Chapter 188
"Morning." She waved the plastered hand on her own initiative.

Gu Shizhou's eyes were focused on her wrist, thoughtfully.

The program team now arranged for everyone to get in the car and go to the boarding point. They also temporarily gave each group a shot and asked them to say a few words.

Fu Shiliu sat next to Gu Shizhou with an elegant posture and said openly and openly: "Shizhou is very powerful. He will protect me, and I will not hold him back."

The camera moved to Gu Shizhou, but he was in a daze, biting a mint candy in his mouth and making a clicking sound.

Diagonally across from him, Jiang Nuannuan put on a woolen vest because she felt cold, and then sneezed loudly. The tip of her delicate nose was rubbed with her fingers, and it turned a little red, which looked quite cute.

Suddenly, Gu Shizhou swallowed the chewed candy and a casual smile appeared on his lips.

"Well, I'll try my best to protect you."

The camera recorded this scene, and the program team planned to add a series of pink bubbles to this scene to create a topic, the budding love between a wealthy classical beauty and a young actor.

The starting mode of the desert island treasure hunt is also very exciting. All guests will be led by professional skydivers to parachute and land from high altitudes, scattered in various locations. Everyone has a positioning and rescue watch on their wrist to conveniently check the location and health of their teammates. .

The supplies are only for four-person groups, and there are five groups of partners scattered in various parts of the desert island, which means that one group will definitely starve and freeze.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't have any emotional fluctuations about skydiving. She listened to 66's report on the increase in Gu Tingyan's favorability last night and asked him to wait for the show to finish and then give her statistics.

Before handing over her cell phone in the helicopter, she took the time to ask Fei Jinzhao about her grandmother's recent situation.

When it was finally time to skydive, she put on her goggles and became a conjoined twin with a flight instructor. The cold wind outside the cabin blew against her, and she said to Wei Ziyi, "I'll see you below."

Jiang Nuannuan was not too panicked when her body felt uncomfortable after falling. Gu Shizhou had taken her to jump once. She knew how wonderful it felt to look down from the sky, so she felt surprisingly peaceful.

Gu Shizhou on another helicopter wanted to skydive by himself. Fu Shiliu didn't know that he had learned these extreme sports over the years, so he mustered up the courage to ask him boldly, "Will you take me to jump? I am more willing to trust you than the skydiving instructor." "

The man checked the equipment and glanced at her, "You are not good at technology, but you are willing to trust me with your life?"

Fu Shiliu nodded firmly, "Well, leave it to you."

Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows, and couldn't tell whether it was sarcasm or amusement in his dark eyes as he stared at her. He scratched his eyebrows and said, "No, just listen to your flight instructor."

He said no more, and jumped out after preparing his body.

Fu Shiliu bit his lip as he looked at the figure disappearing rapidly in the sky.

She knew that Gu Shizhou had changed. Although he allowed her to approach him to show his goodwill, she still had an indescribable feeling. People would smile at her when he was around, but she would feel that he was thousands of miles away from her.

It was like wearing a mask of disguised emotion that she couldn't touch or take off.

Everyone's landing point was different. When Jiang Nuannuan's feet touched the sand, the coach behind him quickly packed up his things and drove off the island on a speedboat.

She glanced at the dots on her positioning watch. Wei Ziyi's landing point was an island away from her to the north and south.
When Jiang Nuannuan sighed and was about to finish, a big umbrella came down from behind. She turned her head when she heard the movement and saw Gu Shizhou, wearing a black jacket, kneeling in the sand, untying his equipment neatly with his hands and feet.

When the sea breeze blew, she sneezed.

Gu Shizhou raised his eyes and seemed to have noticed her, "Where are your teammates?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Over the mountain."

The wind brought strands of hair to her face, and she looked pitiful. After finishing cleaning up, he walked over to her and asked, "Are you going to come together?"

She nodded, "Let's go."

