Chapter 176 Drinking
Boom! ——

Jiang Nuannuan's little heart was thumped hard, and she was almost dazzled by this beauty. She took a deep breath and said, "Although you are divorced, you can't flirt with me casually. What you just did was a special measure under special circumstances."

Zhai Heng was so happy that he tightened his arms to hold her hand that was supporting him and led him forward, "Come on, girlfriend, eat glutinous rice."

Jiang Nuannuan listened to his blatant teasing and no longer denied anything. She thought it was just a joke and chatted with him all the way. But as luck would have it, it was her who slipped on her feet this time.

She had just bought two pieces of glutinous rice, one each for Zhai Heng. On the way back, she stepped on a stone slab frozen with moss and fell forward suddenly.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Zhai Heng grabbed her waist from behind and pulled her back to his chest. The rice ball in Jiang Nuannuan's hand rolled into the snow with a gurgle, dissipating the heat.

Her heart ached and her teeth clenched her cheek.

Zhai Heng supported her shoulders and stood up, turned her around, looked down at a pair of watery eyes, his heart trembled, and he pressed the wet ends of her eyes with his fingertips, "What's wrong? Where did you fall?"

Jiang Nuannuan took a breath and covered her face, "I didn't mean that."

Zhai Heng didn't think about that, "What do you mean?"

It means deliberately slipping into my arms and licking your oil.

Seeing his clean eyes, Jiang Nuan made sure that he was not teasing but that he really didn't notice. He rubbed his face and said, "It's nothing, I just need to buy a new rice ball."

Zhai Heng held her hand and walked steadily towards the bench next to her, "Eat mine and buy another one later."

His legs had walked such a long way, bearing the weight of two women in succession, and if this continued, his discomfort would be noticed as a limp.

After the two of them were far away, two bodyguard phone contacts quickly appeared on the road and immediately went up the mountain to clear the snow. If the young man had fallen just now, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Directly opposite the bench was a frozen lake. Jiang Nuannuan sat down on the chair and gnawed on his glutinous rice. Zhai Heng didn't like sweet food, so it was stuffed with dried prunes, and the salty ones were delicious.

The two of them were sitting on a bench admiring the scenery in the distance. Someone behind them quietly took a picture of this beautiful scene, but turned around and was rushed to delete it by the bodyguard.

After the bodyguards chased away the people, he took out his mobile phone and took a few records according to the young master's instructions.

At night, the doctor who followed him knocked on Zhai Heng's door and quietly gave him medicine and a leg massage. In order not to be discovered by the girl next to him, he was forced to type on his mobile phone to talk to the young man.

Young Master, you exercised too much today. Pay attention to rest. You must reduce your activities.

Jiang Nuannuan on the other side of the screen was playing with a string of Buddhist beads in her hand. They were full of scriptures and were very delicate.

"Zhai Heng." She called him while lying on the bedside.

"I'm here."

"There's a blizzard tonight, let's have dinner outside."

"it is good."

The doctor was speechless and typed another sentence on his cell phone without giving up: The road is slippery at night, young master, please don't go out.

Zhai Heng didn't respond, and Jiang Nuannuan on the other end said, "Let's eat in the pavilion outside and enjoy the snow."

"it is good."

The doctor put away his things and rolled his eyes speechlessly. Hey, he doesn't listen to the doctor's orders but only listens to the little girl's orders.

Before he was about to leave, he heard Zhai Heng say again: "The hot rice wine at the foot of the mountain is delicious. Do you want it?"

When he talked about wine, he deliberately lowered his gentle voice with a hint of seduction.

The doctor staggered and turned to look at him with wide eyes, which seemed distressed.

I can't do it!Do you want to see what's wrong with you?After drinking in the middle of the night, why don't you just dig into the grave and bury it?

Fortunately, Jiang Nuannuan also knew about his physical condition, "I can drink some, but you can drink some hot tea."

Drinking wine under the snow or something like that, if you think about that artistic conception, it feels right.

Zhai Heng's thin lips curled up slightly, "Well, I'll drink tea."

At night, the snow really fell heavily, with fluff flying all over the sky.

The young monk in the temple brought a vegetarian meal and placed it in the pavilion. There was a brazier under the table and a small stove on the table to heat tea and wine.

Jiang Nuannuan held the wine glass in her hand, looked at Feixue outside and sighed, "I never thought I could be so elegant."

Zhai Heng poured her wine, "Me too."

The two of them didn't talk much at this time. It was best to calm down and enjoy the scenery. Unconsciously, Jiang Nuannuan drank most of the small jar of wine.

It's as hot as a hot drink. The more you drink it, the more addictive it becomes. You don't even know the power of this thing.

