Chapter 186 Strategy
Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Good evening."

Gu Shizhou hadn't seen her for a while, and his eyes were fixed on her and he didn't move away for a while.

Fu Shiliu threw the box into the public trash can outside, her voice as gentle as water, "I haven't seen Miss Jiang since the last time Shi Zhou sent me to the hospital."

Jiang Nuannuan carried her luggage through the door, "Did you get any burns or scars after you followed me last time?"

The smile on Fu Shiliu's lips remained unchanged, implicit and apologetic, "It was indeed an accident that day, and Shi Zhou also knew it."

She stood looking behind Shi Zhou and tentatively pulled the corner of his clothes with her fingers. It looked like the two of them were intimate.

Gu Shizhou's peach blossom eyes flashed with a smile, and his delicate facial features were instantly vivid, as if he were wearing a gorgeous mask.


As soon as she finished speaking, the clothes in Fu Shiliu's hands were moved away from her fingertips. She put down her hands and dug her nails into her palms.

Gu Shizhou came to Jiang Nuannuan and leaned over slightly, "But you stole my itinerary and followed me here deliberately?"

Jiang Nuannuan tapped the lipstick mark on his collar and spoke slowly, "Don't always think of yourself as too important. Are you the only one worth what I do? Go back and take off your clothes and wash them inside and out."

She turned around and slammed the door with a swift movement.

After being rejected, Gu Shizhou touched the spot she touched with his fingertips, and a bright red spot appeared.

It was the lip color left by Fu Shiliu's accidental bump in the room just now.

He licked his fingers and smiled softly.

Fu Shiliu stood behind him and called out nervously, "Shizhou, are you okay?"

"I'll go to bed early after I've eaten. I'll go back and take a shower." He said calmly and walked slowly into the room diagonally opposite Jiang Nuannuan.

Fu Shiliu was the only one left in the corridor. She stood at the door, a gloomy look on her beautiful face.

As the door closed, Fu's mother made a video call, "How is the progress?"

Fu Shiliu's sad eyes fell into her eyes, "He still doesn't want to stay the night."

Mother Fu's expression turned cold for a moment, "No progress at all in these days? Didn't you say that Gu Er also misses you?"

Fu Shiliu bit her lip, her face pale, "He treats me differently than others. It's just that as time goes by, we will inevitably become unfamiliar with each other."

Fu’s mother; “For example?”

Fu Shiliu: "He took me to a variety show and gave me resources. He took me to a lot of parties. I believe it won't be long before that."

"Okay Shiliu." Fu's mother interrupted her, with a sneer on her elder face, "Why have you become so stupid? How many women has Gu Er given resources to? How many women has he brought to parties? Don't Tell me that’s what you call different.”

Fu Shiliu's tightly pursed lips were straightened, and her eyes flickered, "Mom, you believe me."

Fu's mother looked at her and finally sighed, "You don't have Zhai Heng as your backer, so don't lower your position too much. What you want to do is be your wife, not the unworthy things around Gu Er."

Fu Shiliu lowered his head and followed the instructions carefully, with a look of unwillingness in his beautiful eyes.

She originally wanted to take advantage of this variety show opportunity to get closer to Gu Shizhou. What she wanted was for them to go back to the past emotionally, instead of sitting with several beauties to play with him every day. Her mother was right, this was actually a A disguised form of humiliation.

But now Jiang Nuannuan's arrival has added a huge threat to her. She starts to panic when she sees her now, fearing that Gu Shizhou will be like Gu Tingyan and show a different attitude towards this unworthy stand-in.

She can't lose anymore.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had no idea that she was facing a formidable enemy, took a leisurely bath, put on a facial mask and opened the door that she had been knocking on for a long time.

Gu Shizhou was wearing a white nightgown and leaning against the door frame. His hair was messy and there were water marks on his neck.

He leaned over and said, "You've washed it. Do you want to check it?"

Jiang Nuannuan seemed to see a big yellow duck standing on the street, full of hypocrisy.

