Chapter 181 Ask her to answer the phone

Jiang Nuannuan got up and walked outside. A little further away from home, her aching knees would feel much better.

She stood in the dark alley and asked softly: "Do you really don't need to go to the hospital? Will it be faster if the doctor gives you an injection to reduce the fever in the hospital?"

"No need." Fei Jin called back in a low voice: "She will notice if she goes to the hospital again, and she won't be able to bear another round of chemotherapy."

Jiang Nuannuan turned to look at the window of Grandma Yang's house. The family was enjoying themselves, toasting and drinking, and happy Mid-Autumn Festival blessings came from the door.

She felt even more sour.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the sound of suitcases rolling became closer in the alley.

Jiang Nuannuan heard the sound at the door, raised her head in the darkness, and stared at the door.

As soon as Fei Jinzhao walked into the house, he was enveloped by a burst of heating. He turned on the switch at hand, and the warm light suddenly spread all over the living room.

There was a petite figure sitting beside the bed, hugging his knees, with a dazed little face raised, and his folds glowed when he saw him.

"Fei Jinzhao, you are finally back." She shouted to him in a low voice, the corners of her lips raised, and she smiled with two small dimples, her smile was particularly warm.

Fei Jinzhao's heart suddenly felt hot. He put down his luggage and backpack and stepped forward.

Jiang Nuannuan stood up immediately and said in a relaxed tone, "The fever has subsided a little, the medicine is still taking effect, and grandma is sleeping soundly."

As soon as she finished speaking, his wrist was pulled by him, and she stumbled into a warm embrace without warning.

His fingers were clasped on her back, and his chin rested on her thin shoulder. His body was trembling slightly, and the suppressed emotions in his heart were about to burst out.

Jiang Nuannuan was buried in the chest of his sweater, her hot chest rising and falling violently against her cheek, her heartbeat was beating fiercely, and her rough breathing brushed through her hair, bringing with it bursts of moist heat.

The car couldn't be driven in. He was out of breath after running all the way back.

Jiang Nuannuan reached out and patted his back, comforting him softly: "It's okay, it was a false alarm."

"Thank you." He closed his eyes and said in a restrained low voice, "Thank you for coming tonight."

Except for grandma, no one waited for him in the dark night, and no one would welcome him home on special holidays.

Fei Jinzhao suddenly wanted her very much at this moment, and she wanted to squeeze into the dim light of darkness. It was a delusion to hold on, but she wanted to possess her morbidly.

"You're welcome." Jiang Nuannuan rubbed his back until his mood stabilized.

Grandma Fei's current thermometer reading is 37 degrees, which has become stable. Fei Jinzhao sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to touch the old man's thin cheek.

The disease tortures the person beyond recognition, and the blue eye sockets are sunken under the heating lamp. If it were not for the regular rise and fall of the chest, it would really feel like there is only a tortured corpse lying on the bed. It makes people feel distressed and terrified for no reason.

Jiang Nuannuan put her fingers on his shoulders, bent down and lifted her chin, and whispered into his ear: "Do you have to do this every time you have a fever in the future?"

"Yes." Fei Jinzhao pinched the corner of the quilt and took back her hand, and said softly: "We can't go back. If we die in the hospital, the body will be sent directly to the funeral parlor."

Jiang Nuannuan put her arms around his shoulders and rubbed his cheek. Silent comfort was the only thing she could do at the moment.

System 66 clamored in her ears for five points of favorability and hundreds of millions of dollars, but she seemed to ignore it.

To be honest, her ability to empathize has been mobilized since she treated people with paper cards as human beings, and the money she earned from Fei Jinzhao will make her conscience ache.

It has nothing to do with love, it's purely a matter of conscience.

She didn't want this man to notice that everything she had done was a well-planned lie from the beginning.

If he could treat himself badly, like Gu Shizhou and Zhai Lin did, she would feel at ease with the money she earned. But in Fei Jinzhao, he never thought of hurting her. He was just trying his best to live against this miserable world.

