Chapter 160 Clothing Exhibition

The delicious juice in the xiaolongbao was scalding to the tip of her tongue. Jiang Nuannuan spit out the half-bitten bun and stared at the TV.

Zhai Hengli!marriage!Got it!
He really listened to what I said to him more than half a month ago.

She curled the tip of her tongue and took out the phone in her bag. Several new text messages came in.

But it wasn't sent by Zhai Heng. It was from a hospital where we had agreed to install a prosthetic limb for the little boy. We could take him there tomorrow for custom-made prosthetic limbs.

"Are you making an appointment for a prosthetic limb?" Fei Jinzhao sat next to her at some unknown time.

Jiang Nuannuan calmly put down her phone and nodded, "Well, I sponsored a child with a broken leg and I want to customize a prosthesis for him."

Fei Jinzhao looked at her, "Can your love be given to anyone?"

She turned her face sideways and said, "How can we say charity? It is very meaningful to help a person in need overcome difficulties and grow."

The eyes of the people around her were clear and without any lies. Fei Jinzhao understood that all the 'poor' people, including him, were probably the same in front of her. What did she like?It's just a way to maintain his self-esteem.

He turned away his eyes and wiped his broken lips with his thumb, "You can go back after cleaning up. I will have class later."

Jiang Nuannuan looked past him at the jeans and short-sleeves swaying in the wind, and nodded, "When the clothes and pants are dry, put them in the closet. I'll pick them up next time."

Fei Jin responded.

She drove him to the school gate and said goodbye to him. Fei Jin paused and suddenly came back and asked her, "How much do you remember last night?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at his chestnut eyes under his deep eyebrows, which were filled with unknown emotions. She pretended to think, "Well, it seems that I let you hold me and fall asleep?"

Fei Jinzhao loosened her grip on the car door and turned around, "Let's go."

Jiang Nuannuan closed the car window, looked at the message from Hang Panxia, ​​and went back to Sunshine Huating to bring her jewelry to the celebrity clothing exhibition organized by Tenghai.

On the way, she answered Zhai Heng's phone call.

Zhai Heng was holding a family meeting at this time, and all the family members from both sides, including the Fu family, were here. Fu Shiliu knelt at his feet like a sinner, pleading with tears in his eyes, and his voice was a bit noisy.

Jiang Nuannuan thought it was not the right time, so she quickly said: "I will call you later."

"It's okay." Zhai Heng put his index finger to his lips and made a silent gesture, and the house suddenly became quiet.

He stood up and walked out, saying warmly: "Want to come and congratulate me?"

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and said, "There is a clothing exhibition today and I'm afraid I won't have time. I saw the news."

Zhai Heng leaned against the door with a smile on his lips, "Well, it was originally a matter of your unwillingness and my unwillingness. Isn't it just right to leave? It's not all the result of what you said to me willfully that day. I don't want you to There’s a burden.”

Jiang Nuannuan passed the intersection and tapped the steering wheel with her fingertips. Of course she didn't believe the words of comfort. She just understood that there was a big problem with the relationship between the protagonists in the script. Zhai Heng had more feelings for her than she thought, and the reason was unknown. .

The person on the other side noticed her silence and lowered his voice and said, "While I still want to hang out with you, I can't let you have a strange reputation."

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a moment, "Have we ever hung out together before?"


"I heard that Linglu Temple can pray for good fortune, longevity and health. Zhai Heng, would you like to go and see it together when you have time?"

A deep chuckle came from the other side, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Nuannuan stared calmly, feeling that she should go back to Jiang's house to check again if she had time. Whether Zhai Heng was a childhood playmate or a friend when he grew up, there should be clues left behind. There must be a reason for your bottomless indulgence.

The backstage of the clothing exhibition was very busy, and the signal inside was surprisingly poor. Jiang Nuannuan looked at her own poor Apple signal, and then looked at the full 5G signal of other Androids, and decided to change her phone when she went back. It was too cool.

She wore a work badge and hugged the jewelry box, and looked at the last message from Hang Panxia, ​​dressing room No. A99.

Looking for it all the way, the number 68 sandwiched between 70 and 99 was very eye-catching, so she decisively pushed the door open and entered.It was a spacious dressing room. There was a man and a woman sitting on the sofa. The woman sat across the man, blocking their faces, and whispered flirtatious words.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't expect Hang Panxia to be so playful in the dressing room, and even wore a short skirt. Sitting astride her body, her figure was clearly visible. It was so hot that she couldn't see it.

She put her jewelry on the table and coughed lightly, "I need to state that I don't care about your private life, but don't be too messy to affect the reputation of the jewelry. What's the wireless password here? My mobile phone has no signal."

The ambiguous atmosphere was interrupted by a female voice. Yao Zhi turned his head dissatisfied and saw an unfamiliar and beautiful side face, and said angrily: "Who are you?"

"Your jewelry." The moment Jiang Nuannuan turned her head, her words choked back in her throat.

Behind the voluptuous woman, Gu Shizhou had dyed silver hair, black crosses on his ears, and eyebrows designed into broken eyebrows. His whole face exuded a kind of wild beauty.

Caught off guard, those black eyes struck her, startling her, and she blurted out, "Isn't this the 99 Dressing Room?"

Before Yao Zhi could say anything, he pushed her down her leg with one hand. The man patted his trouser legs as if they were dirty, and said in a low, playful voice, "This is 69."

When these words came out of his mouth, there was always something fascinating about them.

And this kind of plot of a boss who walked into the wrong room and got pregnant overnight, how could it happen to him after he changed his shell?

Jiang Nuannuan turned around with a dull expression and hugged the jewelry back into her arms, "Oh, I went wrong. There must be something wrong with the house number. I'm sorry to bother you two, please continue."

She turned around and was about to leave, when a voice behind her suddenly approached, "Stop."

Standing at your height, she quickened her steps and immediately rushed out of the door. The half-open door was pushed back by a hand from behind, making a loud noise.

Jiang Nuannuan almost hit her nose by the door, and the small wind made her whole body tremble.

Gu Shizhou pressed his hand against her thin back and leaned down, "You didn't do anything wrong. Why are you running?"

She turned around slowly while holding the box, and said without a smile, "Then I'll stay as a witness to your sexual love? Isn't that good? Is the taste too strong?"

Gu Shizhou's smile did not reach his eyes, his peach blossom eyes narrowed, and a chill filled the air.

"Get out."


Jiang Nuannuan immediately went to touch the door handle, but was pulled by the collar. She staggered back two steps and leaned against him.

"Yao Zhi, get out."

Yao Zhi, who was named, had not yet switched back from gloating, disdain, ridicule and other expressions, and his facial features were still a little distorted when he looked at him.

"You let me out!?" She almost took off her panties, but you let her out? !
"Who is your girlfriend, Gu Shizhou!" Yao Zhi became angry instantly and rushed to him, "You want me to get out?"

Gu Shizhou turned to look at her and said impatiently: "We've broken up now, go away."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Yao Zhi: "."

That is to say, his casual attitude towards feelings is truly unparalleled.

Yao Zhi Shengsheng dug out the small colored diamonds on his nails and glared at Gu Shizhou fiercely, "Are you really on time? Seven days? It's a curse, right? Are you attracted to this woman?"

Jiang Nuannuan immediately raised her work badge and tried to take it out, "I'm just a staff member who went to the wrong room!"

(Commentary: I never said who the male protagonist is, so please don’t touch me, and the female protagonist’s career-oriented script didn’t collapse either.)

(End of this chapter)

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