Chapter 187 It’s not long
At first, Gu Tingyan was surprised by her sudden boldness and enthusiasm. He held her waist, rarely pushed her out of his mouth, and whispered: "Aren't you waiting for the room key?"

"Why wait?" She raised her head and rubbed his lips gently, "Miss Fu lives opposite me, and your brother is in the room diagonally opposite."

She paused and moved her lips, staring into his dark eyes, and said ambiguously and seriously: "Maybe they are peeking? Do you think this inspection is worth it?"

"So was this your way of showing your loyalty?" He pinched her chin, his expression unchanged, "You were still testing me."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and tightened her arms around him. Gu Tingyan also lowered his head in cooperation.

"What should I do, do you mind if I test you?" She replied to herself: "That's right, you are not happy every time."

Knowing that he would be unhappy, she dared to continue to explore his bottom line. This is how her courage grew day by day.

Gu Tingyan didn't lie to her, "I cared about it before."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes lit up and she said charmingly, "What about now?"

"is acceptable."


Jiang Nuannuan bit the bridge of his nose with a hint of coquettishness in her eyebrows, "Okay, you are allowed to enter the room tonight."

Gu Tingyan put his arm around her waist and whispered to her lips, "Do I need to say thank you?"

"You're welcome."

As a rare joke, she also climbed up the pole, and the man managed to make her laugh.

The waiter brought the room card. Not daring to look at the two people crooked together, he opened the room and left quickly.

When Jiang Nuannuan was carried in, her moist and spring eyes glanced at the two adjacent doors.

Fu Shiliu glanced at the door when she heard the whisper from the door. She didn't have the courage to come out to see him, let alone question him when Gu Shizhou was there, but deep down she was jealous and happy.

She thought that Gu Shizhou would never approach Jiang Nuannuan again, and she was a little more sure.

Gu Shizhou himself was lazily leaning against the door that had been ajar for a long time, holding a red wine glass in his hand, drinking down the wine in one gulp with an expressionless face, and kicked the door shut.

As soon as she entered the door, Jiang Nuannuan was pressed against the wine cabinet in the entrance. As hard as she was teasing her just now, now Gu Tingyan was crushing her lips just as hard.

Her fingertips dug into his thick and broad shoulders, and she tilted her head back and almost couldn't breathe.

As time passed, her waist became soft and her lips were so painful that she had to softly beg for mercy. Her eyes were watery, "I'm very tired. I have to go on the show tomorrow."

"That designer? I can directly arrange for you to meet." He kissed her upturned neck and said softly: "You can sleep in and then come back with me."


Jiang Nuannuan remained sober at this point and firmly rejected him, "Others will know about our relationship."

Having him come forward can indeed avoid a lot of trouble, but it doesn't mean that she has to rely on the title of lover of the CEO of the Gu Group to solve everything. What's more, involving this designer is just an excuse.

Gu Tingyan stared at her rosy and charming face for a moment, grabbed her hand and dragged her into the bathroom, "Then do something for me."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the perfect and strong figure in front of her. The muscles under the warm color had a layer of honey color, which made her swallow hard.

She knew that the plaster she had prepared was not for nothing.

The light in the entrance went out after no one noticed it. In the bathroom, where only a faint light leaked from the crack of the door, the man's voice was dark and hoarse, and he sighed with rapid breathing, "Good girl."

After taking a bath and putting on her silk nightgown before going to bed, Jiang Nuannuan rummaged through her bag and applied the plaster.

Gu Tingyan only wrapped a bath towel around his abdomen, walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed, "What are you wearing? Did you hurt your hand?"

He didn't feel like he had any thorns anywhere.Jiang Nuannuan turned around and resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the sponsor's father, "I have tendon inflammation. I just did it not long ago. Let's take precautions this time."

The plaster was applied to the white and tender wrist, and a bright white patch appeared. Gu Tingyan narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "After the show, I will find a doctor for you."


Jiang Nuannuan didn't know if this problem could be solved in the world of novels. She got into the bed and crawled into his arms, rubbing her head against his superior chest muscles and sleepily saying good night.

Knowing that she would have to get up at five o'clock tomorrow to go to the island, Gu Tingyan turned off the bedside lamp, put his palm on her back, and closed his eyes.

Gu Shizhou didn't sleep well. When he woke up, his face looked bad. The first thing he did was get out of bed and smoke a cigarette.

Jiang Nuannuan really proved to him last night that his brother was a man who would never look back.

But that fucking scene made him extremely uncomfortable, and he had two ridiculous dreams one night.

One time was skydiving, and the girl who looked like a fairy was leaning under him, her brows full of spring, and her eyes were twinkling. Another time was at a birthday party in a bar, and the girl holding his metal belt raised her head, smiling like a fox, with her slender waist. Soft lips, so seductive.

After he finished smoking, he went into the bathroom to take a shower gloomily. After he came out to clean up, Fan Jiang was the first to receive his cold air. He handed over the coffee and bread, "Eat whatever you want, you will be on the island soon."

Gu Tingyan and Jiang Nuannuan also got up at about the same time. They both only slept for less than four hours. One was full of energy, and the other dozed off on his chest with a toothbrush between his teeth.

"It's almost five o'clock, why don't you go?" The man held her shoulders, with a faint smile on his lips.

Jiang Nuannuan reluctantly raised her hand to hold the handle of the toothbrush, opened a slit of her eyes, and mumbled a complaint, "If it weren't for you, I'd have enough sleep now."

Gu Tingyan opened the door and picked up the hotel breakfast he had ordered.

After taking a few sips of the extra strong Americano, she exhaled and felt a little more energetic.

He glanced at her wrist and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"Fortunately, last night wasn't long." Jiang Nuannuan turned her wrist and the other person stopped answering. She immediately felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere and raised her eyes to meet his unexplained eyes. Her face immediately turned red and she was naked under the table. She stepped hard on his leather shoes and said angrily: "I mean it's not to the point where I'm sick, so please be merciful."

Gu Tingyan raised his eyebrows and said, "Yeah."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't bother to tell him this feeling that was getting darker and darker. She finished the bread in a few mouthfuls and picked up her suitcase, "You can go out after me and the celebrities have left."

"I'm so shameless?"


A bus was waiting downstairs. After Jiang Nuannuan and Wei Ziyi met, the other party was shocked by the dark circles under their eyes, "What time did you go to bed last night? You don't even put on makeup when you have such heavy dark circles."

Jiang Nuannuan put on her sunglasses and said, "Don't mention it, I have insomnia."

"I'll touch up your makeup when we get in the car." Wei Ziyi helped her carry her luggage, "I brought a makeup bag."

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised, "You went to a desert island to hunt for treasures and you still put on makeup?"

Wei Ziyi: "Keep up your appearance at all times."

She had to give him a thumbs up, "Sisters are great, but I don't have to. It's too uncomfortable to stay on the island for so many days with makeup on my face."

While the two were chatting, celebrities and their amateur partners gathered in the lobby one after another.

Gu Shizhou had two luggages in his hands, and beside him was Fu Shiliu, who had changed into a clean long-sleeved shirt and jeans. Her face had light makeup and a bun. She looked fresh and beautiful, and her classic flavor was still strong.

"Miss Jiang is there, should we go over and say hello?" she asked the people around her with a smile.

The lobby was so big that Jiang Nuannuan didn't need them to walk over to hear the sound. She turned her head, wearing big sunglasses on her face, her hair disheveled as if she had just crawled out of bed.

(End of this chapter)

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