Chapter 180 Don't Panic
The familiar woman parked her car on the side of the road and walked into the alley carrying the gift box. She saw an old man leaning on a lounge chair outside, covered with a thick blanket, chatting with Grandma Yang next door.

Grandma Yang: "I mistook the girl last time and thought she was Rong Zhao."

Grandma: "Don't talk nonsense, it doesn't look the same. To me, Zhaozhao's child looks like a lucky doll. Our granddaughter-in-law is so thin, I feel bad when I see her."

Grandma Yang: "Haha, I haven't seen her for a long time. I don't know if she has gained anything from studying abroad."

Grandma Yang smiled, her slightly cloudy eyes did not contain much of a smile, "I don't know, our family doesn't care, she is not a girl who can live a good life with Jinzhao."

Grandma Yang thought about the past and sighed, "That's right. She also caused your grandson to go to the police station and file a record. Her family originally looked down on your family, but this girl has a good personality and she seems to come from a wealthy family. It’s good to care about families like yours.”

Jiang Nuannuan stood at the corner of the alley for a while, then walked in with a smile and said in a clear voice, "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

She was wearing a white thin cotton-padded jacket, her hair was in a bun, and her face was plain and beautiful. The two old men waved at her cheerfully.

"Come here, why are you bringing mooncakes? The packaging box looks very expensive." Grandma Fei felt sorry for her spending money. She held her skinny hand and squeezed her, "Don't bring anything with you when you come home from now on. Jin Zhao will buy it." "

"I know, I'll ask him to buy it next time. He hasn't come back today for the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Jiang Nuannuan looked into the room and didn't see him. There was only a caregiver sitting inside playing with her mobile phone. When he saw her, he put away his mobile phone and rushed to her. Smile.

Grandma said: "He is going to be late, saying there is something at school."

Jiang Nuannuan felt strange. When she went to Nanfuji to get mooncakes in the morning, she also received a group message from Yu Tai on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Their school was on holiday yesterday.

She went into the house and put down her things, then went to the small balcony upstairs to secretly call Fei Jinzhao.

It took a long time for the other end to pick up, and a deep male voice with the whistling wind came, "Hello."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced down at the balcony, covered her mouth and whispered, "Where have you been? Why aren't you back yet? Yu Tai said your school was on holiday yesterday."

Fei Jinzhao was silent and said calmly: "I went back to the countryside, ordered the cemetery and funeral items, and cleaned the old house."

Jiang Nuannuan bit her lower lip and said softly, "When will I get home? I'm waiting for you to have a reunion dinner."

Fei Jinzhao looked out the window at the mountains and fields against the wind, her chestnut eyes showing a very light emotion, "About 78 o'clock, I'll try my best to go back."

"Then I'm waiting for you. What do you want to eat? I'll buy groceries first or go to the hotel to order food." Jiang Nuannuan deliberately raised her cheerful tone and said, "I'll satisfy you with whatever I eat."

There was a low laugh from the other end, "It's up to you, buy it and wait for me to come back to do it."

Jiang Nuannuan added, "Where's grandma? What should she prepare for her food?"

Fei Jinzhao: "She can't eat soft porridge and tofu."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Okay, I can do this. When she's hungry, I'll let her eat first. You take your time on the way and call me when you're almost there."

After hanging up the phone, she came downstairs. The nurse had just packed her luggage and turned to her and said, "Tell the young man here that since his girlfriend is here to take care of me, I will get off work a little early today during the Mid-Autumn Festival. It doesn’t matter if the salary is deducted for a few hours, just let him put it on my card on time, and I won’t be here starting tomorrow.”

"Wait a minute." Jiang Nuannuan was surprised, "Are you not coming anymore?"

The nurse nodded, "Yes, this young man said he would take care of her at home from now on."

Jiang Nuannuan watched her say hello to Grandma Fei and leave before realizing what she meant.

Fei Jinzhao must definitely drop out of school, otherwise he would not be able to let the nurse go.To accompany grandma on her last journey?

