Chapter 173 Weird Ticket
Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Otherwise, you can eat it yourself."

After being stared at by him for a few seconds, Maybach came out of the garage and walked away.

A few small tables were propped up at the entrance of the simple barbecue restaurant. The grease on the tabletops reflected the light under the lamp. There were quite a few people sitting and eating.

Gu Tingyan frowned, "Here?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the sanitary environment and said, "I'll buy some and pack them over. You wait in the car."

The tables and chairs were not very clean, and she didn't really want him to condescend to get out of the car.

Gu Tingyan watched her get out of the car. The cold wind filled the car with the smell of oily barbecue. Opposite was a milk tea shop. A young couple was coming out of the car with their arms hooked up and a scarf tied around their necks.

He thought for a moment, turned off the car, and walked over.

After Jiang Nuannuan finished choosing the barbecue, she specifically asked half to be spicy and half not to be spicy, so she took the number plate and went to the side to wait.

Zhai Heng sent a message half an hour ago.

[I'm taking the liberty of talking about the house. Mr. Fu will sell it to you at the original price without any discount. 】

Jiang Nuannuan replied that it was okay, and the other person replied instantly.

[I will pick you up the day after tomorrow. It may snow that morning, so wear more clothes. 】

She looked down at her phone and curled her lips, "Are you afraid that I will resent you because of this and not go to Linglu Temple?"Gogo hand ipg. 】

On Zhai Heng's side, a large seductive gesture appeared on the WeChat interface, which was also an animated picture.

He smiled and replied calmly.

Jiang Nuannuan: Come pick me up the day after tomorrow. Wear more clothes.

As soon as she finished typing and sent the message, a hand suddenly touched her waist, and the man behind her said in a greasy voice: "Beauty, alone tonight? Let's go have something to eat together?"

Jiang Nuannuan frowned and immediately pushed the person away, "Crazy?"

Seeing that she didn't appreciate it and almost pushed him onto other customers, the man was instantly annoyed, and his cheeks were rosy and he clearly drank.

"Damn it, you are so shameless, aren't you? Wearing a skirt and wandering around at night is just for people to see?"

He made a noise and came up to arrest someone, but someone grabbed him by the back of his clothes and pulled him back violently.

Gu Tingyan's tall stature and terrifying momentum instantly overwhelmed the opponent.

He threw the person to the side with an expressionless face, and kicked the other person's butt with his black leather shoe, "Get out."

The drunk man was kicked and ran forward two steps, then looked back at his sullen and cruel face, and finally bullied the weak and ran away with his buttocks covered.

Jiang Nuannuan got the barbecue, and he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the car with great strength.

"Stop eating such unhealthy roadside stalls from now on."

"Why should I quit!"

He pushed her into the car and blocked her in the driver's seat. He lowered his tense jaw and said with annoyance in his eyes, "I'm here alone. What if I didn't come?"

Jiang Nuannuan hugged the barbecue box, stared at her round eyes, and replied confidently, "Why don't you come out to buy with me from now on?"

A war of words that was about to be filled with smoke suddenly turned into silence.

Gu Tingyan stuffed the milk tea he bought into her arms and said in a deep voice, "I don't have that much time to pay attention to you."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the two extra cups of hot milk tea, and then looked at him.

To be honest, she didn't believe a word he said now.

He actually ran to buy milk tea for her.She licked her lower lip, and just as she was about to grin and praise him, the car door was slammed shut, and the wind blew her hair up, smearing her face.

Jiang Nuannuan touched the hot milk tea cup and snorted hard in her nose. When the people got in the car, she immediately added sourly, "You don't have much time to pay attention to me. After all, you are getting married, and you have already gone on a blind date." .”

This hurdle is impossible to pass.

Gu Tingyan turned sideways, and the headlights on the top of the car went out as the environment changed. Feeling a low pressure, he said:
"The agreement between us will not change. I will not get married until it is over."

Therefore, she still has two years without having to worry about exposing her secrets.

He didn't understand her considerations, so he pinched her silent face with his fingers, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

This sentence contained a sense of expectation that he himself had never noticed.

He hoped that she would say something more, perhaps a more excessive request, and he felt that he could consider it at his own discretion.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes to look at him and shook her head, "No, I just want to confirm the answer to you again, so as not to default on your debt after you have a new love."

Not being obedient, Gu Tingyan let go, but she suddenly leaned forward and grabbed his long tie, pulling him towards her with her fingertips.

Gu Tingyan had no feeling of resistance and was pulled sideways by her strength. Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and brushed her lips against his chin, taking out a moist breath, "But, I don't really want you to find a new love."

His approach was in vain. He breathed a little heavier and whispered, "You'd better let go now."

"No, I also want to thank you for buying me milk tea. Mr. Gu bought it for me. What an honor?"

Jiang Nuannuan's fingertips moved up, caught his neck and pulled the tie again. The proud head lowered and covered her lips.

She took the initiative to kiss her, and Gu Tingyan pressed her hand on the armrest box and directly pressed her against the passenger's seat.

His lips were warm, and the kiss was passionate and intense. She had no way to escape, and the heat in the small space in the car rose.

Until the glass window outside snapped, Jiang Nuannuan, whose sweater fell to her shoulders, glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw a hand with black gloves covering the car window.


She quickly pushed Gu Tingyan's shoulder, trembling with fear and biting him.

He lowered his head and rested on her shoulder to adjust his breathing, then pulled her sweater up and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't wear sweaters with such big necklines in the future."


"Exposed." Very seductive.

Jiang Nuan: ".Now you have old thoughts? I didn't see you say that when I was wearing a suspender belt."

Gu Tingyan wiped her lips with his fingertips, "The situation is different. If you wear it in bed, I'll be happy."

Jiang Nuannuan stared at him in shock, "You, you drive!"

He actually learned to drive!It’s no different from Lao Wang next door who refuses to enter the house!
Gu Tingyan ignored her jump, opened the door and went down to reveal the ticket. Just as the traffic policeman was not far away, he looked back at him with a strange expression and a bit embarrassed and said: "What, this is not a parking place, little one." Nian...the couple don’t know how to take it easy.”

"Be careful next time, please."

Gu Tingyan came back and put the ticket on the armrest box. Jiang Nuannuan took it over and looked at it. Her toes were curled up, and she felt embarrassed that she was posting the ticket while being watched.

She stole a glance at the people next to her, put on her seat belt, started the car, and turned the steering wheel, all in one movement. Her face was calm and solemn, and she transformed back into the serious CEO in a second.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Nuannuan felt less burdened, "A kiss is a 300 yuan fine, haha."

"You think it's a good deal?" Gu Tingyan glanced at her. His lip had just been bitten and there was faint blood.

(End of this chapter)

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