Chapter 175 Linglu Temple

Jiang Nuannuan quickly grabbed a corner with her fingers and lifted it up. At a glance, she knew it was Zhai Heng's blanket. Passengers would not be given such expensive blankets on the train.

She was a little embarrassed, "You gave me both the scarf and the blanket."

She felt guilty for traveling with a patient and being taken care of in every way. Originally, she had planned to be the nanny on this trip, but she seemed to be taken care of at the beginning.

Zhai Heng naturally took the blanket and put it away. His long fingers picked up the hair at her temples and pushed it behind her ears. "I don't sleep very much. You need it more."

"The train is about to arrive."

He stood up, took down the two suitcases, and reached out to her, "Would you mind holding my hand? There will be a lot of people leaving the station later."

"Oh okay." She stretched out her hand.

Zhai Heng took her hand and put it into his coat pocket. Looking at her uncomfortable expression from the side, he said warmly: "It's cold outside, but it's so warm."

His fingers were indeed cold, so Jiang Nuannuan squeezed them quietly, feeling that her warm palm could warm him, so she nodded, "Then keep it in your pocket and I'll cover it for you."

After getting what he wanted, Zhai Heng led her out of the train. Each of them pushed a luggage, holding hands in the middle, and shuttled through the crowd. Their backs were like a pair of ordinary but outstanding young lovers.

The bodyguards and doctors behind saw the young man walking with a woman faster than anyone else, and they were panting as they chased him through the crowd.

They were completely forgotten.

Along the way, the two people's uncovered looks were so eye-catching that even the taxi driver had to praise them.

"You two are so handsome. You must be here to travel. You don't look like locals."

In order to ensure that the journey was ordinary and real, Zhai Heng did not arrange a private car here. He enjoyed the ordinary traveling life with her.

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to be a friend, but Zhai Heng's hand in his coat was still firmly held by him, and he didn't let go even after getting in the car. To talk about being a friend again seemed a bit strange in the eyes of the driver.

She just said that they were here for a trip.

The uncle driver checked his watch and said enthusiastically: "This is the time when the snow scenery at Linglu Temple is the most beautiful. It is very effective to pray for blessings."

Linglu Temple is located in an ancient town with not many people living on the top of the mountain. The green-tiled brick walls, stone paths and quaint streets are all covered with a layer of white snow. The dry peach branches form a forest, with snow on the branches and jade carved with silver.

The snow fell heavily like flying catkins. Zhai Heng held up a black umbrella. Within a few seconds, snow fell on his eyelashes and shoulders. His skin was even more shining white and beautiful.

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly felt that when he stood on the top of the mountain, he was almost blending in with the clouds and mist in the distance. As soon as the sun rose, they would disappear together.

The bell in the temple in the distance rang for a long time, which was ethereal and melancholy.

She came back to her senses, looked into his smiling eyes, and suddenly felt out of sorts, "It's too cold, let's go quickly."

The two were side by side under an umbrella. She hooked her arm with him and shrank her body inside.

A few inches of snow made a soft crunch when stepped on, and the stone road tilted upward. Zhai Heng tilted the black umbrella half way to one side and walked forward slowly.

There was heavy snow in the sky, and with the beauty by his side, he thought that this road could actually go longer.

There are many sellers of incense and small items outside the temple, as well as food shops with small flags saying "eat". There are not many tourists, and most of them are couples.

Today they live in a Zen room behind the temple. The two living rooms are covered with green tiles on the top, and the rooms are only separated by a wooden carved screen.

"It's a little worse than hotels outside." Zhai Heng closed his umbrella and leaned against the door.

It was very cold in the room. Jiang Nuannuan took a cursory look and found that there was no air conditioning. He could only use a brazier to heat the fire, and he had to add charcoal to it himself.

She turned around and said: "After all, it is a small courtyard set apart from the temple. Its simplicity also proves that they did not spend useless money to get this."

Zhai Heng pushed her luggage into the room and glanced at the wooden screen. She felt that the setting was clever and the night would not be difficult.

When he passed by, Jiang Nuannuan noticed that a large area of ​​his clothes on one shoulder was darker than other parts of his clothes. He immediately understood that he had been dry all the way and even the snow had been blocked by him.

