Chapter 178

Jiang Nuannuan, who hadn't made enough money yet, couldn't bear it and immediately called Hang Panxia.

She was probably on the set, and it was quite noisy around her, "Nuan Nuan? What's wrong?"

"The email you sent me, are there still any spots available? Are there any celebrities who are missing co-guests?"

As soon as Hang Panxia heard her eager tone, he dismissed his assistant and found a quiet corner, and then said: "Wei Ziyi, who had temporarily withdrawn due to illness in the previous island life, also participated in this event."

Jiang Nuannuan had forgotten this person, "Who?"

Hang Panxia was a little embarrassed to say, "It's the one with ruptured hemorrhoids."

Jiang Nuannuan remembered that it seemed to be caused by excessive exercise.

"Can you help me arrange it? Let us meet."

"No problem." Hang Panxia added: "I learned about this from Bai Liang. I think I have to remind you that Fu Shiliu has a close relationship with the Gu brothers. Please pay more attention."

She had always known that Jiang Nuannuan had a deep and unknown relationship with the two Gu brothers. There was a high probability that Jiang Nuannuan was also a substitute like her, and since they were on the same boat, they would definitely help if they could.

What if the substitute turns over in front of the real owner?

"I see, thanks."

That night, Jiang Nuannuan ordered a few boxes of mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival at Nanfuji, put on a facial mask and started drawing designs.

After working until midnight, Gu Tingyan called and asked her where she was. Less than half an hour after she reported her address, there was a knock on her door.

Jiang Nuannuan went to open the door with a hand warmer in her arms. The man walked in with wind and frost in his clothes, and his whole body smelled cold.

"You won't go home after playing?"

She shuddered and closed the door, "It's already afternoon since I got here, and I'm too lazy to run around."

Gu Tingyan glanced at the mess on the painting table in the living room and the white velvet scarf hanging behind the stool, and narrowed his eyes, "Why don't you just go back to Sunshine Huating? Who else did you go on the trip with?"

Jiang Nuannuan's heart rang with alarm, suspecting that he might have seen the photo and thought the heroine was her.

After thinking for less than three seconds, she hummed heavily, turned around, walked back to the living room, huddled on the sofa, and curled up into a ball, leaving Gu Tingyan with as many aggrieved images as possible.

"Is that my home? Just go back if you say you want to go back?"

She was clearly playing this preemptive move. Gu Tingyan walked over and said in a cold voice, "Why not? You didn't admit it yourself."

He sat down next to her and threw away a duck-billed doll, looking at the house full of pink and dolls, which was completely opposite to the cold and lonely wind in the sunny courtyard.

Such fancy decoration seems to be what little girls should like.

Jiang Nuannuan straightened up and stepped on the outside of his thigh with her cotton-socked feet. "You want me to explain clearly? Even the password for your door lock is the birthday of your old lover."

Gu Tingyan frowned, but before she could refute, she stepped up with both feet, stepped on his suit pants and crushed them hard, and spoke angrily from her red lips, "Who else should I go with? Who else can I go with? Go? Mr. Gu is very busy with everything, so how can he go out with his lover? "

She just couldn't stand it so confidently that it showed on her face.

Anyway, the photo is blurry, and there is Zhai Heng on the other end. I am not afraid that things will break out again, and she will deny it even to death!
Gu Tingyan grabbed her feet and dragged her directly to him. The long white jade legs under the two nightgowns crossed his thighs and were tightly pressed by his arms.

Another strong hand was wrapped around his waist. Jiang Nuannuan's pupils shrank and she pressed against the collar of his suit embroidered with dark silver threads. "What are you doing? I'm angry with you."

Gu Tingyan said expressionlessly: "That house said it was yours. You can change the password at will. I will ask my assistant to transfer the property to your name tomorrow."

She heard this tone of voice reluctantly, but as soon as she finished doing it, she gave him a house. Jiang Nuannuan's arrogance suddenly diminished by half, and her resistance was reduced. She even took the initiative to climb onto his legs and sit with them spread apart.

"Let me tell you first that you forced it on me, and I didn't want it myself."