She lowered her eyes, bent down to pick up a small Carmen card on the ground, and inserted it into the gap in the overlapping nightgown on his chest, "I really want to vent, either go to the beauty house opposite, or call the tea seller. "

Seeing that she was about to slam the door again, Gu Shizhou held the door panel with one hand, "Did you really mean what you said that night?" "What words?"

Jiang Nuannuan stared at his flawless face, and then looked like she suddenly realized, "Having an affair with me? Do you really think so?"

Gu Shizhou's dark eyes were filled with amusement, "If I tell my brother that you seduced me on the night of his birthday party, will you have nowhere to go?"

Such a threat was child's play to Jiang Nuannuan. She let go of the handle and raised her head close to his ear, "That was just a joke, Gu Shizhou, how can you remember it for so long?"

She turned her head slightly and sprinkled her breath on his face, with a contemptuous smile on her lips, "So you took it seriously, what about Fu Shiliu? The white moonlight in your heart can't be wiped away, are you willing to make her sad?"

Gu Shizhou was not annoyed, he grabbed her waist and pushed her directly into the room, followed and kicked the door shut.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was pressed against the door panel, raised her head, and the man also leaned down. His superior features and peach blossom eyes were still eye-catching under the shadow of the backlight.

"Do you think Gu Tingyan will let her go?" He mocked, "He hasn't even had sex with you, has he?"

The breath between the two people was so entangled that they couldn't distinguish each other. Jiang Nuannuan smiled, raised her hand to touch his neck, slid down the rolling Adam's apple, and tapped his delicate collarbone, "Does it mean love? Then Your love is so perfunctory."

Gu Shizhou held her chin and looked at her carefully, "He kept you because of your eyes."

"And you want to have an affair with me because of these eyes." Jiang Nuannuan smiled and bent her eyes, and the upper end of her eyes became seductive, like a fox.

That was not the look that would appear on Fu Shiliu's face.

Not really.

Gu Shizhou chuckled, "Then I'm really blind."

"Do you want to bet?" Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his hand, "Let's see if your brother really likes me, or if he can't forget his old flame."

Half an hour ago, she sent Gu Tingyan her room number.

She bet he would come.

And she also had to let Gu Shizhou know that what his brother cared about and needed the most right now was that she, Jiang Nuannuan, was not Fu Shiliu.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, a low-key private car arrived at the hotel on time.

Jiang Nuannuan deliberately left her room card in the room. She didn't panic when she was locked out after going out to buy supper. She took the time just right and was just squatting outside the door waiting for the waiter to get the spare card. When Gu Tingyan coming.

He walked over in a black suit, bent down to help the person up, and said in a cold voice, "What are you doing squatting here?"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and realized who the visitor was. She got into his arms and acted coquettishly, "I went out to buy supper and left the room key inside."

"Who taught me how to be careless?" He put his arm around her shoulder, his movements natural and smooth.

"I don't know. I accidentally forgot to send you a message." She put her chin on his chest, her red lips quickly turned up, and she smiled openly, "But you really came to check on the post."

You can tell from her tone that this little girl is very happy.

When she hung up the phone, there was no denying that he felt a breath in his chest. The moment he saw her, the breath dissipated silently.

Gu Tingyan stared at her with lowered eyes, his voice still emotionless, "I didn't come here because you were angry and refused to answer the phone."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, looked at him for a long time, and suddenly said: "Then do you feel that you have never done this kind of thing before, and you still choose it on working days."

What does it mean to fly to her during the work day?
Gu Tingyan tightened the hand holding her and pondered for a moment, "I've finished my work."

He added, "Stay up all night."

That's why you can still see the green under his eyelids and the tired look in his eyes.

He really didn't sleep well.

Jiang Nuannuan touched his handsome face distressedly, and her voice softened, "Then I'll give you an apology."

She was extremely arrogant as she tiptoed in the hotel corridor filled with stars. She wrapped her hands around Gu Tingyan's neck like vines and kissed his lips.
(End of this chapter)

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