She was a little drunk. She turned her wrist twice and took down the string of Buddhist beads hidden in her sleeves. "Zhai Heng, I'll give you something, but it's not very valuable. Do you want it?"

Zhai Heng put down the tea cup and turned around, "I want it."

As soon as he finished speaking, his hand was pulled by her.

His clear and clean long fingers rested on her leg, and then his cold white wrist bones felt cold, and a bracelet made of small Buddhist beads went around her.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes were a little blurry. She blinked hard and adjusted the position of the bracelet for him. She said solemnly with a hint of drunkenness: "When I bought it, I heard the master said that 108 pills can eliminate 108 kinds of worries. He said a lot that I am not I understand Buddhist principles very well, but I just hope that my Buddha will be compassionate and give you health, longevity and a happy life."

She felt it was a pity that such a good man only lived for two years.

The cold beads were close to his skin. Zhai Heng raised his hand to look at the tiny beads and murmured, "So they were given to me."

They didn't go to offer incense today, but stayed in the temple for a long time. Later, she went to find a monk alone, and when she came back, she had this string of things on her wrist.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded her head, her eyes filled with water, "Yes, please give it to you."

Her cheeks turned red, and her body sitting on the stone bench moved closer to him, "Do you like it?"

The beads tapped lightly on the table, and the beautiful hands left the table, picked her up directly from the stool and put her on her lap.


The sound of love was submerged in her hair and brushed against her thin lips.

The back of her neck felt a little itchy. Jiang Nuannuan shrank her shoulders. The color of her lips that had been wetted by wine was gleaming. She opened and closed them and said, "As long as you like it."

"You're very drunk." Zhai Heng put his long fingers on her waist and locked his eyes on her lips. He only lowered his head slightly and could smell the fragrance of wine on her body, as if she was soaked in a wine jar. , intoxicating.

The rice wine brewed by farmers at the foot of the mountain is as sweet as a drink and has great staying power. There is a big slogan on the small jar.

Drinking will make things worse, don't be greedy.

One jar was enough to knock down an adult man, and Jiang Nuannuan drank almost to the bottom.

This time I no longer pretended to be drunk, but really got myself drunk.

She looked at Zhai Heng, who had four mouths. Although it was weird but still beautiful, she raised her hand and poked it, "It's so strange. How did you get so many mouths?"

The delicate fingertips poked his Adam's apple, and the fingertips pressed down gently, and then he was held by a hand.

Zhai Heng hugged her into his arms, kissed the end of her eyes which were red due to drunkenness, and secretly sighed that what he had done was disgraceful.

But one thing leads to two. In the little time he had left, he always wanted to be closer to her. The desire to sprout had already sprouted young leaves and rhizomes, and doubled in length.

"I'll work hard and hold on a little longer."

His voice was so low that Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and asked slowly, "What did you say?"

"You don't need anything I can give you." Zhai Heng rubbed her face and sighed, "What else can I leave you?"

She understood this sentence clearly, licked her dry lips, and replied extremely decisively, "I won't stay."

Zhai Heng lowered his eyes and looked at her, his moist eyes filled with drunkenness but extremely clear.

This was indeed her inner thought.

So ruthless.

Zhai Heng suddenly picked up her waist and bit her lips hard, blocking out everything Jiang Nuannuan wanted to say.

Her soft lips were filled with the mellow fragrance of wine.

Different from the gentleness in the morning, Zhai Heng tightened his body and held her waist with one hand. The wrist with Buddhist beads was close to Jiang Nuannuan's face. His long fingers covered half of her small face. The phalanges on the back of his hands were raised and green. The veins are criss-crossed, like a great deal of forbearance.

His kiss became urgent and fierce, and Jiang Nuannuan, who was crushing her, felt uncomfortable. It didn't feel like intimacy, but like revenge for her ruthless nibbling.

His lips became stinging, and the breath in his lungs was almost stripped clean.

She pushed his shoulders in discomfort, and the skin on her lips was broken!
When Zhai Heng saw this scene, the desire surging in his heart once again defeated his reason, and he kissed her hard again.

On a snowy night, a couple enjoying the snow opened the window and saw a silver-covered courtyard. Peach branches were bent by several handfuls of snow, and half of the brown branches were drooping on the top of the pavilion. A man and a woman below were leaning against each other, barely able to kiss. Indistinguishable, you can vaguely see the man holding the girl and kissing her, with a flawless profile.

Because the picture was so beautiful, it was secretly recorded on the mobile phone.

A beautiful photo of a kiss on a snowy night was quietly posted on Weibo at night.

(End of this chapter)

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