Chapter 153 Beating the child
"Stop, stop! Zhai Lin!"

She grabbed Zhai Lin's raised fist and threw her whole body into his arms, tightly restraining his thin waist to prevent anyone from jumping up and hitting the child again.

The man's brows were full of anger, his angelic face turned into a ferocious demon, and a fierce light burst out from his gray eyes, "Let go! I'm going to beat him to death!"

"Hit the child! Someone is coming! Someone is coming!" A woman was crying and lying on the ground holding the crying child. Jiang Nuannuan turned her eyes and saw that there was still something on the boy's face. See clear red marks.

"Zhai Lin, calm down." Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, her chin inevitably pressed against his chest, and said sternly: "Don't forget that you only came out once, don't mess up the matter."

He lowered his eyes, his dark eyelashes trembled slightly, the tip of his tongue touched the roof of his mouth, he clicked his tongue irritably, and slowly lowered his fisted hand.

Jiang Nuannuan's tense nervous system suddenly relaxed for the most part, and the hand holding him changed to holding an arm.

Outside the game hall, the bodyguards who had been following them quietly came over. They protected the two of them, and someone called Zhai Heng urgently.

"Why are you so crazy! I want to call the police! Call the police!" The woman held the child in her arms and stood up while tremblingly calling her husband and the police.

Only then did Jiang Nuannuan realize that behind these two chubby people, there was a child sitting on the ground. Her eyes touched the two simple wooden sticks on his lower limbs. Her pupils shrank, and she suddenly realized why Zhai Lin was so angry all of a sudden.

She turned her head and asked in a positive tone: "Did you go to help when you saw that child without legs being bullied?"

Zhai Lin looked at her and didn't find any accusation on her face, so he hummed the word "yes" from his nose.

Jiang Nuannuan slowly let go of him and said tentatively: "I'm going to help him pick him up now. Please be obedient and don't rush up and hit him."

Seeing that Zhai Lin didn't respond, she acquiesced. She bypassed the bodyguards, passed by the two crying people, bent down and picked up the silent child.

He didn't seem to expect that someone would come to hug him. He tugged on Jiang Nuannuan's sleeve awkwardly and said in a trembling voice, "Sister, I can walk by myself."

"I hug you."

Jiang Nuannuan carried the child to the public rest chair next to her. The child was wearing old but clean clothes, with a fair and tender face, red eyes, and looked sensible.

She lowered her eyes, looked at the 'legs' supported by wooden sticks and asked, "How did you fall?"

Zhai Lin came over with two small crutches and put them next to the chair to lean on. The boy raised his head and said softly, thank you brother.

The man nodded uncomfortably, and then heard the child's timid voice say: "I was waiting in line to play the pinball machine, and they tried to cut in line, so they pushed me."

Zhai Lin said in a cold voice: "Bullying a kid who has no legs really deserves a beating."

Jiang Nuannuan took two lollipops from the counter next to her and stuffed one into the child's hand. "Sister, please eat."

She opened another one and put it directly into Zhai Lin's mouth. He was stunned for a moment, and the sweet taste of lychees came to his tongue, and he said vaguely: "What are you doing?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and asked, "Is it sweet?"

The whole mouth was filled with the taste of industrial saccharin. Zhai Lin bit the candy stick and nodded for a while, "It's not bad."

Jiang Nuannuan pinched his face and said, "Eating sweets makes you feel good."

Zhai Lin subconsciously avoided her hand and turned his eyes away from her.

System 66: "100 million has been received from Alipay, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 6%."

At this moment, family members from both sides came.

The man with paint still on his body hurried in and picked up the boy, "Is Tongtong okay?"

The children cried as soon as they saw him, and so did the other side. When the woman's husband came, the adults and children all cried bitterly, pointing their fingers at Zhai Lin.

"That damn young man hit his son's face with a basketball for no reason. Look, the skin is all broken." A piece of skin was really scratched off the little fat man's face. He was wearing a shirt, a beer belly and a man clip Holding his briefcase, he came to Zhai Lin angrily, "You are so fucking shameless! Bullying children in the game arcade!"

If the bodyguard hadn't stopped him, the other party would have rushed over and beaten him.

Hearing Zhai Lin chewing the candy next to him, and biting the candy stick viciously, Jiang Nuannuan held his hand and said, "Calm down, calm down."

Today, she didn't know how many times she grabbed his hand. Zhai Lin wanted to shake it off, but felt that the broken candy in her mouth was so sweet, so she moved her fingers, but there was no attack.

Next to him, the boy's father, who used a wooden stick to replace the prosthetic limb, walked up to them and argued with them, "You pushed my child and bullied him! I was just doing a favor!"

Probably seeing that Zhai Lin had a bodyguard who was not easy to mess with, the pot-bellied man immediately changed the target and cursed at the other party, "You painter, listen to your son's lies!"

The woman was also holding her chubby child, shouting from behind, "We have to pay for the medical expenses! You have to take us to the hospital! We also have to pay for the mental damage!"

The boy's father was a painter, and his family was not very wealthy. He suddenly looked embarrassed and said, "You can't bully people like this! You just mess around because my son has bad legs!"

The little chubby guy with a broken face yelled, "He is a stinky cripple! Mom, he still stinks!"

Zhai Lin's expression suddenly sank to the bottom, and his violent expression surged up again. Jiang Nuannuan suddenly let go of him, walked through the bodyguards, and walked to Xiaopangdun.

The boy had probably never seen such a beautiful big sister like her. He was stunned for a moment. Jiang Nuannuan smiled at him, raised her hand and slapped the chubby little face, hitting the area where the skin was peeling off.

"Your mother didn't teach you well, let me teach you."

The game hall was silent for a moment, and then two screams rang out.

"How dare you hit my son!"


Jiang Nuannuan also slapped the woman in the face. Before she was about to be beaten, she quickly ran behind the bodyguard and held Zhai Lin's hand again.

Rather than letting him rush in and go crazy, it would be better for her to be gentler.

Zhai Lin took off the candy stick and threw it away, then asked with a sullen face, "Why did you hit them?"

"You're so mean-mouthed." Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes, her long eyelashes fluttering and her eyes sparkling, "How are you? Have you calmed down?"

"No." Zhai Lin turned his head.

System 66: "500 million has been received from Alipay, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 7%."

He raised his chin and pointed her to look at the badge of the man holding the briefcase, "Did you see it?"

Jiang Nuannuan squinted her eyes. There were six big characters on it, Hengfeng Transportation, General Manager.

"You don't want to say that this courier company is yours, do you?"

Zhai Lin gave her a look that said you got the answer right.

Jiang Nuannuan licked her lower lip and understood why he was not calm.

Two police cars arrived at the game hall. When the police officers saw the familiar Jiang Nuannuan, they suddenly became confused.

Is this lady planning to apply for a resident card with them now?

The two walked into the police station one after another, followed by two other families, one silent and the other cursing.

(End of this chapter)

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