Chapter 158 I just feel sorry for you, nothing else

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes trembled slightly, realizing that Fei Jinzhao had been hiding the fact that his grandmother's illness could not be cured.

She turned to look at him. The young man's lips were very light, he put on a shallow smile, and said softly: "Well, after staying in the hospital for a while to consolidate the condition, the doctor said that you can go home to recover."

"That's good, I've really suffered a lot in the past two years." The old man nodded and said to Jiang Nuannuan with a smile: "What's your name? Come to our house later, Jinzhao's cooking is delicious. .”

"My name is Jiang Nuannuan." She put on her red coat, zipped it up to cover the hospital gown underneath, and replied with a smile: "I know, he often cooks it for me, and we will go home to eat together in the future."

"Does it look good?" She put her arm around the old man's shoulders and turned to ask Fei Jinzhao, who was standing at the end of the bed.

He smiled and said, "It looks good."

Fei Jinzhao gave almost all his tenderness to his grandmother, serving her meals, taking medicine, wiping her hands and washing her feet. When the nurse came back from the meal, he had almost finished all the work.

It was getting late before he took Jiang Nuannuan away.

"I can't take you out to play recently."

Walking on the tree-lined path, the young man said calmly with a side face: "I want to prepare for the funeral."

Jiang Nuannuan felt the discomfort coming from him, looked at the emotionless face, raised her hand and pinched it, "It's okay, let's go home for dinner now?"

"What to eat?"

"You made it, please have some wine?"

Fei Jinzhao frowned, "I won't drink."

"Oh, then I'll buy it myself."

In the end, the two drove home and stopped by the supermarket, picking up a dozen beers and some peanuts.

Jiang Nuannuan received a call from Aunt Mei asking if she would come back for dinner. When she heard that Gu Tingyan wouldn't come back tonight, she immediately said she was busy and hung up.

After simply cooking two dishes and drinking beer each, Fei Jinzhao felt very depressed and drank half the bottle in one gulp. The wine rolled down her lips and into her throat, and she didn't even notice it wet her clothes.

Jiang Nuannuan gnawed on the peanuts, and imitated him and drank half the bottle in a few sips. As a result, she couldn't stop the car, too many bubbles entered her throat, and she burped loudly.

The room suddenly became quiet.

She put down the bottle and closed her mouth, her cheeks turning red.

Fei Jinzhao stared at her, raised the corners of his lips, then retracted them very restrainedly, pretending that nothing happened and picked up a piece of braised pork.

System 66: "Alipay received 1000 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 35%."


Jiang Nuannuan coughed lightly, "You can laugh if you want, don't hold it in."

"It's not funny." Fei Jinzhao smoothed the corners of her lips and said softly, "You don't need to drink too much to accompany me."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him with her chin in her hands and licked her lips, "Didn't your family live in Linggang before?"

"Well, it's a long way to go, in the countryside." He drank the wine in sips, thinking about the past, his eyes became wet.

"When grandma comes back, do you plan to take her back or live here?" She took a few sips of wine and said, "The price of a cemetery here in Linggang starts at 10,000+, I can go first."

Even before I borrowed the money from you, Fei Jinzhao refused, "The old woman has fallen and returned to her roots. I will take her back."

Cemetery prices in the countryside are relatively cheap, and it is convenient to arrange funeral arrangements. Jiang Nuannuan bit her lip, "Do you want me to help? You may not be able to do it by then."

In your family, you are the only one now.

She couldn't say this, so she could only ask him in a roundabout way.

Fei Jinzhao frowned, "I'll take care of it. After dinner, I'll take you back."

"Oh." This means she doesn't need to pay.

What can I do? She only has money now.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the beer. She remembered that she was taking the one with the highest alcohol content, and with a sudden heartbeat, she poured four bottles in a row into her stomach.

Fei Jinzhao drank a little too much and didn't pay attention to her. After a dozen of 12 cans, 6 were in his stomach. His head was a little dizzy, so he went to wash the dishes.

Jiang Nuannuan put her hands on her chin and stared at him coming back with a blushing face. "Are you okay?" He leaned down and touched her face with his rough palms.

"It's okay." She blinked and looked at his ghost and stretched out her hand, "You give me a hug."

It's okay.

Fei Jinzhao sighed, bent down to pick him up and put him on the new sofa. Jiang Nuannuan didn't let him go, she moved her buttocks into his arms and sat down, wrapping her hands around his neck.

The strong body was a little stiff. The young man lowered his head and intertwined his breathing with hers. He looked helpless and said, "Sit down and I'll get you some sobering soup."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, her blurred almond eyes flickering, "I'm drunk now. I will forget everything when I wake up tomorrow. If you are sad, you can hold me and cry."

She nodded her shoulders and straightened her body forward, "Here you go, lean on me."

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't think of anything else to do, not only to protect his self-esteem, but also to comfort him.

Fei Jinzhao was stunned for a moment, seeing that she couldn't sit firmly on her lap and was about to fall back, so she hugged her back, her throat was a little blocked.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head, put her head into his neck and rubbed it, and wrapped her hair around his neck like a caress.

"I'll stay with you tonight."

System 66: "Alipay received 1000 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 36%."

Fei Jinzhao's hand suddenly tightened, and his fingertips dug into the soft flesh of her waist through the thin material of clothing, like a shackle, making her unable to move.

"Don't be so nice to me, you just don't understand this sentence."

His voice was hoarse and his voice sounded harsh at the end.

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, touched his chest with her little hand, and coaxed, "I just feel sorry for you, nothing else."

These words sounded to him as if he was hiding his thoughts. Fei Jinzhao did not speak for a long time.

The light in the living room was brightly lit, then suddenly went out again.

This sudden darkness made Jiang Nuannuan tremble all over, and she shrank into someone's arms, "There's a power outage, Fei Jinzhao."

"Well, the cable was probably dug out again." He whispered back, with no intention of letting her go.

Fortunately, there was a cool breeze at night and the room was not hot. Jiang Nuannuan stayed in his arms and ran her hands along his chest to comfort him.

Probably because she was a little sleepy due to the alcohol, her hands became slower and slower, and finally dropped down, and her eyes became more and more blurry. She was about to fall asleep leaning on him when a sudden burst of moisture hit the top of her hair.

Jiang Nuannuan's sleepyhead ran away in an instant.

Realizing that it was Fei Jinzhao who was crying.

She didn't dare to disturb him loudly, but she felt that her head was getting wet and wet, and tears fell on it, which was still warm.

But the boy who is still in college has endured all the malice in the world.

After another half hour, her head was gently rubbed, and Jiang Nuannuan couldn't hold it in any longer.

She drank too much and she really wanted to pee.

"Fei Jinzhao." She quietly grabbed his collar and muttered, "I want to go to the toilet."

The hoarse magnetic voice quickly calmed down his emotions and said, "I'll take you there."

The room was dark, and he didn't use a flashlight. He took the person into the toilet with familiarity.

After taking care of her physiological needs, Jiang Nuannuan staggered out, hit a small step, and was hugged by someone.

"I want to brush my teeth and wash my face." She said inarticulately.

"Then stand still and I'll light the candles."

"it is good."

When the candlelight came on, the pretty figure stood motionless as expected, with a small face hazy in the dim light, looking cute and cute.

"Are you still sad now?" She asked him in a low voice, biting her lips, "I can let you hold me for a while after washing."

Fei Jin's heart skipped a beat, and she put the candle on the small table next to her. She walked over and held her face by accident, lowered her head and kissed her pink lips.
(End of this chapter)

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