"Change your clothes."

She walked over to unbutton his coat, frowned and said, "Why are you holding an umbrella for me? You are the patient."

"No problem."

Zhai Heng let her take off his clothes. Jiang Nuannuan was afraid that the snow would get in, so she touched his shoulders to make sure the sweater inside was dry before letting him change into a new coat. She took the wet coat and hung it up in his room. in the closet.

She finally felt like she was taking care of people now, and she even kindly lit fires for both braziers.Zhai Heng had never done this before, so it was quite interesting to watch her raise a brazier, and then follow her to watch her light a fire for the next brazier.

There was a follower behind, Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and raised her head, "Aren't you going to sit and warm yourself by the fire?"

He squatted down next to him. His legs were a little swollen when he went out this morning. This movement was actually uncomfortable, but it didn't show on his face at all.

"Aren't you hungry? It's afternoon."

Jiang Nuannuan pulled his cold hand over to warm it over the fire. Looking at the snow-white wrist bones, she felt that something was missing.

"I'm hungry. Let's warm up first before we go."

The two of them squatted for a while to warm their hands and feet. She looked out the window before standing up, "The snow is lightening outside, let's go."

Zhai Heng stood up slowly. His long legs hidden under his casual pants were in unbearable pain as soon as he took a few steps.

He breathed out softly, enduring the pain and stepped to follow.

Jiang Nuannuan had no idea that he would accompany her out to look for food, just like a mermaid walking ashore on the tip of a knife.

She returned to the quaint long street below and turned to look at the lagging man with eyes as clear as clear springs. "There is glutinous rice over there, and the candies are delicious."

Zhai Heng's face was paler than before. Only the tips of his teeth bit his lips from time to time to keep the color of his lips red.

He smiled fondly at her and said in a steady voice, "Then buy it."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped, observed his face for a few seconds, then ran back and held his arm, "The road is slippery, and there are small moss frozen on the stone slabs. I'll help you."

"it is good."

After walking for a while, a woman came up behind the two of them. She accidentally turned her head and glanced at Zhai Heng. She was so shocked that she slipped on the frozen snow and fell to his side.

In order to prevent Jiang Nuannuan from being knocked down next to him, he stretched out his hand to help him in time to prevent the other party from falling.


Feeling the impact on her appearance at close range, the woman blushed, "It's okay, but your shoes are dirty."

Zhai Heng stopped his hand and replied quietly: "It's okay, you can go."

"That won't work. How about we add WeChat? These shoes look quite expensive and I'll compensate you." The woman blushed, took out her phone and said shyly, "I'll scan it for you."

She really didn't expect to meet a cold deity when she came to the temple, and the scent of the medicine that just hit her nose made her love explode.

Having already delayed buying glutinous rice, Zhai Heng's eyes turned cold and his tone was distant, "No need."

Anyone with a discerning eye would know that he was impatient, but this woman seemed to be selectively blind and insisted on approaching him to add a WeChat message.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was ignored as an invisible person, took out her mobile phone and handed it directly across Zhai Heng's chest, "Scan it for me and just transfer the money to me."

The other party finally saw her, with a look on his face as if he had just discovered that there was someone around the god, and he was embarrassed, "Is this okay?"

"What's wrong? What's my boyfriend's is mine." Jiang Nuannuan smiled with white teeth. She looked harmless, but her words were aggressive, "The lace-up boots on his feet are the new Louis Vuitton models of the season, and they cost 1. Right, this is my payment code."

The woman was stunned, "Who put 1 yuan on your feet!"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled: "My boyfriend, do you want to sweep it or not?"


The woman glanced at the expressionless man, whose eyes were almost glued to his girlfriend's body, and a sense of shame surged into her heart, "Forget it, forget it, thank you for today."

Seeing her turning around and running away, Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips in boredom and took her phone back.

"Boy friend?"

When they were two people together, Zhai Heng read it over and over again.

She looked up and asked, "What's wrong?" It was just an excuse. After all, his face was indeed attractive.

A smile escaped from Zhai Heng's thin lips, and the face that was covered with frost and snow a moment ago was now filled with spring, "Hello, girlfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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