Chapter 182 I’m not really heartless
Jiang Nuannuan twitched the corners of her lips, "First of all, I'm not sure whether Fei Jinzhao asked me to answer this call to anger Rongzhao or for something else. I don't want to think too much about it."

"Secondly, I am a human being. I am not really heartless. According to the setting, he still can't let go of his first love. I will help him once. His lover can be by his side when Grandma Fei leaves. That's all."

System 66 beeped softly, "I know, I know, it's just that you've always been good at acting. You're heartless and wolf-like."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the moon, sighed, and suddenly felt a little irritable, "I want to go home."

"You know, it's not possible yet. I also told you that if there is a problem with the script, the time will be extended."

"How much favorability does Fei Jinzhao have?"

"45, almost halfway."

The balcony door was opened, and Jiang Nuannuan turned her head. Under the moonlight, her little face was white and beautiful, with a pair of clear and almond-shaped eyes.

"What did you say?" Fei Jin called over.

She smiled, "Didn't you hear?"


"Oh, I won't tell you then."

Fei Jinzhao's maroon eyes were a little indifferent at first, but now she smiled and reached for the phone she was holding, "Why didn't you tell me?"

The rough fingertips wrapped around her hand, and after a few seconds she took out the old mobile phone. Jiang Nuannuan took a step forward, put her hand on the balcony railing and tiptoed closer to him, "You didn't eavesdrop?"

He hadn't heard her speak since she stepped onto the balcony, but he hadn't missed a word of those annoying words before.

The tips of Fei Jinzhao's ears turned red, but it was not very obvious under the moonlight, and she still looked calm.

"I didn't hear you, I was cooking."

He just suddenly wanted to hear her say it again.

But his reason did not allow him to do such a straightforward thing, as if he was flirting.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at his slightly turned eyes, and her heart moved, "I want to hug you."

Fei Jin softened her eyebrows and opened her hand to her, "It's okay tonight."

Jiang Nuannuan threw herself into his arms, rubbed her cheek against his chest, and sighed with contentment, "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Fei Jinzhao."

He lowered his head slightly, resting his chin on the top of her hair, holding her waist with his arms, and whispered back: "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

System 66: "Alipay received 2 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 47%."

The last soup was stewed, and the two of them sat on the small table on the second floor to eat. Jiang Nuannuan looked at the time and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to wake up grandma for more food? I only give it to her after 6 o'clock." After eating less than half a bowl of porridge and tofu, she lost her appetite."

"Make her a cup of milk powder after we finish eating." Fei Jinzhao took the initiative to get her some sweet and sour fish.

He also washed the dishes in the back. Jiang Nuannuan really didn't understand that Fei Jinzhao was not happy with her doing housework. Last time when she was sweeping the floor in his house, she was forced to sit on a stool. Once she felt rebellious, she I was rushed to make milk powder after a while.
Jiang Nuannuan held the milk powder jar in her arms and said at the kitchen door, "I'm really good at washing dishes and cooking, and I'm also very good at hygiene."

"Yeah." Fei Jin recalled in an extremely perfunctory manner.

She snorted and put the hot milk aside to cool down. She took advantage of her free time to send Mid-Autumn Festival text messages to several men one by one.

What he gave to Zhai Heng was a string of carefully organized words, and he also wished him a long life and a long life.

What was given to Gu Shizhou and Zhai Lin was a unified excerpt from the Internet, accompanied by a string of colorful little hearts and small salutes, which were as perfunctory as possible.

She gave it to Gu Tingyan and thought about it carefully, cautiously starting with "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival", then compiled a [-]-word short essay on Internet love in the middle, and ending with "My dear lover wants to take a beauty sleep, good night".

Except for Zhai Lin, the four men who received the text messages respectively clicked on the text messages at the same time on different occasions.

Gu Shizhou sneered when he saw the message. Lin Xiao walked by and asked, "What's wrong?"

He shook his head and said it was okay, then looked at the man sitting on the sofa opposite.

Gu Tingyan had his legs folded and was looking down at his phone as well, but after reading the text message from beginning to end without missing a word, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Gu Shizhou asked him: "A perfunctory MMS message about Happy Mid-Autumn Festival?"

The man raised his eyes and glanced at him, and rarely replied, "A short emotional composition for an admirer."

Gu Shizhou: "."

He stood up expressionlessly, went upstairs, turned on the computer and checked Baidu, thinking about how to get back.

