Chapter 185
Jiang Nuannuan's plane had just landed at sea level, and as soon as the flight mode on her phone was turned off, three missed calls from Gu Tingyan popped up.

It was now 9 o'clock in the evening. She had a busy schedule this afternoon and forgot about his going home, so she quickly called back.

Wei Ziyi landed on the same flight as her. Both of them were fully armed. He even came up to carry her luggage, "Don't just stand there, the nanny car is waiting at the T3 exit."

As soon as Gu Tingyan answered the phone, the first thing he heard was this soft male voice.

Carry luggage?
He held a cigarette between his fingertips, his dark eyelashes cast a shadow, and the smoke faintly exhaled from his lips, "Go and participate in a variety show without saying a word?"

Jiang Nuannuan's words sent chills down her spine. She rubbed her arms and walked aside quickly and said, "I forgot to tell you in the rush today. Are you going home?"

Gu Tingyan: "Is it because the money I gave you is not enough?"

"That's enough, but I have a fashion designer I like very much who is also on this variety show. I came to deal with her, and later I had the opportunity to cooperate with my spokesperson to design outfits with jewelry, which would be a perfect decoration for my studio opening platform. one time."

Jiang Nuannuan's face turned red and her heart skipped a beat. She took a quick look at the guest list and found that there was indeed an outstanding fashion designer. She had just talked about it with Wei Ziyi on the plane. This designer was young and talented. Have a certain influence in the fashion circle and stand out from the circle.

Gu Tingyan looked at the program list sent by Li Zhu an hour ago, as well as some photos of Island Life and the birthday party of Morning Star Club, with a very cold expression in his eyes, "Isn't it because of Gu Shizhou?"

The canary he kept got too close to his brother, and she ignored his warnings.

Jiang Nuannuan's expression became stern, and then she sneered, "Is this what I want to ask you in return? Miss Fu has joined forces with him to appear on the show. Do you want me to help you keep an eye on her? To prevent the beauty from being snatched away?"

Gu Tingyan frowned, a piece of ashes from the cigarette held between his long fingers fell, and his thin lips pressed slightly, "I'm talking about you, why are you mentioning her."

Jiang Nuannuan got into the nanny car and asked Wei Ziyi the address of tonight's hotel. Her mood became cold, "This is the hotel I'm staying at tonight. All the celebrities and guests are here. If you're not worried, come and check on yourself."

She pressed her thumb and poked the phone screen with her fingernails to hang up the phone.

Wei Ziyi asked her curiously, "Who is it? Your boyfriend?"

Jiang Nuannuan sneered, "No, it's the sponsor's father."

Wei Ziyi choked, who's lover would dare to be so treacherous with the sponsor's father?

He held it in for a while and said, "It's unfortunate that you said this when you were on the show with me, and you shouldn't say it to celebrities you don't know well."

"I'm not a fool." Jiang Nuannuan opened a bottle of water and took a sip, "Gu Shizhou and Fu Shiliu will also stay at that hotel tonight, right?"

"Well, the program team has arranged for us to live on the same floor. I guess we live next door or across from each other." Wei Ziyi nodded and said: "So your sponsor father is coming from Linggang now? I guess he can only take a flight tomorrow. There’s an early flight.”

Jiang Nuannuan turned her wrist, stuffed the water bottle back into her bag, looked at the plasters prepared in the compartment, and said softly: "Who knows if he will come, but I just need to be prepared."

Wei Ziyi didn't ask any more questions, and took the time to show her the rules of the show on the way.

A total of five groups of guests will be dropped on a desert island to compete for treasures, and the treasure is 1000 million yuan.

The winner can choose to keep it for himself or donate all the money to left-behind children in mountainous areas. To put it bluntly, it is a charity program to build goodwill among celebrities and build their character.

She returned the information to Wei Ziyi and asked him: "Why did Gu Shizhou bring Fu Shiliu on the show? Have you heard from people in your circle? Why would she, a wealthy lady, do such a thing?"

"Didn't she and Young Master Zhai get divorced? I heard that none of the divorce property was divided and the family property was also affected. Come and join Brother Shizhou. As for the reason?"

Wei Ziyi winked at her and said, "Didn't Hang Panxia tell you? They were college classmates and their first love, so naturally they wanted to help." "I've heard of it."

Jiang Nuannuan felt that no matter how miserable Fu Shiliu was, she would not be reduced to becoming a star. It seemed that she had indeed changed her target because she could not catch Gu Tingyan.

She put on her blindfold and settled into the chair, "Okay, you call me when you get there and I'll take a nap."

Sunshine Garden.

Gu Tingyan sat on the sofa for a long time, then put the cigarette into the ashtray, crushed it, picked up the suit jacket next to him, and called Assistant Li on the phone, "Help me prepare the helicopter to go to Haiping."

Li Zhu, who had just planned to take the next step with his new date, sat at the dining table and almost broke his teeth, "Now?"


Li Zhu immediately replied: "Okay boss."

He hung up the phone and said to the girl in front of him with an embarrassed look on his face: "I have something to do and I have to leave first. Can we make an appointment next time?"

Seeing him getting up and leaving, the girl sneered, "You asked me to come out to eat Western food. I answered seven or eight phone calls one after another without saying a few words. Now I have to pay the bill and won't leave without looking back." Money, you are really capable."

Li Zhu, who was halfway there, looked annoyed, turned around and came back to apologize, "Sorry, I forgot."

Seeing him taking the card to pay, the girl threw the money on the table first and stood up with a cold face, "I'm paying for this meal. Don't contact me again next time."

Li Assistant: "." He suddenly wanted to cry.

After sighing and calling various departments, he called Gu Tingyan again, "The flight control department has made a temporary report. You can go directly to the airport. The helicopter is on standby at any time."

"It's hard work." His concise and concise words made Li Zhu want to cry even more. Even his rough voice became aggrieved and choked, "It's not me who said it, boss. I will be 30 years old and I am still an old bachelor. Please do it, okay?" .”

Gu Tingyan: "What's wrong?"

Li Zhu: "You just messed up my 10th blind date, and I guess you went out in the middle of the night to find your little lover to relieve your boredom."

So, my current wave of resentment is about to break through the atmosphere. Can you understand?
Gu Tingyan was silent for a few seconds. He didn't feel any pain in his conscience at all. He only replied coldly: "I hired you as a full-time assistant with a high salary. If you can't do it anymore, you can choose to be laid off."

A series of relentless busy signals came from the other end of the phone.

Li Zhu covered his phone and complained fiercely, "Evil capitalist!"

But when he thought about giving up his million-dollar annual salary to find a partner, he silently wiped away the non-existent tears.

Love and money cannot have both, so he should get used to single life as soon as possible.

After arriving at the hotel, she went to the front desk to get her room card. Jiang Nuannuan pushed her suitcase and walked down the corridor on the 10th floor. When she found her room and swiped her card, the door opposite opened.

She turned around and saw two old acquaintances.

Gu Shizhou, who had dyed his hair back to black, came out first. Behind him, Fu Shiliu, who was wearing a cheongsam, was holding a finished takeout box in his hand. It looked like the two of them had just had a nice dinner together in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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