After working as a stand-in for a big boss, my annual salary will be tens of billions

Chapter 171: Interest comes first, love is on the sidelines?

Chapter 171: Interest comes first, love is on the sidelines?
She sat down under the low wall on the far side, and the green plants on it just blocked her face.

System 66: "Aren't you going to say hello?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't care, "If you don't go, he won't say a word even after he came back from a business trip. He just comes to pick up girls. I won't join in the fun."

After ordering, she sat and waited for a while, then quietly put her head among the green leaves and looked over there.

Unfortunately, it's far away and I can't hear what's being said over there.

If I had known if I had sat closer, I could have eavesdropped on some gossip.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, and 66 also sighed, "A green leaf fell off your head, pick it up."


Feixin took a sip of coffee and said, "If it hadn't been for Mrs. Lin Xiao's introduction, Mr. Gu might not have been willing to take time out of his busy schedule to see me."

"I came here after seeing the photo." Gu Tingyan's eyes stayed on her hair for two seconds, and the corner of his lips curled up, "It's quite interesting."

Feixin felt offended, put down the coffee cup, and frowned: "My hair extensions are so bad?"

"It's okay, it's just rare." Gu Tingyan glanced at his watch, "If I sit here for another 10 minutes, I have to go back to the company."

"I've told you so much before, what do you think?" Feixin tied her hair back which made her feel uncomfortable, revealing a beautiful necklace around her neck.

Gu Tingyan leaned back and focused his eyes on the necklace with a strong personal design. He didn't take any words that came to his ears seriously.

"Anyway, Lin Xiao is forcing you to find a wife. I also need a marriage partner. Let's get married and have fun together. You just need to let me give birth to a child and take over the future business. If you don't want to have physical contact, find a hospital. Just take the penis directly."

Feixin stared at him and said, "You know very well that this deal is a good deal for you and me. We are both businessmen, aren't we? Marriage can maximize the benefits."

Seeing him staring at her neck in ecstasy, she touched her neck. This string of Qiaolin jewelry was her favorite recently, and who was the master behind it?
She raised her eyebrows, "Are you worried that your lover will be unhappy? In fact, we don't need to live together when we get married. Anyway, it's just a marriage certificate. You can continue to live at her place. If necessary, you can act in a play with me. .”

Feixin's words were entirely based on family interests. Gu Tingyan had many assets and industries behind her, and her family was mainly engaged in real estate. Sometimes a big cake would always be taken away by him, which was very annoying.

It is not as good as the marriage of two people. The real estate business can cover the entire Linggang, and external investment can be turned into cooperative bidding, directly monopolizing the market, and everyone has the cake to eat.

Gu Tingyan also needs a wife who can take control of the situation when he collapses from exhaustion, and she has more than ten years of management experience in listed companies, which is completely sufficient.

Feixin said sincerely: "We can be the best partners."

Both of them only regard marriage as cooperation, so this relationship is the most comfortable.

Gu Tingyan also understood this truth.

The wind chime on the door of the restaurant swayed, and a young man stepped in. The waiter stepped forward and asked, "Do you have a reservation, sir?"

He replied: "Oh, Ms. Jiang from table 13."

The voice was neither too loud nor too quiet, just enough for Gu Tingyan to hear. Jiang or Jiang, maybe just the homophones, touched his nerves. Subconsciously, he turned to look for someone.

Jiang Nuannuan saw the person coming and stood up to greet him out of politeness, "Mr. Fu, please sit down."

The pretty silhouette came into view, it was really her.

Gu Tingyan's gaze paused, his eyes darkened, and his aura became in vain.

Feixin realized that the man didn't pay attention to her at all, so she turned around and saw nothing, "What's wrong?"

Gu Tingyan glanced at her and said in a lower voice, "I'll talk to you next time. You can go."

"Meet an acquaintance?" "Yeah."

Feixin picked up the bag and glanced at him again as he passed by, "If you don't want to, think about your brother. Your father who loved him in prison is about to be released from prison, right? When your family was about to go bankrupt, Gu's Group 30 % of the shares have been transferred to him, and the rest belongs to you, Lin Xiao, and some shareholders with a lower proportion. There must be someone to guard the things you have worked hard for over the years, but this person is absolutely impossible. It’s Gu Shizhou.”

Thinking of something, Feixin smiled slightly, "It was easy for him not to get involved in the group before, but now that Fu Shiliu is divorced, you have to consider whether this person will come back to seize power because of her."

A huge empire cannot be supported by one person. It is an extremely complex tree of upper-class society.

They all understand this truth.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't notice that the show was over, and her attention was all on the contract on the table. She carefully compared the location and price, frowned and said: "The double-story studio opposite Linggang Building is the gold of the entire luxury shopping mall." You only sold me the lot for 700 million? Mr. Fu, are you sure the number is correct?"

To put it bluntly, even if it is rented out, the house here can earn a rent of one million every year. It is not an exaggeration. This selling price can cover two years of rent.

Mr. Fu: "I can't turn around my funds, so I'm anxious to get rid of it."

Jiang Nuannuan stared at him. He looked calm and composed, but he didn't look like he was in urgent need of money. She pushed the contract back, "You discuss with your boss behind the scenes and ask him to give me the original price, otherwise I will find it myself."

It was okay for Zhai Heng to help her choose a place, but she felt sorry for asking him to pay for it. If she didn't spend the lover's money in her bank card, why would she spend his?

Seeing how stubborn she was, the young man could only pick up his cell phone to make a call and ask first. His position was facing the aisle, so he could just see the man coming.

"Mr. Gu." His eyes lit up and he stood up quickly.

The footsteps behind him gradually approached, and the low pressure also followed. Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and looked into those dark and sharp eyes.

He nodded to the young man first, and then asked her, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "Can't you tell? Two cups of coffee, one man and one woman, on a blind date."

Mr. Fu's brain is out of control. What about a blind date?Who and who?Is he here for a blind date today?

Gu Tingyan glanced at the house contract on the table and said, "Come to buy a house?"

Mr. Fu nodded quickly, "Yes, Miss Jiang is here to buy a house, not for a blind date."

After being disgraced in seconds, Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lower lip unhappily, stood up, straightened her skirt, and picked up her bag, "You should contact the other party again, and then contact me after finalizing the price."

She turned around to leave, but Gu Tingyan grabbed her wrist. Jiang Nuannuan struggled twice, but couldn't break free. She could only raise her eyes and ask him irritably, "What are you doing, Mr. Gu? Isn't it bad to tease her like this in front of outsiders?"

She was trying another way to remind him that their relationship was just a shady lover's relationship.

Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes, and after a few seconds, he said softly: "I bought you a house, will you be happy?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

His way of coaxing people was really frightening. From beginning to end, he was throwing money at her face like crazy.

She tried hard for a long time to suppress her lips from raising, and snorted, "No, I have money too."

Gu Tingyan would not miss the little thoughts in her eyes. He let go, took out the business card from the inside of his suit, and handed it to Mr. Fu, "Contact me when you pay."

Mr. Fu nodded with difficulty and said OK.

In one hand he held the business card of the boss of the Gu Group, and in the other hand he had the money for the house that the young master had paid in advance. He really couldn't understand what the relationship between these two people at the top of the pyramid had with this young lady, and they were rushing to spend money.

"I'll drive here by myself." Jiang Nuannuan tried to get out of Gu Tingyan's car, but a big hand pressed her shoulders and sat in a chair. He looked at her with a serious look, "Stop making trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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