Zhai Lin was drawing and didn't notice the message. Zhai Heng, who was lying on the bed, flicked the Buddhist beads on his wrist and also made up a long string of old sayings, ending with the last sentence of wishing the beautiful little fairy a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

After Jiang Nuannuan sent the message, she stopped looking at her phone. Fei Jinzhao fed her grandma milk powder, helped her go to the toilet and then went to bed before going upstairs and asking her, "Are you going back tonight?"

It was almost 12 o'clock and of course she was too lazy to rush back, so she shook her head and said, "I won't go back."

Fei Jinzhao nodded and went to the room where grandma originally slept to make a bed for her. Jiang Nuannuan sat in the living room and ordered a movie, "Just make a bed for me to sleep in. Get some rest early." "You're not sleepy. ?" He came back after making the bed and glanced at the TV.

"I'm not sleepy. It's a rare holiday and I want to sleep in." She looked excited at first sight.

Fei Jinzhao sat down next to her, "Let's watch it together."

"Okay, it's a rare and good popcorn movie." Jiang Nuannuan adjusted the progress of the 10-minute advance back.

"Why did you fall back?"

"Let's watch it together from the beginning."

Fei Jinzhao looked at her profile and took out her cell phone.

Half an hour later, he called a timeout, went to the alley downstairs to get takeout, and then came back.

Jiang Nuannuan smelled it as soon as he went upstairs.

Popcorn and fried chicken beer.

She blinked, "Huh? Didn't you go downstairs to see grandma?"

Fei Jinzhao pushed the popcorn to her, "Eat it."

Jiang Nuannuan pinched a piece of popcorn and ate it in her mouth, then watched him open a beer and drink it herself, with a question mark on her head.

Is he reading stupidly, and the term popcorn movie is understood separately?
But it would be nice to have a late-night snack with a movie.

Jiang Nuannuan also took a can of wine from the plastic bag and took a sip from time to time.

After two hours of enjoying the popcorn movie, she burped and her stomach was so full that it bulged out.

"I won't eat two meals in a row next time."

Fei Jinzhao smiled secretly, "You don't want to eat it yourself."

Jiang Nuannuan stared at him with watery eyes, her eyes filled with alcohol were like little hooks, "Am I getting fat?"


"You laughed at me."

Fei Jinzhao stopped smiling and said seriously, "You're not fat, you're very thin."

Jiang Nuannuan reluctantly let him go, "I'll take a shower first."

She went to his cabinet to look for her nightgown and got into the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, the toilet door opened, and a small hand poked out, "Fei Jinzhao! I forgot to bring a towel!"

Waving his white fingers in the air, the man sighed, dug it out in the cabinet and handed it to her.

Two minutes later, Jiang Nuannuan came out wearing a summer nightgown and yawned, "I fell asleep."

Fei Jinzhao happened to lower his eyes and saw one of her fair and beautiful calves. There was a bruise on the knee. His eyes darkened and he pulled her back.

She let out a low cry, fell on top of him and was grabbed by his wrists, "What's wrong?"

"You lied to me." Fei Jin coldly picked her up and walked into the bedroom.

Jiang Nuannuan sat on his mushroom quilt again. He held her ankles and lifted her feet. The feeling of his rough fingertips rubbing against her calves made her tailbone tingle for no apparent reason.

She shook her leg nervously, "I bumped it accidentally. If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that there was an injury."

Fei Jinzhao said coldly: "Sit down and don't move. I'll get a towel."

Threatened by his cold face, Jiang Nuannuan stayed still. She sat there and looked down at her left knee. The bruise looked fine.

She shook her head. This delicate and soft body could easily leave traces if bumped off. It was so fragile.

Soon, Fei Jin called her out and got a hot towel and squatted in front of her, "Apply it for a while before going to bed."

Jiang Nuannuan pushed up her skirt to ensure that her knees were exposed, and placed her injured foot on his leg. As soon as the hot towel was applied, she immediately groaned in comfort.

She squinted her eyes to enjoy it, and didn't notice Fei Jin's eyes on her thighs at all.

After changing towels twice in a row, she couldn't help but feel sleepy. She couldn't help but kick his leg with her uninjured foot, urging: "Are you okay?"

Fei Jinzhao knew that she was squeamish, so he patiently let her kick, but his voice became lower and lower, "Stop moving, just change it again, the towel will cool down quickly in cold weather."

"The clock has rung at three o'clock in the morning. If I don't sleep, what will happen if my beautiful face gets wrinkles tomorrow? Who's to blame?"

Jiang Nuannuan lost her temper and kicked his bare feet directly onto his chest, while her toes poked into his heart.
(End of this chapter)

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