184 - Not Dirty
"Don't I feel sorry for her crying so much yesterday?"

Seeing Rong's father still staring at Fei Jinzhao's back in defense, Rong's mother raised her voice again, "He only got pregnant when he went outside to have sex with a wild man. When he was a child, he just fought with people everywhere and seduced us Zhao Zhao." Not to mention that his puppy love delayed his studies, he still has a criminal record! Are you mistaken?"

"Okay, stop talking. We are still at the door! Why are you talking so much!" Rong's father couldn't bear to stop her. "She is now an honors student in a top university. Think about how many people will compete for her job in the future. Do you want something? A good future, right? What about Zhaozhao? You don’t know how much it costs to go to university abroad? How much money do you have? Come back and learn about business management? "

Rong's mother immediately stopped talking. Back in high school, Rong Zhao followed Fei Jinzhao every day and fell behind in her studies. She studied abroad as an art major. After graduation, she would definitely have to rely on them to support her. After all, she still had to find someone. A man will help her manage her future property.

Her voice softened, "There are so many good men in the world. Anyway, I am against them being together. If it weren't for the fact that she cried sadly and went to the hospital last night, I wouldn't have come to give the money. It would be a thankless task. And you don’t want to think about the fact that if a man marries a woman, who doesn’t want the bride price and the RV? Fei Jinzhao can’t afford it even if she works hard for ten years, and her family is probably completely in debt.”

"You won't ask someone to marry into your wife, right? Are you just interested in that academic qualification?"

Rong's mother looked wary, "You are pushing my daughter into a pit of fire. I tell you it is absolutely impossible."

Rong's father sighed and thought it made sense. The houses in Linggang were indeed expensive. Even though their family opened a clothing processing factory, they still managed to buy three bedrooms and one living room in Linggang.

"Okay, I'm just going to mention it now, doesn't she have a girlfriend? Anyway, we have already sent Rong Zhao's love, let's go, let's go."

People in the alley outside were whispering. In the small living room on the first floor, Grandma Fei closed her book and wiped her eyes, "My illness has really hindered us Jinzhao."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at her and cried, and quickly took out some paper to wipe her, "Anyway, we are all discharged from the hospital, and she will be cured soon."

Grandma Fei's weak shoulders shook, and she said sadly: "Does he owe a lot of money outside? Nuannuan, please tell grandma the truth."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lower lip and comforted in a low voice, "I really don't owe money. Look at the air conditioning and a new sofa and TV in this house. Does it look like I owe money? Don't listen to other people's nonsense."

"Alas." Grandma Fei shed tears silently, "Now that I am back from the hospital, you all said that I need to rest, but after so many days, I always feel that my condition is getting worse and worse. I couldn't even sit up on my own this morning. "

Jiang Nuannuan bit her lower lip hard before suppressing the discomfort that surged in her heart. She pretended to be relaxed and patted her shoulder, "The doctor said that fatigue is normal. You have only been back for a few days. Please relax." The most important thing is, don’t overthink it all the time.”

Fei Jinzhao's footsteps appeared at the door. Grandma Fei quickly wiped away her tears. Jiang Nuannuan wiped her nose, "Eat, you'll be cold if you don't eat."

After the family finished eating, Fei Jin deliberately avoided her grandmother's crying eyes and lowered her head to wash the dishes. She helped the old man go to bed to rest, and took advantage of the situation to help wash the urinal used in the morning.

After Fei Jinzhao finished washing the dishes, he happened to see her coming out of the toilet with a clean urinal. Then he frowned and quickly came over and took away what was in her hand, "You don't have to do such a thing."

Seeing his reaction, Jiang Nuannuan took his hand and said dissatisfied: "I held your hand when washing the urinal, and I ate the stir-fry. Why can't I touch it?"

"Too dirty." He said coldly.

She stood in front of him, "Dirty? Do you mean yourself or it? Or this family?"

Fei Jinzhao whispered: "They are all there."

Jiang Nuannuan was speechless. She angrily grabbed his hand, kissed his calloused palm hard, then raised her head and asked, "Then I'm dirty now?"

Fei Jinzhao was suddenly stunned. The place where the palm of his hand had been smelled suddenly became numb, and Fei Jinzhao's heart stopped for a moment.

He just felt that she lived in the sunshine filled with money, was delicate and beautiful, and lived such a good life. She really shouldn't touch all the dirty things.

He was reluctant to dirty her hands, and these flawless hands should not be used for housework or any dirty work.

Jiang Nuannuan's stubborn eyes stared at him without blinking. The eyes were so bright that Fei Jinzhao couldn't help but cover them with her hands. She stretched her straight body and finally bent down slightly, whispering to her. Compromise, "Not dirty."

She covered the back of his hand and said angrily: "I don't think it's anything at all when I do this. Don't always think it's a burden."

Fei Jinzhao held her hand and put it down.She pinched his face and asked, "Have we reached an agreement now?"

Fei Jinzhao lowered her eyes, "Yeah."

He turned around and said, "The game that the professor and I made made some money."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and followed him, "That elimination game? Is it a lot of money?"

He put the urinal under the bed, "Not much, hundreds of thousands."

So whether he holds a funeral or buys a cemetery, he doesn't need to borrow money anymore to send his grandma away in glory.

Jiang Nuannuan has always known that he has this strength, and is not surprised. "You will make more in the future, I believe in you."

On the day she left, she made an agreement with Grandma Fei that when Fei Jinzhao's birthday was coming up, she would buy a cake to celebrate with them.

System 66: "Fei Jinzhao's favorability level is 50. You should pay more attention to Gu Shizhou and Zhai Lin. They are too behind."

Jiang Nuannuan drove the car and said, "I know, why don't we think of ways to approach them reasonably?"

After arriving at Sunshine Court, she began to pack her luggage for the show. She read all the Mid-Autumn Festival replies on her phone and deleted them one by one. Only a happy Mid-Autumn Festival message from an unknown number caught her attention.

It's not any of the male protagonists. The number belongs to Haiping.

Jiang Nuannuan thought it was a mistake and deleted it as usual and ignored it.

Two new pots of cacti appeared in Gu Tingyan's office. They were similar in shape to the two half-dead pots before. He could tell the difference at a glance.

Li Zhu persuaded them kindly: "You watered those two pots too much and the roots rotted. The plant doctor can't do anything to save them. The shapes of these two pots are similar. Miss Jiang will definitely not be able to tell. Please water less and plant them again."

The man in the boss's chair put his long finger between his eyebrows and reluctantly accepted the plan.

"Go out."

Li Zhu breathed a sigh of relief and ran away quickly. Gu Tingyan took the car keys from the drawer and returned to Sunshine Garden.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, he rushed back to the company to work all night. He thought he could hold someone and have a good sleep at home, but he looked around and didn't see any familiar figure.

Aunt Mei finished sweeping the bookshelves in the study room with a feather duster and ran into him when she went out.

"What about her?"

Being chilled by his aura, Aunt Mei quickly put the feather duster pointed at him behind her back, "Miss, she packed her bags and went out to record a show in the afternoon. She said she was going to participate in a jungle treasure hunting variety show."

Hearing that she went out again, Gu Tingyan frowned and asked, "How long will it take?"

"It's been a week, didn't she tell you?" After Aunt Mei asked, she felt that this gentleman's face was about to freeze.

Yes, I really didn’t say it.

She hurriedly lowered her head and turned sideways to go around, patted her chest and went downstairs, muttering, "The black-faced King of Hell is so scary."

(End of this chapter)

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