to wait for that boy Zhai Heng, I don't mind if you marry her again." return."

Jiang Nuannuan in the bathroom was shocked when she heard this. There are really wealthy mothers-in-law in the world who don't mind their sons marrying widows from second marriages. Isn't this really just letting their sons be the successors? She deserves to be the heroine everywhere. assists.

The veins on Gu Tingyan's forehead were pulsing. He held a cigarette between his fingertips and said in a cold voice: "There are a lot of people here, and mom is not clear-headed and can easily be led astray. I will have someone arrange for you to move to a nursing home." Lin Xiao He was stunned for a moment, "Why!? Isn't what I said not what you want?! I'm giving you advice!"

"I already knew about Zhai Heng's situation."

The man flicked his cigarette ashes, with broad shoulders and an ugly face, "When I was 26 years old, something happened to my family. How much help did the Zhai family help? Fu Shiliu wanted to come and get married, and it was none of our business, you know? I gave her the opportunity two years ago. I begged her to wait, she was the one who betrayed me first."

"She made sacrifices for her family. We all know that things were not going well for the Fu family at that time." Lin Xiao didn't know where she was for this girl who often donated blood to him and stayed by her side to talk. .

Gu Tingyan's eyes were sarcastic, he took a puff of cigarette and sneered: "Mom, you still thought I was the venture capital executive who drank with others until he had stomach bleeding? The Zhai family brought me ashore. In the past two years, there have been interests in the business, and the relationships are intricate and the stakes are high. Not sure? When did you become so emotional?"

If you really want to wait for someone to die to poach someone, let’s not talk about the extent of the cooperation between the two families. Wouldn’t it be hard to tell it?

Lin Xiao was much bewitched by Fu Shiliu. When he realized what he was saying, his face turned a little pale.

If the relationship really breaks down, I'm afraid it will end in a lose-lose situation. It's not something that can be done for the sake of a woman.

"So." Lin Xiao took a deep breath, suppressed his trembling heart, and said calmly: "Since you know your business ambitions, is Jiang Nuannuan just a lover to you?"

Gu Tingyan raised his eyelids and rarely answered her question decisively.

Marriage in the future is a very common thing for him. All the businessmen around him do this, and he has long passed the age where he cares about love and is brave.

A lover, what can make him hesitate?
Forcibly putting aside the discomfort that arose in his heart, the man put the cigarette into the ashtray and said in a very calm voice: "She is just a lover. I will not marry her if she is not valuable."

When the two-year contract expires, he just lets her go.

But what if she wants to stay?
Thinking of this possibility, Gu Tingyan's eyes changed, and his emotions were complicated and difficult to distinguish.

Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and understood that his son was a man who could handle things clearly. He handed him the envelope bag that Jiang Nuannuan had shown, "Just think of it for me. You go and meet him. It doesn't matter if you don't like it. If you think it's suitable, get married." Bar."

Jiang Nuannuan listened to the whole thing in the bathroom, and 66 asked her in a low voice if she was sad, since she was also a man who had slept with her in the same bed.

She chuckled lightly, her eyes moving, showing off her charm, "Sad? It's not necessarily who will be sad then."

This is a money game worth tens of billions. What should she feel sad about? She had a clear positioning of her identity when she signed the agreement.

The toilet door was opened, and Lin Xiao saw Jiang Nuannuan's face that was about to cry. I saw the pitiful face and said, "Miss Jiang understands. I hope you recognize your identity and stay with him. I will never What are you interfering with?"

Warning her not to think about things that didn't belong to her, Jiang Nuannuan suppressed the ridicule in her heart and went out with a sad face, "Okay, you give me 5000 million, and I promise to understand my position well."

Lin Xiao's expression changed, and his voice was sharp, "What did you say?"

Jiang Nuannuan tucked the loose hair behind her ears and said sheepishly: "Mr. Gu and I are in love. If you threaten me like this, it's hard not to let me blow the pillow to make him change." Idea, ma’am.”

Then she was hit with a check.

As her obedient lover fee.

(End of this chapter)

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