Chapter 156 is still valid
After a while, the man raised his eyes and looked at the setting sun in the distance. His pale face was filled with warmth and he whispered softly: "I forgot to do something."

She said she didn't catch a single doll.

Not long after Jiang Nuannuan returned home, the doorbell rang, and the security guard said someone had delivered something.

She opened the door to pick it up, and what came was a whole bag of dolls.

It doesn't take much thought to figure out who sent it.

She sighed, dragged the bag full of dolls in, and sent Zhai Heng a thank you.

Zhai Heng sent a voice message.

"nice! You love it."

This is not a question of whether he likes it or not, this is a question of what he wants to do after she says a word.

Really nerve-racking.

After decorating the furniture in the house in Bishui Bay, Jiang Nuannuan took a taxi back to Sunshine Garden.

Aunt May has prepared dinner.

And Gu Tingyan, who always works overtime, went home on time today.

She went in to change her shoes. Over there on the sofa, the man put down his computer and stood up.

"Is the store ready?"

Jiang Nuannuan stepped into her slippers and looked up at him on the steps. He was wearing a white shirt, a black vest, and a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looked like he was rushing back to work.

She pursed her lips and responded, "Not yet, something happened today."

Gu Tingyan observed her face and remained silent for a few seconds, "What did my mother say to you?"

Apparently he thought the words on the phone during the day were perfunctory.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at Aunt Mei who was poking her head behind him, walked around him and said, "Let's eat first."

Aunt Mei felt that the atmosphere was not right, so she hid in the kitchen alone and did not come out.

There were three dishes and one soup. Jiang Nuannuan took the initiative to serve him a bowl and ate it by himself.

Gu Tingyan didn't like talking at the dinner table, so the two simply finished their meal and went upstairs to the study one after another. Aunt Mei, who was hiding in the kitchen, came out to pack her things.

Jiang Nuannuan sat at the desk, face to face with him, and then she said, "Auntie asked me if I am your lover."

Gu Tingyan took off his glasses and put them into the case, "There are more."

"I said yes." She held her hands on the table, her long hair was let down, and she looked a bit lazy. "She told me to keep to myself, and said"

She paused, "If it weren't for Fu Shiliu, you would marry someone else. Do you think so too?"

The study window was ajar, and the curtains blew against the chair legs from time to time, making a sound.

The evening breeze was a bit cold, and the man sat there with a silent expression. After a while, he spoke, "Business marriage is normal."

He is 28 this year and will be [-] in two years. At his age, others would have already gotten married and had children.

It is indeed normal to marry a woman of matching status.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him and suddenly smiled, "What about the contract? Our two-year agreement."

Gu Tingyan frowned, "It still works."

She stopped her smile and tapped her chest with a confused expression, "You will really make people sad if you do this."

The man's expression darkened, and he was a little confused. Then he calmed down and opened the drawer, and took out the previously signed contract and showed it to her, as if to let her remember the non-transferable content on it.

"When the contract is over, I will ensure that you have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life. No one will know about our relationship, and you can live a good life."

He said the words "live a good life" with half-gritted teeth, as if he was reluctant.

"You can also choose," he said calmly, "continue to stay with me."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't see that his hands under the table were clenched into fists. She just wiped her eyes and nodded calmly, "Don't get married in the next two years. This is my only request." She stood up and pushed away the chair. She lowered her eyes, and her long eyelashes couldn't block her red eyes. She turned around and walked away so fast that the door to the study was closed with force.

Gu Tingyan's heart felt like it was being held by a hand and was being pulled outwards, making it very uncomfortable.

He irritably walked to the window and lit a cigarette. The flame of the cigarette flickered on and off, and the cool evening breeze couldn't dispel the haze in his heart.

System 66: "Alipay has received 1000 million, and Gu Tingyan's favorability is 38%. How did those words just now make him so favorably favored?"

Jiang Nuannuan threw an onion peel in her hand into the trash can and lazily walked to the bed in the guest room.

"You still can't understand? Gu Tingyan always likes to act according to the rules and has his own set of moral bottom lines, but he said that he would let me stay with him even after getting married. This is contrary to his attitude towards Fu Shiliu. At the beginning, he Because I broke the rules I established, I gained a favorable impression."

She looked at the ceiling and said with interest: "Don't forget that the plot of Bai Yueguang has two male protagonists. The male protagonists accept each other's existence and only love one woman."

"And what happened that made Gu Tingyan break all rules and morals, accept Gu Shizhou, and have a woman together?"

System 66 obediently asked: "What happened?"

"Every corner of her lonely life was tainted with her breath. It became an addiction that cannot be quit or forgotten. However, she was hurt and ran away with others."

System 66's non-existent hairs stood up as he listened to her whisper, "You are so bad, stealing the leading role."

"I'll give you a second to reformulate."

"I love it so much."


It’s hard to say who the protagonist is now.

Late at night, the man lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He lit two cigarettes and thought about life in front of the window. Finally, he secretly opened the door to the guest room.

The girl in the bed was sleeping soundly. He leaned in and looked at her for a while, then picked her up expressionlessly and returned to the master bedroom.

Unconscious Jiang Nuannuan vaguely felt that she had vacated the ground, moved her hands, wrapped around the hot body in front of her, smelled the faint smell of tobacco, and fell into sleep.

In the past two days, Jiang Nuannuan traveled between France and Linggang, finalizing several new members, taking away most of Lu Jin's clients, and relinquishing most of her rights to be in charge of the studio.

This was so effective that when Lu Jin came to find her, the atmosphere in the entire studio changed drastically.

"Do you have a problem with me because of what happened last time?" She asked straightforwardly.

Jiang Nuannuan sat in the office chair and said calmly: "Relax, I just want to give you some rest time. You have done a lot of things by yourself, so it is inevitable that there will be omissions."

Lu Jin stared at her for a long time, then sighed in defeat, "You're right."

She worked hard and spent a lot of energy to help her manage the Qiao Lin brand, but in the end, the things were not hers.

Seeing her turning around to leave, Jiang Nuannuan turned her pen, stopped her, and said with a smile: "I'm just kidding you, I just have better arrangements for you. Are you interested in returning to China to manage a new studio?"

Lu Jin turned around with shock in his eyes, "Have you made this plan?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "When I finish it over there, you can help me."

Lu Jin pursed his lips and said, "Are you still willing to believe me?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "Of course, we have been partners for many years."

Linggang's connections are all hers, and she likes Lu Jin's ability. Similarly, this person can always know what he is doing.

It's a pity to waste such a good resource.

It was almost half a month after everything in France was settled and settled. On the morning of returning to China, Fei Jin sent a WeChat message.

Fei Jinzhao: Are you busy lately?
He rarely came to him, so Jiang Nuannuan directly called him back, "What's the matter? I just got free from work."

Fei Jinzhao held the phone, with a cold face hesitant, and then said, "Do you want to go shopping for grandma's clothes together?"

Jiang Nuannuan agreed and made an appointment with him.

After hanging up the phone, she saw the date on the lock screen and suddenly realized something.

(Words: I never forcibly inserted the character Zhai Heng into the article. His behavior is in line with all the plot trends. For those who don’t like him, please don’t disturb those who like him. Thank you.)
(End of this chapter)

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