Chapter 177 A false alarm

After the tea and wine had cooled down, Zhai Heng relaxed, picked up the unconscious man and walked into the house.

The next morning with a hangover.

Jiang Nuannuan woke up in a warm bed. The charcoal in the brazier was newly added, and the room was not cold at all.

The screen was folded, and Zhai Heng walked in carrying breakfast, "Are you awake?"

She sat up quickly holding the quilt, her hair was messy and her eyes were blank, "Wake up."

"You drank too much yesterday." Zhai Heng bent down and put down his breakfast. The collar of his sweater was loose, and his exposed slender neck was marked with several red marks, as if he had been kissed hard.

Jiang Nuannuan stared at his neck, and a few small fragments flashed through her mind. She would not have completely lost her memory after drinking. After returning to the room last night, she seemed to be clinging to him and refusing to get down.

"Did I do this?" She suddenly felt her mouth go dry.

Zhai Heng touched his neck and thought of the scene where he carried her back to his room to sleep, only to be pressed down on the bed and chewed by her. He said with unclear meaning: "It's just a few bites, it's not a problem."

Jiang Nuannuan felt that things were a bit off-topic. She seemed to have gone too far, causing her skin to break and her face to burn. "I'm sorry."

Zhai Heng took out the lip balm from his coat pocket and gave it to her, and said warmly: "We don't sell this on the mountain. Just use mine for now."


He gently rubbed her lips with his fingertips and smiled softly, "My lips are broken."

Another string of fragmented memories of passionate kisses were stuffed into his mind, and Jiang Nuannuan's cheeks heated up rapidly, "Thank you."

Zhai Heng looked like nothing was wrong and patted her head again, "After dinner, let's go burn incense."

Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of the mirror, looking at her face with spring-like brows, and pulled a towel dipped in cold water to hold it down.

She had to admire his psychological quality.

System 66: "Don't feel so guilty. To be precise, he bit you."

66, who was watching the whole process again, excitedly recounted the whole process of last night to her while dancing and waving his phantom limbs.

Not only did they kiss in the small pavilion, Zhai Heng also carried her to the table and kissed her. Later, they gnawed her way into the bedroom before he was ready to let her sleep. As a result, she lost her temper again and felt that she was at a disadvantage, so she pushed her down on the bed and gnawed her. .

"I saw you bullying him from your perspective yesterday, and I got excited."

"Okay, you can shut up." Jiang Nuannuan took off the towel, looked at the cooling face, took out the lipstick and prepared to apply it.

This lipstick was probably commonly used by Zhai Heng, and it was full of his scent. She applied a little bit, and the dry and stinging parts of her mouth were moisturized, but she could no longer get rid of his scent.

His entire mouth was covered in his taste.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips, adjusted her mentality, and went to have some breakfast.

Zhai Heng didn't give any explanation for what happened last night, and calmly handed the incense he bought to her, "Let's go."

"Yeah." She didn't mention what happened last night, and the two of them had a tacit agreement to hide the incident.

The masters in the temple were reciting the Morningside Buddhist Sutra. They found a place to sit cross-legged and listened to the Sanskrit sounds. All the distracting thoughts in their hearts were unknowingly taken away by the sutras.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the golden Buddha, closed her eyes, and felt peaceful and pious.

After the chanting, she took out the incense she bought and walked around the Buddha in the temple with Zhai Heng to worship.

"Sincerity leads to success, Zhai Heng, please be careful." She told him, hoping that he would pray more for her to live a long life.

The man's right hand is wrapped with Buddhist beads, and he holds incense in both hands. His handsome and handsome eyebrows are cold and distant. When he bends down to pay homage, his pious appearance is like that of a Buddha who has never left the world.

Jiang Nuannuan looked away, inserted the incense into the cauldron with him, and donated the incense money.

They worshiped all the big and small Buddhas in the temple, and it was early when they came out. On the top of the mountain filled with clouds and mist, a few rays of golden light shot out from the mist, shining brightly.

Both of them were covered with a layer of gold.Jiang Nuannuan turned around and said, "The Buddha's light will shine, and the gods and Buddhas will help you. May you be safe and happy in the future."

The cold wind blew through his hair, and the corners of Zhai Heng's lips curved, "We are safe and happy."

He never believed in this, and his grandmother's faith had never brought him good luck, but now he has changed his mind.

He held sandalwood in his hand and prayed to Buddha, praying all the way for himself to survive.

After lunch, they went to the peach grove outside the temple and asked tourists to take photos under the peach trees covered with heavy snow.

The tall man in the brown coat looked like a cold fairy. The girl who was a little shorter than him and wearing a white velvet scarf was held by his shoulders with one hand and a smile on her face.

The photo was taken at this point.

Jiang Nuannuan was about to burst into tears when she saw news of a new relationship being revealed about a man who was suspected of being a railway conglomerate less than two months after his divorce.

One minute ago, she bought two cups of hot drinks and scanned the QR code to pay. This is how the news interface popped up. The reason was that a photo of a passionate kiss under the snow was secretly taken and posted on the Internet last night, and it quickly fermented overnight.

After all, Zhai Heng had just been in the news. This was a sensitive time, and it was normal for him to be picked on.

But Jiang Nuannuan didn't know what to do. This kind of cheating on several men at the same time was about to be exposed, which made her scalp numb.

Zhai Heng saw her expression changing while staring at the phone, and asked quietly: "What's wrong?"

She pushed the drink to him and tremblingly opened the picture on her phone to enlarge it.

The kissing picture was not very high-definition, and the pixels were average at night. In addition to being able to tell from the outline that it was Zhai Heng, the hand on his face and the string of Buddhist beads almost blocked him.

She carefully identified them for a while, confirming that the men should not recognize her. Her heart hanging in her throat dropped back to her chest in a second, and her breath became smoother.

"We were photographed yesterday."

She handed over the phone, and Zhai Heng took a brief look at it, his expression turned cold, and there was anger in his eyes.

Within ten minutes, all hot news searches were completely removed, and the news agency that published the news without authorization received a letter from the group's lawyer.

After several phone calls, Zhai Heng comforted her, "It's all solved."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him and blinked, knowing that he had that strength. After a while, she said, "Were we so intense last night?"

The corners of Zhai Heng's lips curved and he nodded slowly. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Treat this as a secret between us. No one will know."

Jiang Nuannuan is down.

Does this mean that he is still looking for an opportunity to have an affair with Gu Tingyan behind her back?
Then could there be too many people she had an affair with?

She swallowed, "Well, keep it a secret."

Even the kiss on the train, she chose not to tell.

After staying in the temple for another two days, Jiang Nuannuan was fully armed on the way back and refused to show even one eye, for fear that the matter would make the news again.

Zhai Heng also doubled the number of hidden bodyguards around her, and there was no more trouble on the way to Bishui Bay.

As soon as she got home, she first processed the emails on her computer and the house transfer contract.

Gu Tingyan bought the double-story studio in a prime location for 3000 million and gave it to her.

Hang Panxia sent her an email, which was a list of real-person wild treasure hunting shows. Each celebrity would bring an amateur guest to start a week-long jungle show.

She was quite curious as to how this thing was thrown into her mailbox by Hang Panxia, ​​until she saw Gu Shizhou-co-amateur guest Fu Shiliu on the guest list.

! ! ! what?

These two got together so quickly and even appeared on the show together?Isn’t Fu Shiliu from a wealthy family? !He actually lowered his status?
(End of this chapter)

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