There was a trace of laughter in his cold eyes, and he put his hands on her hips, "So worthless?"

What's not going to work?Isn’t it too much to give her a house and buy a hair-smoothing package?
Jiang Nuannuan leaned forward, put her hands on his chest, shrugged and continued, "Because you are still beating around the bush and accusing me of going out with a man, please change all properties to my birthday password, including your office." Gu Tingyan looked at it again. I glanced at the white velvet scarf behind the painting table. That scarf was exactly the same as the one in Zhai Heng's photo, but it was similar?
When he didn't speak, she sneered, "I knew you wouldn't be willing to change your old lover's birthday password."

She pushed him away and wanted to get off him, but the iron-like hands on her hips couldn't move her away.

Gu Tingyan slightly raised his chin to look at her. The girl's skin was cold and white, her long hair was fluffy and resting on her shoulders. Under her pink cotton nightgown, her long legs were moving around and rubbing his suit pants.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly noticed something was wrong from his eyes and body reaction.

She sat stiffly on his lap, stared into his dark eyes, and screamed, "You are perverted!"

"Normal reaction." He replied calmly.

Jiang Nuannuan looked down at her nightgown spread out on his legs and whimpered, "Even if you framed me, you still want to bully me."

"Have I ever told you my total assets, which include overseas real estate? How do you set the password for them?" Gu Tingyan admired her glaring and upward-looking fox posture, looking like a fairy, which was very seductive.

Jiang Nuannuan poked his chest, her eyes wet, "Excuse."

The man's heart felt itchy after being poked by her. He held her thighs with his hands and stood up, "I need to take a shower."

"Then why are you hugging me?" Jiang Nuannuan kicked her legs in the air twice and wrapped her hands around his neck. Her heartbeat was a little fast. "There are no men's clothes in my bedroom. I really didn't cheat! No, I really I didn’t find a pretty boy behind your back!”

"Use your towel."

"Then I'll just wait for you outside."

"Rub my back and change all combination locks to any number you want."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Including your bank card password?"

In the bathroom filled with hot water, the glass mirror was covered with wet mist, and the steady male voice was breathing hard.

The skirt of the girl who was captured was soaked, her moist red lips hurt from the kiss, and her fingertips were trembling slowly.
66 watched his host being tortured for a long time, lying on the bed as tired as a dog, and couldn't help but said: "It's okay, we still preserved the innocence of the male protagonist for the female protagonist, and you also sacrificed some hand parts. "

Jiang Nuannuan didn't want to pay attention to it at all. She buried her face in the quilt and remained silent.

A hot male body was soon wrapped around her. Gu Tingyan hugged her waist and fell asleep contentedly.

He got up at no more than 6 o'clock in the morning. The girl on the bed was still sleeping. Her hair was spread like seaweed, her long thin white arms were hanging on the edge of the bed, her long legs were bent and exposed, and there was nothing on her shoulders, which were covered with red marks.

Gu Tingyan's eyes darkened and he secretly commented on the goblin.

After arriving at the office, Li Zhu and the entire secretarial office received new tasks.

Change the passwords of all properties and replace them with ones Jiang Nuannuan likes.

His little lover satisfied him and reciprocated the courtesy, and he knew how to give back.

But Li Zhu was about to cry. He wanted to yell at his boss and ask him if he knew he had houses all over the world. Why should he change the initial password? !
At 10 o'clock in the morning, Jiang Nuannuan got up with her broken hand. She suffered from tenosynovitis in her right hand one night. She took out the plaster in the drawer and applied it. She said with a sad face: "66, I'm dirty. I just want to hear good news now." .”

"I only gained 2 points of favorability last night, so it's just so-so."

System 66 added: "And didn't you say that there are still many parts that can be used? This is just in time."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her plastered hand tremblingly, her eyes wet, and cried: "He is simply not a human being."

"Ding dong."

A message comes in from the phone.

She picked it up and saw that LV's new winter clothes were on the market. The clerk asked her if she wanted a model to come and try them on.

Jiang Nuannuan sneered, "Buy, I must max out his card today!"

(End of this chapter)

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