Chapter 172 The long nap

One word silenced her.

"Give me the key and ask the driver to drive back."

Jiang Nuannuan refused and just raised her head and asked him, "Where are you going? You don't need to continue the blind date? You are rushing to the next one. There are so many photos in the envelope."

"I'm not that free." He stretched out his hand to her, "I have a meeting at one o'clock, can we talk about this later?"

Just put the word "workaholic" on his forehead.

"Then why did you tie me up?" Jiang Nuannuan clutched her bag tightly and frowned: "There's nothing to talk about. I already said it last time. I just need you to abide by the agreement and not get married within two years."

"Come with me to the company to work overtime. I have some financial statements to show you."

There was nothing to say. Since it involved her, Jiang Nuannuan stopped doing anything. She took out the key and handed it to him.

Gu Tingyan asked Li Zhu to drive her car, while he got into the driver's seat and took her to the company.

Along the way, the two of them were silent and didn't speak.

Jiang Nuannuan followed him into the exclusive elevator and entered the top floor. Gu Tingyan brought her some financial statements on the table and went back to work. His face was expressionless while working, and he was extremely serious.

She took it and looked at the name on it. It belonged to the Jiang family.

Gu Tingyan actually got this thing?
Jiang Nuannuan carefully looked at the various profits and cash flow balance sheets of their financial statements. The losses were indeed huge and it would be difficult to recover.

But what does this show her?
After she finished studying, she threw the things away and looked up at the man on the other side of the desk. His handsome face didn't even look at her.

"Show me this for what?"

In fact, he didn't do anything. He just saw her reaction and felt uncomfortable for a moment. He didn't want this person to leave under his nose. The feeling of emptiness in his heart was not very pleasant.

Gu Tingyan did not raise his head and said indifferently: "They came to me and hoped that I would invest."

"It's not necessary." Jiang Nuannuan made it clear and said calmly: "You don't need to do anything beyond being a lover to help me, or to help my family. They are still alive and have nothing to do with you. How can we help if we are relatives but not friends?"

The tip of the pen paused on the contract paper, dyed with heavy ink, and then pressed hard with the fingertips to write a string of names.

Gu Tingyan felt even more angry. He closed the document and came down the steps without looking at her. "Stay here. If you have anything to do, go to the secretary."

The door opened and closed, making a loud slamming sound.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that he was angry and felt relieved. She went to his desk to find some blank paper, took out the pencil case from her bag, and started to draw.

At noon, a secretary brought her lunch, a pure employee working meal.

Gu Tingyan actually asked her to accompany her and work overtime.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed speechlessly, and then ordered a fried chicken set meal on her phone. Today, Thursday, KFC has a discount.

The reception hall downstairs was stunned for a moment when they saw the takeout. It wasn't until the takeaway guy said he was going to the top floor to deliver the takeout that he got excited and got the line to the secretary's office. After confirming that it was the fried chicken ordered by the president's office, he let someone go up. .

The sun gradually shifted, and Li Zhu and others followed the boss into the office while reporting on the launch status of the game produced by Linghua University.

Gu Tingyan first saw Jiang Nuannuan, whose skirt was almost sliding down to her hips, with her long, white legs hanging on the edge of the sofa, her arms hanging down against the floor, sleeping in a free and unrestrained posture.

He immediately turned around and slammed the door. Li Zhu, who was following closely behind him, almost bumped his nose until he heard the voice inside, "Let's talk about it another day. Let's get off work."

he:? ? ?

Everyone:? ? ?Just, got off work so early?

The sunset coming in through the indoor floor-to-ceiling windows is beautiful. The two pots of cactus placed against the window, with their leaves turning yellow and about to die, also echo the colors of autumn.

Gu Tingyan walked slowly to the sofa and looked down at his watch.

04: 30.

It's still early.

His eyes stayed on the long straight legs for a moment, he bent down to pick the person up, and used his feet to push open the door to the lounge in the office.

