Chapter 163 Calculation
In the second round, the one who rolled the biggest dice was a young beauty, and the smallest one was Gu Shizhou, who had nothing to do with Jiang Nuannuan.

This punishment is much more interesting.

The beauty stood up and asked Gu Shizhou, "Truth or dare?"


She looked a little disappointed, "Okay, of all the people here, who do you want to do it with the most?"

Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows, his eyes flickered across the girl next to him and then back to her, and said "you" slowly.

The whole audience booed, and the beauty's cheeks were flushed, and she pushed the wine glass to him, "Let's go together tonight?"

Gu Shizhou drank and smiled frivolously, "This is the next question."

Seeing him like this, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but question her guess. It was hard to see how far this flirtatious character had gone.

She managed to escape the next few, drank two glasses of wine, and excused herself to the toilet.

Gu Shizhou looked at her back and followed her after drinking. When the beautiful woman next to him saw this, she also went.

Bai Liang lit up a cigarette watching the show. Hang Panxia looked at the lipstick marks on his face caused by the game, and his heart broke. She quietly grabbed his cigarette and took a puff herself.

After washing her hands, Jiang Nuannuan also thought of a countermeasure. It would be best to play with them a few more times to find out how deep Gu Shizhou's playboy was.

Just as she was about to walk out the door, a female voice came from the corridor, and there was the sound of a belt buckle being unfastened.

"What are you doing? Don't you want me to serve you?" The beautiful woman squatted in front of her long legs, and her hand was held by Gu Shizhou. His body was slightly bent, and he wiped the woman's gorgeous red lips with his fingertips, and said casually: "I love you clean."

The beauty was stunned, "Then I put on lipstick?"

"I saw you at the last Valentine's Day pool party." Gu Shizhou wiped the red stain from his fingertips on the collar of her chest, his peach blossom eyes unclear, "It was a party for 20 people, including you. Just three women.”

The smile on the beauty's face could no longer be maintained, "You said I'm dirty?!"

Gu Shizhou smiled and patted her face, straightened up, "Don't take what you said at the wine table seriously, go back and continue playing."

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but sigh in her heart, this world where adults are obsessed with life and money is really chaotic.

After the beauty left, she came out of the toilet. Gu Shizhou had a cigarette in his mouth, and his hands were pulling at the loose belt around his waist, giving him a ruffian look.

He turned his head and ran into her eyes, narrowing his eyes, "It's my birthday today, so you come empty-handed?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, and her words were thorny, "You don't like what I gave you. Are those beauties not enough for you? Or should I add Fu Shiliu?"

He took off the cigarette from the corner of his lips and frowned, "I didn't abandon you on purpose that day."

The incident happened suddenly, and I did it completely subconsciously. When I came back to my senses, the woman had already run away.

Jiang Nuannuan gave a stop sign, "Everyone has an old love and an unforgettable first love. I understand, and I don't want to hear you mention the past."

Gu Shizhou looked at her leaving figure, his deep eyes hidden with turmoil.

Unforgettable old love?


Daiya said it well.

Jiang Nuannuan returned to the booth, and the man behind followed him out, his face a little cold.

Bai Liang hugged Hang Panxia and asked, "How many more games should we play? Shall we go swimming?"

Gu Shizhou returned to his position, putting one arm on the top of the sofa, looking as if he was trying to hug Jiang Nuannuan next to him. She didn't notice the movements behind her and rolled the dice.

This time she was the youngest, so she chose a big adventure.

The biggest one was the beauty who had just been rejected. She had noticed that Gu Shizhou's eyes had been wandering to the woman next to him several times.She is the person who knows best when lingering around the wine table and does not want to offend anyone. She just said: "Jump out of the swimming pool, or go and kiss our brother Shi Zhou."

Jiang Nuannuan, who had already prepared for the worst, was a little confused.

The possibility of jumping out of the swimming pool to make Gu Shizhou feel distressed and favor him was too low. Unless she was about to drown and stimulated him, he might be able to increase the value, but she would not joke with her own life.

After thinking for a long time, the phone vibrated.

Gu Tingyan asked her where she was.

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly came up with an idea, quickly returned the address of the club and asked him to pick her up, and then decisively chose the second option.

She put down her phone, stood up and asked the person leaning on the sofa, "Excuse me?"

Gu Shizhou put out his cigarette and raised his chin slightly, "Come on."

Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of him, took a small cherry from the table, raised her feet, and stepped on the corner of the soft leather sofa that he had spread his legs.

Black pointed shoes and one long curved leg first added a bit of ambiguity to the atmosphere.

She leaned over, hooked her fingers around Gu Shizhou's collar and gently pulled him forward, almost touching the tip of his nose.

Their eyes met, their lips were only a few centimeters apart, their breaths intertwined, it was the collision of the smell of wine and the aroma of peaches.

The smell lingering on the tip of his nose caused a change in Gu Shizhou's eyes. His sloppy body and abdomen quietly tightened.

Jiang Nuannuan did not continue the kiss, but stepped back slightly and passed the small cherry in her hand across his lips, leaving a water stain on the skin.

She leaned over to his ear, her hot and moist breath hit his earlobe, and bit the black cross on the ear gently.

Gu Shizhou's breathing suddenly became chaotic, and the small hand that fell on his chest also gave Jiang Nuannuan feedback through the tremors of his skin, how intense his heartbeat was now.

She curled her lips silently, relaxed her lips, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Gu Shizhou, we are not good people anyway, you are having sex with me behind your brother's back, tell me."

"Wouldn't that be exciting?"

At this moment, the cherry was stuffed into Gu Shizhou's mouth, and he bit it lightly with his teeth, exploding the thick and sweet juice.

System 66: "Alipay has received 1.5 million, and Gu Shizhou's favorability is 25%. Damn, damn, damn, it's gone up by 7 points!!"

After achieving her goal, Jiang Nuannuan immediately put down her legs and stayed away from him. Gu Shizhou's body also fell back into the sofa. There was no smile on his lips, and his handsome face was frozen, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

Jiang Nuannuan said to the people watching the show: "Eat a cherry, forget about the kiss, I am the one"

She paused, looked down at Gu Shizhou whose clothes were messed up by her, and smiled, "I will only kiss after we have established a relationship, so I will punish myself with two drinks."

She picked up the cup and drank two glasses of spicy wine in succession, and the atmosphere reached its peak due to her extreme ambiguity.

Everyone seems to be having more fun.

Gu Tingyan said news of arrival also came in.

Regardless of the request, Jiang Nuannuan picked up the small suit next to her and said to the crowd with a smile: "Someone is coming to pick me up, so I won't accompany you for now."

She turned and left, just as chic as when she walked in the dressing room during the day.

On the way, 66 in her head was still asking her frantically, "How come you weren't beaten to death! You should have been beaten! Why is it still going up!"

"You seem to want me to be beaten?"

66 coughed slightly, and the phantom limbs twisted and stirred each other, "No, I just can't keep up with your brain circuit."

Jiang Nuannuan pressed the elevator button and walked in slowly, "Fu Shiliu is divorced now. When she is single again, she will definitely look for Gu Tingyan and Gu Shizhou. And since she has been in trouble with Gu Tingyan several times, she will definitely target Gu Shizhou. "

(End of this chapter)

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