Chapter 159 I'm Not Liu Xiahui
His kiss was very light, and his soft lips parted with just a light touch.

"Go and wash."

Before Fei Jinzhao retreated, Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his collar, wrapped her vine-like arms around his neck, licked her lower lip, and reacted slowly, "Did you kiss me just now?"


He turned his face sideways, and half of his cheek fell into darkness, while the remaining half was illuminated by the warm candlelight, adding a bit of blush.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that he couldn't help himself and was embarrassed.

She slapped her lips, immediately adding heat to the atmosphere, and said considerately: "It was too fast, I haven't reacted yet, you can do it again."

Fei Jinzhao put a hand against her soft face and took the initiative to come up to her. He was speechless by her sudden expression of affection, "Don't you want to wash up? You go and wash up for me."

"One more, huh"

Those green fingers directly blocked her mouth, and she couldn't even think of a word coming out.

Fei Jinzhao bent down, his chestnut eyes were like amber, and there was a low pressure hidden in them.

"You're wearing jeans and you're asking for a kiss. Who else knew you were so bold when you were drunk? You dared to say anything to a man? You dared to look anywhere?"

She kissed her and even angrily lectured her.

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head unwillingly, kissed the palm of his hand that sealed her mouth, stuck out the tip of her tongue, and gave it a mischievous lick.

Fei Jinzhao retracted her hand like an electric shock, her pupils were about to burst because of her actions, and her heart was beating hard. He pinched one of her cheeks and reprimanded in a low voice, "Jiang Nuannuan! You know How do you write the word shame?!"

Last time I was not ashamed, this time I changed to Chinese language test.

She took the opportunity to push his hand away, ran into his arms and rolled around to change the subject, "Then help me go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I can't stand firmly."

The drunkard in his arms wanted to act coquettishly, and no one could do anything about it. His body rubbed against his chest and twisted around, unaware that the place he passed by was like a spark of fire igniting a prairie fire, igniting a fire of desire.

Fei Jinzhao pinched her waist, pressed her into his arms, gritted his teeth and said, "If you move again, we'll go to bed."

The threat took effect, and there was suddenly no movement in his arms.

His tense nerves finally relaxed, and he pulled her into the toilet, took the candle in, and found her his own tooth cup and toothbrush.

When she moved last time, she was very proactive and brought all these things, including bath towels, and stuffed them all in his cabinet.

This will be taken out just in time for use.

Jiang Nuannuan reluctantly finished washing herself and rolled up her trouser legs to wash her feet. Fei Jinzhao led her to the bathroom and turned on the shower for her.

The girl's toes are all white and tender, standing there pressing against the floor, her lower skin color looks very nice with a little pink.

His Adam's apple rolled slightly, holding back the dark light, he pulled a towel and wiped it for her, letting her put on her slippers.

"The bed is made, go and sleep on your own."

As soon as Jiang Nuannuan walked into the room, there was a snap and the door was closed behind her.

It was so fast that he seemed to be trying to avoid this savage beast like her.

that is.
She was the one who was taken advantage of, right?

She snorted heavily, took off her pants and got into the bed that smelled of simple sunshine, and rolled around holding Fei Jinzhao's mushroom quilt.

So delicious.

There was a scent of shower gel, his usual lavender.

She settled into a comfortable position and fell asleep with the quilt between her legs.

In the middle of the night, Fei Jinzhao, who didn't know if the drunkard was asleep, had to dispel the burning sensation in her abdomen and took two cold showers before quietly opening the door to the room.

What caught his eye was the faint light of a half-burned candle, and two long honey-colored legs curled up on the bed. The loose nerves in his brain tightened instantly, and then snapped.


Jiang Nuannuan was shocked by the sound of the door closing and opened her eyes. She pursed her lips in annoyance, closed her eyes, turned around and continued to fall asleep.

After a while, the door opened again, and the window was open at night. It was cool in autumn, so Fei Jinzhao had to sneak in, pull the quilt off and wrap her up again.The last candle burned out, leaving only the natural light brought in by the green sky in the room, which was dark.

Fei Jinzhao sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out her hand to push away a strand of hair hanging from her face, looked at the cute little face who was sleeping soundly, and whispered: "Do you really think I am Liu Xiahui?"

He bit her lip punitively, pressed the back of her exposed hand with his palm, and kissed her deeper than before.

Jiang Nuannuan dreamed of chewing gum again, but this time it was not tobacco-flavored, but a faint aroma of wine echoed between her teeth, and it tasted good.

It was close to noon when she woke up slowly. The first thing she felt was the tearing pain in her lip, and her brain was pounding with nerves.

She whimpered, covered her head and got up. System 66 announced a series of good news in her ears. Fei Jinzhao's favorability reached 40%, and she made a net profit of more than 1 million in one night.

"So much? What else have I done?"

System 66: "Oh, you didn't do anything. You just took off your pants to seduce him to kiss you, and then you would respond even in your dreams. You stimulated him hard."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

You don’t take off your pants when you sleep?Is it uncomfortable?
She licked her stinging lips, but she didn't expect that Fei Jinzhao was more vicious than Gu Tingyan, biting her like a little wolf.

While thinking, the young man opened the door and came in. He was covered in moisture and his hair was wet against his scalp. He calmly threw her a set of clothes, "I went out to buy them. You can see if they fit."

Jiang Nuannuan noticed at a glance that the skin on his mouth was also broken, and System 66 immediately explained: "Oh, you were bitten by him too, and you were eating hamburgers in your dream."


She scratched her hair and asked him in a hoarse voice: "My mouth hurts so much. What did you do last night?"

Fei Jinzhao was not surprised at all that she was forgetful after drinking. He should feel lucky that she forgot about the kiss last night, but the uncomfortable emotions that surged up told him otherwise.

He pressed his eyelids, turned around, walked to the door, and said softly: "You went crazy with alcohol and bit your mouth after eating."

Jiang Nuannuan: "." This is a really good reason.

She blinked, "What about you? Why is your mouth broken?"

Fei Jinzhao took a breath and said quickly: "It's too dry, my lips are chapped."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Oh."

It’s time to cooperate with your performance, and I won’t miss a beat.

After he went out and closed the door, she pulled the clothes bag on the bed over. Inside was a beautiful long-sleeved skirt with the tag removed. She took it out and touched it, her expression slightly changed.

It's a very good chiffon material, definitely not the kind of street stall stuff that costs one or two hundred dollars.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her stinging lips, calmed down her complicated emotions, and got out of bed to change clothes.

The skirt is a bit too big, but the belt around the waist is just right.

The little knitted jacket I wore yesterday looks great.

She rubbed her temples and walked out, and saw the man standing on the small balcony, drying her jeans.

Fei Jin looked back at her, then turned to take the T-shirt she had changed to wash, "Breakfast is on the table."

"How about I wash it myself?" She felt a little embarrassed.

Fei Jinzhao: "Are you doing laundry at home?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "It seems not." Aunt Mei does housework every day, and she hasn't washed clothes in a long time.

Fei Jinzhao tugged at the corner of her lower lip. The little princess didn't even know how to wash her clothes.

A bowl of hangover soup and a small portion of steamed buns.

Jiang Nuannuan sat on the sofa and ate, listening to the morning news.

"Director Zhai Heng, the owner of the largest railway group, completed the divorce procedures with his wife Fu Shiliu yesterday morning. The stock price of Lingyang Technology, controlled by the Fu family, fell sharply today."

(End of this chapter)

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