But what is sad is that the world has already been decided by the stupid author and has arranged the fate of him and everyone else.

It is wrong to play with someone who is living in hell.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at Grandma Fei's sleeping face, and suddenly felt that if she was summoned by Fei Jin to fight against her in the future, she would deserve it.There was grandma sleeping downstairs, and Fei Jinzhao was reluctant to wake her up, so she took the vegetables Jiang Nuannuan bought to the small kitchen upstairs to cook.

It was almost nine o'clock. The two of them crowded in the kitchen to finish washing the dishes. Jiang Nuannuan took out the mooncakes she bought, opened one, and handed it to his mouth, "First, I'll cushion my stomach."

Fei Jinzhao started cooking and finished the mooncakes in two bites with her hands, "Bean paste filling?"

"How's it going? Is it delicious?" She put herself in a good mood and stood behind him to watch him cooking, her chin brushing against his swinging arms from time to time.

Fei Jin looked at her out of the corner of her eye, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "Yeah, it's quite delicious."

While he was making sweet and sour fish, his cell phone rang in his trouser pocket, and his hands were still full of water. Jiang Nuannuan behind him helped to take it out.

She looked at the incoming call on her phone. The area showed Overseas and her name was Rong Zhao.

She handed it to him directly and said, "I'll answer it for you and put it next to you. I'm going out first."

At some point, Jiang Nuannuan understood her own sense of propriety. She put her phone next to the chopping board and was about to press the answer button, when Fei Jin called her and said without looking back: "You answer it for me."

She paused her hands and turned to look at his back with surprise in her eyes, "Me?"

"Well, it's not convenient for me."

She blinked, "What identity should I use?"

Fei Jinzhao then turned around and said pointedly, "Isn't it nice of you to say it in front of grandma?"

Jiang Nuannuan's face turned red. The ringtone on her phone turned into a hoarse scream at the end. She took it back and walked out of the kitchen, her voice getting farther and farther with her steps. "Then I'm talking nonsense. Don't settle accounts with me." ah."

Fei Jinzhao lowered the heat and simmered the fish until the sauce was absorbed, and there was not much movement in the kitchen.

At night, the sweet female voice said the words "I am his girlfriend" clearly to my ears.

A smile suddenly appeared on the corners of his straight lips, and the haze that had been weighing on his heart for many days was dispelled.

For him, Rong Zhao was his inseparable candy friend when he was young, and the poison that caused him to try love for the first time at a young age. It was her departure that made him see the dark nature of the world clearly, and it was she who made him understand the rules of survival where money and power are paramount. He never blamed her choice, nor anyone else, that was the reality.

No one will stand there forever waiting for someone, he will not do that, and no one deserves to be waited for for a long time.

What's more, the past memories are really not worth remembering over and over again. There is nothing worth being happy about.

Fei Jinzhao put the sweet and sour fish on a plate, took the remaining carrots next to it, and carved a flower to decorate the bottom of the plate.

The dialogue between Jiang Nuannuan and Rong Zhao is very small, and every sentence is heart-wrenching.

"We live together."

"We cook together."

"He loves me very much."

Rong Zhao didn't speak or hang up the phone for a long time. He just sobbed and sounded really sad.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced back at the kitchen, then suddenly stepped to the terrace and closed the glass door.

"Grandma Fei is not doing well recently and may leave at any time. If you are free, please come back and stay with him."

Jiang Nuannuan hung up the phone without waiting for her answer. She looked up at the full moon under the night with a pale expression.

She didn't know how much Fei Jinzhao liked Rongzhao, but she didn't mind being a good person this time.

System 66: "Don't you think that if you don't tell Rong Zhao about this, and you stay with Fei Jinzhao to comfort her after grandma dies, it's more important to get the favor points and money?"

(End of this chapter)

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