Chapter 154 I will always feel sorry for her

The police routinely took notes for each person separately. Jiang Nuannuan sat in a row next to Zhai Lin. As soon as Zhai Heng walked in, he saw the two of them crossing their legs like uncles and holding two cups of hot coffee in their hands.

If you get closer, you can still hear the two talking.

"What do you mean I can't shoot accurately? You squeezed it out for me."

"You're so stingy, aren't you just downgraded a bit? I'm here to save you even before I even play the claw machine."

The other end was cursing, "Who wants you to save me?"

Jiang Nuannuan was chatting with Zhai Lin, just hoping that he would forget about the bad thing just now, when a porcelain-white jade hand suddenly stretched out in front of his eyes and tapped the table gently.

The person behind him leaned over, and a light medicinal fragrance hit his nostrils.

"the fat is in the fire?"

A gentle voice brushed the top of her hair, and Jiang Nuannuan lowered her crossed legs subconsciously. Next to him, Zhai Lin straightened his back out of fear of his brother.

She raised her head and saw a side face with a cold white complexion, looking at it with carefully carved eyebrows and a bit of concern.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart skipped a beat and she nodded, "Yeah, a little bit of trouble."

Zhai Heng curled his lower lip and said in a teasing tone: "Am I like a parent who comes to pick up a child who has made a mistake?"

She pursed her lower lip and replied softly: "Sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble." Zhai Heng straightened up and stood behind her, with a tall figure and a protective posture.

Zhai Lin looked at him and remained silent.

The two police officers opposite were glanced at by Zhai Heng, and they immediately said: "The matter has been found out. The main reason is the conflict between the two families. Now we need the second young master to compensate for some medical expenses."

Zhai Heng nodded, "I'll go check the surveillance."

"It's been taken back." The policeman quickly took him there.

Zhai Lin waited for his brother to leave, his straight back slightly bent, and he calmed down.

He kicked Jiang Nuannuan's feet, "Don't talk nonsense in front of my brother."

Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of coffee and said, "Afraid that you won't be allowed to come out next time?"

Zhai Lin didn't speak, his expression clearly reflected what she said.

"Before you act next time, think about your situation first." She put down the coffee cup and kicked his prosthetic leg twice, leaving two shoe prints on the gray trousers.

Jiang Nuannuan was quite satisfied with her masterpiece. Zhai Lin didn't bother to vent his anger with her this time and walked out to leave. The child sitting on the bench at the door stopped him.

"Brother." He raised his head and handed an uneaten lollipop to him, "You eat it."

Zhai Lin stood in front of him, bent down and opened the candy for him, then stuffed it back into his mouth and said awkwardly: "I don't lack any candy, you can eat it yourself."

The child held the candy in his mouth and lowered his eyes in embarrassment. This was given to him by the beautiful sister just now.

Zhai Lin sat down next to him and poked his leg, "Why don't you let someone make a prosthetic leg?"

The child hid the wooden leg under the chair and whispered, "Because it's expensive, my dad can't afford to go to the hospital to do it for me."

"Expensive?" Zhai Lin could not imagine how expensive this thing could be.

"Well, it costs tens of thousands, and two legs are even more expensive." The child licked the lollipop and said vaguely: "I want to stand up as tall as them, and dad can only do this for me."

Jiang Nuannuan listened to the conversation between the two word for word, and also saw the silence on Zhai Lin's face.

For him, if a prosthetic limb is worn out, throw it away, throw it away if it doesn't look good, or throw it away if it feels uncomfortable. He won't consider the value of the thing at all. He even disliked wearing prosthetic limbs before, but he never thought about what he said. Things that can be thrown away are simply unaffordable for ordinary amputee patients.

An idea flashed in Jiang Nuannuan's mind, and she went over to pat Zhai Lin on the shoulder, "How about we make a prosthetic leg for the child when we have time?"

Let him go and see how more children who have more difficulties than him survive. It seems good to trick him into becoming a philanthropist. Anyway, this person has too much money and no place to spend it, so he might as well donate it all. .

Zhai Lin didn't notice the thoughtfulness and calculation in her eyes. His eyes kept falling on the two wooden legs and he whispered, "Okay."

"Then I'll go to his father and tell him that you want to donate."

Jiang Nuannuan walked to the interrogation room where the two families were.As soon as the door opened, she walked in and found that everyone, including the police, was as quiet as a chicken and very honest, especially the fat man with a briefcase in his hand. He didn't dare to wipe the cold sweat from his temples.

Zhai Heng sat behind the computer desk, looked at the surveillance screen, raised his eyes and said to the girl who came in: "Come here."

Jiang Nuannuan walked over obediently.

"Hand out."

She obediently stretched out her hand.

"Does it hurt."

The man took her hand and spoke in a low voice.

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "It doesn't hurt."

What hurts?
Zhai Heng rubbed his thumb in circles in her palm twice, and said warmly: "Don't attack someone directly no matter how angry you are."

Thinking that he was educating her about her bad image in public, Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "I understand."

Zhai Heng let go and glanced at the clothes on her body from the corner of his eye. He noticed that the colors were different in color. He looked away without any trace and looked at the group of people in front who were waiting to hear the news.

He told the assistant who came with him, "Go and get some money to pay Zhai Lin and this father's medical expenses."

The father was referring to the child without legs, and he said thank you awkwardly.

On the other side, the fat man holding the briefcase hunched his back, wiped cold sweat, and said hurriedly: "Young Master, no! You don't have to pay me! This is because our children are disobedient, and the Second Young Master should hit him." .”

He never dreamed that he would meet the boss's boss's brother in a shabby game arcade and almost get beaten.

Now it’s okay, I have to lose my job!

"Dad! Why are you speaking for a bad guy! That's a cripple too! I saw that his trousers are also fake!"

The little chubby guy still wanted to curse, but his mother, who was just like him, slapped her son in the face.

This family, this little kid, has not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

The child's wailing cry made people upset, and his mother quickly took him out in despair.

Zhai Heng stood up, straightened his clothes, and said to those who followed him: "Contact Hengfeng. If you have bad conduct, please resign."

He looked at Jiang Nuannuan and said warmly: "Let's go, I'll take you to buy new clothes."

She looked down and felt that her clothes were quite good, "What are you buying clothes for?"

The man's fingers touched her shoulders and touched a small patch of moisture. "It's wet. Did it rain in front?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "It rained a little." But he wasn't so squeamish that he wanted to buy new clothes. They were almost dry.

Zhai Heng stared at her with deep eyes and said slowly: "You can't catch a cold. Just listen to me."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She felt that she was his biological brother. From head to toe, this man didn't even give Zhai Lin a look.


The man behind him was crying and asking Zhai Heng to give him another chance, but the bodyguards blocked him tightly.

Then, when the man went out, he slapped his wife and kicked his son. Police officers swarmed in to stop him from committing domestic violence in the station.

Zhai Lin was sent to the car first by the bodyguard and left. Jiang Nuannuan also got the phone number of the father of the boy who was missing his lower limbs.

Zhai Heng took her to the nearest luxury shopping mall.

Jiang Nuannuan walked into a store casually, with the intention of picking something casually, and the person next to her handed her a skirt.

"Go and try it, it should look good."

Zhai Heng was helping her choose a dress very seriously, holding hangers in both hands and comparing colors.
Jiang Nuannuan immediately suppressed her desire to do it perfunctorily and reached out to take it.

(End of this chapter)

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