She went shopping for groceries with a heavy heart. At about 6 o'clock, Grandma Yang went home with her family to have a reunion dinner. Jiang Nuannuan was afraid that Grandma Fei would be hungry, so she cooked her some pickled vegetables, tofu and porridge to go with it. eat.

After probably eating less than half of the bowl, she didn't want to eat anymore.

"My teeth have been hurting so much lately." Grandma Fei looked tired and waved her hands weakly, "I really can't eat anymore."

On the first floor, next to the stairs, was a small bed that Fei Jin had made at the last minute. Jiang Nuannuan felt that she was not feeling well, so she helped her get into bed to rest.

When the bodies came into contact, Jiang Nuannuan realized that Grandma Fei's body was unusually cold. She quickly reached out and touched her forehead. The hot palm of her palm combined with the sunken and pale face under her eyes made Jiang Nuannuan tremble all over.

She covered her grandma with a quilt and hurriedly ran to the door to call Fei Jinzhao with a panicked tone, "Are you getting home soon? Grandma seems to have a fever again. I touched her forehead and it was very hot. What should I do? ?I will take her to the hospital now? You come directly to the hospital?"

"Is it the same doctor as last time? What's his name and phone number? I'll contact him right away."

"Hello? Fei Jinzhao, are you still there?"

The bus had just arrived at the station. Fei Jinzhao squeezed her way out of the bus and took her luggage with one hand. She only had time to say, "Don't panic yet."

Jiang Nuannuan held her forehead, her voice choked, "Fei Jinzhao, did you hear what I just said?"

"I heard it." Fei Jinzhao comforted her in a low voice, "Don't cry, this happens a lot recently. There is an electronic thermometer on the table. Let's go check how high grandma's fever is."

There was a ringing sound from the other end, as well as a stool being kicked down and a female voice gasping. His eyes darkened and he tightened his grip on the lever, "What's wrong? Did you fall?"

Jiang Nuannuan covered her knees and went back to find the thermometer as he said. She put it in Grandma Fei's ear and tested it. She endured the pain and said, "No, I measured 38 degrees. What next?"

She was even more panicked. She still remembered what the doctor had said. Once the fever caused the intracranial blood vessels to bleed, Grandma Fei would leave immediately.

The deep male voice on the other end of the phone was out of breath, as if he was running. The rollers of the trolley box made noises as they hit stones. He tried to speak steadily: "There is a small basket under the bed. There is antipyretic medicine in it. It's Tylenol. I know you." Right? Feed her two tablets and then take the cooling patch."

Jiang Nuannuan hurriedly followed the instructions. She didn't know that a person's body could be so cold and his face could be burned to the point of being bloodless. She was really afraid that something would happen to Grandma Fei tonight, and then Fei Jinzhao would never like the Reunion Festival in her life. .

After reluctantly taking the medicine, Grandma Fei couldn't quite open her eyes. She just talked to her grandson vaguely, "I'm fine. Please walk slower and don't fall down at night."

Jiang Nuannuan's nose felt sore, and she wiped the water marks on the corners of her lips with paper. Fei Jinzhao never hung up the phone. She was panting and talking to her grandmother, and the wind blew through the phone and made a roaring sound.

Grandma Fei was exhausted after only saying a few words. The medicine took effect and she quickly fell asleep. Before going to bed, she told Jiang Nuannuan and others to wake her up when they came back.

She pinched the corner of the quilt, took back the mobile phone beside the pillow, and asked in a very soft voice: "Are you almost there? How long will it take?"

"Soon." Fei Jinzhao held the phone and whispered: "In the taxi, we have already crossed the bridge. Soon."

No wonder the wind was so loud in front. Jiang Nuannuan touched Grandma Fei's hand under the quilt, only to touch the cold skin and bones. She sniffed and said, "I did everything you asked."

Fei Jinzhao's heart suddenly ached when she heard it, and her voice was gentle in the wind, "I know, you are very powerful and you have done well."

(End of this chapter)

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