Feeling that she had moved, Jiang Nuannuan woke up not long after touching the bed. She opened her eyes hazy and saw her chest in a white shirt.

She immediately wanted to sit up, but her body was quickly pulled back by a big hand.

"Don't move." Gu Tingyan pressed the person into his arms and said in a tired tone, "Let's take a nap."

"I'm not sleepy anymore." Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and said unhappily: "You sleep, I'm going back when I get up." He opened his eyes, stared at her with tired eyes for a long time, sighed softly, and lowered his head. He kissed her on the lips, and it was rare that he lost his usual strength, "I'm very tired. I haven't slept in 48 hours since I came back from my business trip."

None of her business.

Is this playing the family card and the sex card?
Jiang Nuannuan thought about whether she should do it again, and thought it would be better to do it again.

So she rubbed her neck and said in a light and touching tone, "If you took the blind date time to sleep, you would have gone back to sleep long ago."

"That's Feixin." He said calmly.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned and quickly found this person in his mind.

"She got hair extensions?"


No wonder she didn't recognize her, but that's not the point. The point is that she is Fei Jinzhao's wealthy sister who has not yet met her. If she marries Gu Tingyan for business, how should she pretend to be in front of Fei Jinzhao in the future?Wouldn’t it be possible to reveal your secret in just one second and still have to meet frequently?
Damn it, this Gu Tingyan was going to put her on the torture rack.

She shuddered subconsciously, feeling that the day her relationship was exposed by Fei Jinzhao, she was not far away from death, and she was still dead.

"You want to marry her?" Her voice was trembling pitifully.

Gu Tingyan heard it and thought she was sad. He frowned and said, "I'll talk to you after I get some sleep."

With such a topic hanging on her mind, Jiang Nuannuan reluctantly let him take advantage of it. She really didn't know if Fei Jinzhao would go crazy when she found out that she was Gu Tingyan's lover.

It's a little scary to think about it.

The familiar girl in her arms quickly hypnotized Gu Tingyan.

The bedroom was pitch black as the sun set completely, and there was only the sound of even rising and falling breathing.

While thinking anxiously, Jiang Nuannuan put her hands on his waist and fell asleep again. When she woke up, the room was dark and the bed next to her was also cold.

Tired from sleeping, she stepped into her shoes in the dark, stretched out and opened the door to the lounge.

Outside is the office, with only the light on top of the curved desk.

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and said in a soft voice, "I'm hungry."

Everyone in the video conference trembled. The microphone was obviously on, but there was silence.

The person in the boss's chair raised his eyes, his rimmed glasses reflected blue light from the computer, and his deep eyes narrowed slightly, "Put your clothes on first."

Several senior officials on the line were shocked again. They had been hanging out with the boss for a long time. The tone in their tone was not gentle, and it was clear whether they were angry or not. Now this kind of flat and soft voice was... Incredibly gentle.

In the office, there is a woman with no clothes on.

Great news.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the sweater that had slipped under her shoulders and grabbed a handful, "Are you in a meeting? I just heard the sound of breathing."


He took off his glasses, told the people in the video to call it quits, and exited the connection first.

Several senior executives gathered together at the other end looked at each other, "This time around the office party, Assistant Li, the boss is getting more and more playful?"

Li Zhu, who was named, sneered, "No, there was also a passionate kiss in the rain, just like filming a movie."

"You can't tell, he's pretty cool."

Hearing someone say that the boss was flirting, Li Zhu felt inexplicably relieved.

Jiang Nuannuan slowly climbed into Gu Tingyan's car, fastened her seat belt, and rubbed her face before she regained consciousness.

He started the car and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the time on her phone. It was already 9 p.m.

There's no need to sleep tonight.

She agreed, "Roadside stall, barbecue restaurant."

Gu Tingyan frowned, "Eating so much?"

(End of this chapter)

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