Chapter 155 I will do whatever you say

She walked out wearing a blue sleeveless tulle skirt with a fluffy hem. Zhai Heng sat on the sofa with his hands on his legs, looking at her intently.

It is certain that in the past 3 minutes of changing clothes, this person did not change his posture or even glance at his mobile phone.

"Is it the right size? Is it comfortable? Do you want another set?" This was the first thing he said.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that such a man who could considerately and take care of women in all aspects was dead.

Is it because Zhai Heng is only so attentive to her?

But she is at best a friend, and maybe a friend who is secretly in love with him.

Why does he show so much concern for her?Still knowing that she was Gu Tingyan's lover.

Seeing that she was lost in thought, Zhai Heng stood up and walked over, handing her the thin coat in his hand, "What's wrong?"

Putting the light-colored coat on his body, Jiang Nuannuan came back to his senses and looked at the man standing behind him in the mirror. His gentle and serious face was really a bit unpredictable.

"The one you chose looks pretty good." She put her hands into the sleeves and buttoned a coat button. "It's also very comfortable and the size is just right."

Zhai Heng's thin lips curved slightly, "It's my first time to go shopping with a lady, please forgive me."

the first time?
Jiang Nuannuan turned to look at him, "Can I ask a question?"

"I'm going to pay the bill first."

He went over and paid the money, then came back and asked her, "Do you want your old clothes? I can help you take them to the laundry."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "No, just throw it away."

Zhai Heng asked her to get in the car, and just for her 'convenience', he took her to a cafe, and even chose a rooftop with a great view.

Jiang Nuannuan hugged the coffee cup. The waiter brought a small lemon cake. Zhai Heng pushed it to her, "Eat something to cushion your stomach, and then ask slowly."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Suddenly I couldn't ask what was going on.

She stirred the coffee, moved her butt forward, sat upright and asked him, "How many years have you and Miss Fu been married?"

Zhai Heng: "2 years."

That is, not long after Gu Tingyan's father's original company went bankrupt and the man was at a low point in his career, they got married.

Jiang Nuannuan asked again: "Did you get married voluntarily?"

Zhai Heng stared at her, "Why do you want to ask this?"

Because you keep seducing me.

Jiang Nuannuan took a strategic sip of coffee and said, "Well, I want to know about your past. Of course, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Do you understand me?" Zhai Heng's lips curled up slightly, with a hint of smile in his eyes, and he said warmly: "It wasn't voluntary. I was so ill that I couldn't get out of bed. It was my grandma who asked someone to tell fortunes and thought that Fu Shiliu's horoscope was the same as mine. It's appropriate, getting married can save your life. She took my marriage certificate and found someone to register it."

"Maybe it's a miracle?" His smile became more mocking, "I survived."

My grandmother, who is a Buddhist, is also a superstitious person.

Jiang Nuannuan was dumbfounded and asked 66 wildly if there was such a paragraph. The idiot only replied with three words, "I don't know."

So is it true that there was only one certificate for this marriage from beginning to end?Zhai Heng has no feelings for Fu Shiliu.

She pursed her lips and said, "I heard from a doctor friend that patients with severe heart failure have a hard time falling asleep every night."

There were waves in Zhai Heng's eyes, and the hand on his thigh tightened slightly, "Then what?" Do you like me?And why do you like me?So he pretended to sleep on my shoulder again and again.

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to ask directly, but felt that nothing could be measured in this way. She poked at the small piece of cake for a long time, raised her eyes and changed the topic, "You said before that you were willing to help me no matter what request I made. It's true." Of?"

Zhai Heng looked at her with soft eyes, "I will do my best."

"You get a divorce."

The moment Jiang Nuannuan said her request, her mind exploded.

"Divorce! You told him to divorce! Are you out of your mind! What is the name of this book? It's called "The Unobtainable White Moonlight"! If the male partner Zhai Heng gets divorced, then the white moonlight and Fu Shiliu will be easily available! You have to enter the plot line in advance!"

Jiang Nuannuan sat in the car going home, rubbing her brows with a headache, "Shut up!"

System 66 suddenly became quiet.

After it was cleared, Jiang Nuannuan spoke calmly, "First of all, don't forget that there may be something wrong with the script you gave me. This is the fastest way to detect whether I got the wrong one."

System 66: "I'm such a jerk, why don't I understand?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Think about it for yourself. You told me before that there were four Bai Yueguangs who wanted me to take over. Count them. So far, there are only three worlds, four male protagonists, three Bai Yueguangs, Fu Shiliu, Fu Ying, and Rong Zhao. , who else is it? Don’t tell me that you said something wrong at that time.”

System 66 was stunned, and hurriedly turned over the previous script, shocked, "Holy shit, how could I tell you that there were four people! There were obviously only three!"

"The Unobtainable White Moonlight" is a script with two male protagonists. The brother surnamed Gu only loves Fu Shiliu. With the other two fusion scripts, there are not only three Bai Yueguangs. Since there are only three worlds, the unknown male protagonist and Bai Yueguang What's going on?
66 couldn’t figure it out either. It wasn’t her reminder that it didn’t realize that the number of people didn’t match.

Jiang Nuannuan almost couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "Think about that unknown Bai Yueguang, which script is it in, and which male protagonist is Bai Yueguang? Or, where did the unknown male protagonist come from? Is there a fifth one? Is it the male protagonist? Or is there a fourth world integrated into it?"

66: “I don’t know either.”

Jiang Nuannuan cursed in her head, "Idiot!! Idiot! What use do I need from you!!"

"My smart little head is really unworthy of you!"

66 huddled in the corner due to her rebuke, covering her face with her phantom limb, and burst into tears, "You bullied me."

Jiang Nuannuan: "." convex.

After calming down, she stopped paying attention to 66 who had been criticized by her for doubting her life, and began to think about the following plot.

If Zhai Heng really got divorced because of her request, it would at least prove that the identity she got was far more complicated than a supporting role. She vaguely had the answer, but she couldn't quite figure it out.

As for the dual male protagonist line, Gu Tingyan is sure that she will continue to gain favor. This man has a strong sense of morality and is subtly used to her presence around him, so he will not get involved with Fu Shiliu anytime soon.

When it comes to Gu Shizhou, this is a bit troublesome. How likely is it that Neptune will play the prodigal son's trick?She was hard to predict, but she still had to stop Fu Shiliu from getting close to her, at least until she had enough money.

Jiang Nuannuan touched her chin and pondered, and the car stopped at the entrance of Bishui Bay.

She opened the door and got out of the car, glanced at Zhai Heng inside, and said, "Go slowly."

Zhai Heng called her, "Nuan Nuan."

She turned back and bent down to look at him sitting in the shadows.

"Is this what you expected from me getting divorced?"

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while and smiled: "Maybe I want to get closer to you."

The car door closed, and the low-key Bentley drove away along the garden path. Inside the car, the man slowly raised his hand and covered his chest.

There was a heart inside, hitting his chest again and again, making his bones hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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