Chapter 162 Birthday Party

Jiang Nuannuan answered the question, "What's wrong?"

"He only looked at his face and didn't even kiss him on the lips." As she said this, she was about to cry again. "I thought I would be the special one. Guess what?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "What's wrong?"

"It's the weekend, exactly seven days since I dumped you, wow, wow, wow, wow."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the woman who fell into her arms and wiped tears on her body. For a moment, she didn't know whether she should feel sorry for her little black suit or her little black suit.

She controlled her facial expression for a while, then made herself look extra serious, and patted her on the back, "Tomorrow, Monday, you will find a good boyfriend eight times a night. If your health is not good, we will never have him."

With Yao Zhi crying bitterly, the clothing exhibition began. As the finale, Deng Menglan, the queen of vision, appeared, and Lu Ling was in front of her.

The fishtail skirt paired with the snake-shaped pink diamond jewelry set caused the whole audience to exclaim, and all the flashlights were directed towards her body.

This set of jewelry paired with Teng Hai's clothing perfectly illustrates what a pure fairy is.

Then Deng Menglan appeared. The costume was obviously very expensive, but because of her mature age and slightly stable makeup, she was completely overshadowed by a set of jewelry and accessories that had no special originality.

When she walked backstage, her expression was not very good. She knew that the set of expensive jewelry Hang Panxia was wearing was from Qiao Lin, a brand that she and her team had rejected after comprehensive consideration.

Now that she saw its special design and top-notch craftsmanship with her own eyes, she felt a sense of discomfort in her heart, as if the things and honor that should have been hers had been taken away.

The last person to appear was Gu Shizhou, wearing a black mink coat and military boots. He looked like a sexy savage from a primitive tribe. He had a vacuum inside and an obviously attractive abdominal texture, which made photographers take pictures like crazy. Because of this, The wild look has become a hot search topic.

After the exhibition, before Jiang Nuannuan left, she heard Yao Zhi murmuring about writing a song to curse Gu Shizhou so that he would never be able to support himself.

She got into Hang Panxia's nanny car and asked casually: "Where is the party going?"

"Morning Star Club." Hang Panxia sent a message back to Bai Liang, feeling that he still had to tell Jiang Nuannuan in detail, "Tonight is Gu Shizhou's birthday, and he is the home court."

Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of water, thinking about the scene where he pressed her down on the table just now, "He invited me?"

Hang Panxia nodded, "Yeah."

Bai Liang's invitation to her was no different from Gu Shizhou's invitation to her. The two of them had grown up wearing the same pair of pants.

"Let me ask you something." Jiang Nuannuan turned to look at her, "Are you and brother Gu Shizhou together? What kind of relationship do you have?"

Hang Panxia was stunned for a moment, with bitterness in his heart, and said calmly: "Let's fix my lover and bed partner. He will give me resources, but that's all."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Is Gu Shizhou there too?"

Hang Panxia thought for a while, "No, he doesn't look serious, but in fact he seems to have only looked at those women for so long. I only heard Bai Liang himself say that he has someone in his heart."

As one of the male protagonists, Gu Shizhou must stay clean.

If he has never kissed anyone, is he just trying to protect Fu Shiliu?He looks carefree on the surface, but is actually more conservative than his brother?
She rubbed her chin and figured out the possibility of getting money and favor from him tonight.

System 66: "You were exposed by him earlier that you were with your brother. Are you afraid of being beaten if you get close to him the next second?"

Jiang Nuannuan rolled her eyes, "This is a double male protagonist. If he doesn't have the ability to accept it, he can play with Oreo sandwich cookies."

System 66: "." There is nothing to say for a moment.

Hang Panxia went back to the company, signed the contract for the next few days, and then arrived at the club with Jiang Nuannuan.

"What's wrong with your clothes?" She patted her shoulder, "Where's the flour on it?" Jiang Nuannuan took off her coat and hung it on her hands, "Oh, this is the liquid foundation for a lovelorn woman."

It was already too late when the two of them stepped onto the top floor. By the huge swimming pool, there were more than a dozen beauties and handsome guys in bikinis interspersed among them, having a great time playing volleyball in the water.

Jiang Nuannuan still found it quite interesting to see the money being wasted on the pile.

Both of them were dressed conservatively, so that they stood out among a group of cool beauties. Bai Liang saw Hang Panxia at a glance and waved to her.

Gu Shizhou was leaning on the sofa with his hands open. A woman who had lost in a game sat next to him and came up to kiss him on the face.

Seeing Jiang Nuannuan's fair and tender face, he turned his head to avoid the kiss, grabbed the person's neck and pushed the person into the sofa, staring straight at the approaching figure, "Who asked her to come?"

Even in the hot atmosphere, he couldn't stop the coldness that suddenly fell from his body.

Bai Liang pulled the beauty who was about to be choked away and hooked his shoulder, "Brother, I know you are distracted because of Fu Shiliu's incident, so I will find a replacement for you."

Gu Shizhou pursed his thin lips and glanced sideways at him, "You will definitely consider me."

Bai Liang looked at him for a long time, and suddenly said in surprise: "Damn it, aren't you unhappy because of Fu Shiliu? Then why did you sound like you wanted to be beaten during that phone call?"

Gu Shizhou pursed his lips and said nothing. Jiang Nuannuan had already come over holding Hang Panxia's arm.

Bai Liang stood up and hugged his woman very wisely. Hang Panxia turned to look at her and put the prepared gift on the table, "A gift for Brother Shizhou."

Jiang Nuannuan was empty-handed and wanted to find a remote seat to sit down, but it was full of seats. The only empty seat was the soft sofa next to Gu Shizhou.

She could clearly see just now that this man had strangled a woman's neck. His eyes were full of anger, a bit like his brother's fierceness.

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and sat down, smelling the smell of powder and rouge, and asked with a normal expression, "What are you playing at?"

Gu Shizhou returned to his carefree look, crossed his legs, picked up a dice in his hand and threw it on the table, "Punishment for losing, let's play?"

The atmosphere between the two was obviously wrong. Hang Panxia could see it. She took the initiative to pick up the dice and said, "Study or competition? Either way is fine."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her face and focused her eyes on the dice, "Okay, I didn't bring a birthday gift to Mr. Gu either. This game has to be played."

When it comes to rolling dice, she really can't beat any of the playboys or beauties at the table, but the purpose of coming here is to have fun.

As soon as the lid was opened, she had the lowest number on the table. Bai Liang smiled and asked, "Truth or dare?"


Gu Shizhou pinched a peanut and threw it into his mouth, "Who did you do it with?"

As soon as he asked the question, most of them, Bai Liang, shut up, acknowledging that he had come forward to ask the question.

At the adult wine table, the topics seem to be so straightforward.

Jiang Nuannuan turned the wine glass around and said calmly: "I haven't done it."

There was a sigh of relief around her, probably out of curiosity that she was still so innocent in her 20s and was suspected of lying.

She touched the table with the rim of her cup and added, "Truthfully."

Gu Shizhou stared at the side of her face and kicked the table as a sign of approval, "Continue."

(End of this chapter)

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