Gu Shizhou glanced at her, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes, but there was clearly no smile in her teasing deep eyebrows. She took the lead into the jungle and changed the subject, "Where is Fu Shiliu? You have to go find her to join her."

"We will meet." Gu Shizhou followed her leisurely.The program team placed hidden cameras all over the island, and Jiang Nuannuan accidentally saw several of them. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the program, there was no cameraman behind them to follow them.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the supply points marked on her watch. Today she had to get a supply first to ensure that she would not go hungry or suffer from cold.

It probably rained on the island last night. After walking for a while, her sneakers were covered with mud. Her neck became stinging and itchy when the blades scraped it, and she couldn't help but scratch it with her hands.

"Are there still such poisonous mosquitoes now?"

After hearing her muttering, Gu Shizhou looked at her neck and said with a focused look, "Stop grabbing her."

Jiang Nuannuan was suddenly grabbed by his wrist and looked up at him blankly, "What are you doing?"

He bent down and leaned closer, pressed his fingertips to a small red spot on her neck, and whispered: "It's not a mosquito bite, what did you touch? You're allergic."

She was even more confused, "Just rub it with the leaves. I don't have any allergies."

Gu Shizhou held her hand tightly and looked at the location chart, "Go to the supply point to look for medicine."

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't see how serious she was, so she could only be dragged by him to speed up her pace.

After walking for almost two hours, they still hadn't arrived at the supply point near noon. She broke away from his hand, sat down on the chopped tree stump with her sore legs, and gasped, "I can't survive anymore, Gu Shizhou, please stop for a moment." stop."

She was a person who lacked exercise to begin with, and her physical strength was not even half that of Gu Shizhou's. He squatted down in front of her and looked at her little face, which was sweating profusely and her lips were white. She was really exhausted.

He grabbed the back of her neck and pressed her in front of him, observing her symptoms at this time.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't have much strength, so she touched her neck and licked her dry lips, "I'm thirsty."

Gu Shizhou glanced at her and mocked, "So why are you here to participate in this? To be a burden to others?"

Isn’t it just to get close to you and make money?

She pursed her lips and told him the same story she told Gu Tingyan. The man stared at her closely. The two were in a stalemate for a few seconds. He suddenly smiled and said, "You are really not good at lying. How could he even do this?" Can’t I help you with anything?”

Jiang Nuannuan slapped his hand away and scratched his itchy neck, "I suggested it. I don't want to rely on others to complete everything."

Gu Shizhou held her wrist again and frowned, "Stop scratching it, the skin is broken."

She hummed aggrievedly, her tone unintentionally revealing a hint of squeamishness, "It's really itchy."

"It may be stained with poisonous leaf juice. Go and wash it off." He reluctantly pulled her up, locked her hand and walked through a small forest, stopping in front of a freshwater pool reflected by the sun.

Gu Shizhou squatted down on her and poured some water directly onto her neck. The cold water temperature made Jiang Nuannuan shiver. She sniffed and said dissatisfied: "The water is so cold."

"Stop talking nonsense."

He pressed her neck, and when he saw the aggrieved expression on her face, he remained silent for a few seconds. Instead of directly pouring water on her skin, he used his wet fingers to wipe the red spots little by little.

Gu Shizhou's fingers were somewhat warm, and the kneading force was not bad. Jiang Nuannuan squatted there without complaining, and looked very well-behaved from the side.

The harmonious scenes of these two people were all included in the program, and the atmosphere was a bit silent for a while.

"How do we speculate on CP now? We gave Movie Emperor Gu a chance to act cool and skydive on his own, but why did he jump to Jiang Nuannuan's side? It was all wrong?"

"Where's Fu Shiliu? Where did this young lady go?"

The staff cut out the picture of her and saw that she had just crawled out of the mud pit and turned into a little clay figurine. There was a collective silence.
This CP should probably be possible, but it can no longer be speculated.

After a while, the director said: "Let's take a look. There are clothes and tents at the supply point. Just change them."

(End of this chapter)

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