Chapter 190 The matter is over
The light and shadow faded away, and the jungle became quiet. Gu Shizhou put his arm around her waist and whispered, "Get better."

"No, there are centipedes." Jiang Nuannuan wrapped around him and cried, "Damn, it's so scary."

Hearing her swearing, the man raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want me to carry you back?"

"Yes." She nodded vigorously, with tears in her eyes. She looked even more pitiful than before, and she wanted to be bullied.

Gu Shizhou, who wanted to make fun of you, was speechless. He narrowed his peach blossom eyes slightly and said, "Jiang Nuannuan, you keep making such expressions on your face and I can't help it."

She sniffed, "Huh? What can't you resist?"

"I want to kill you, in bed."

System 66: "Alipay received 3000 million, Gu Shizhou's favorability is 28%."

Listening to its broadcast, Jiang Nuannuan was sure that he was not just talking. Her eyes widened, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, "Do you want to be shameless? I am deeply hurt right now!"

Gu Shizhou looked down at her, put his hands together, pinched her waist and hugged her tightly, "Why are you so embarrassed? Didn't you invite me?"

Her heartbeat became faster, "There are cameras everywhere here. Are you really crazy about being on trending searches?"

Gu Shizhou took two steps to the side, leaned her against the tree, and wrote lightly: "The camera is going to film here, do you still dare to take off your clothes?"

Of course she knew that he asked someone to turn the camera around, so she did so.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lower lip, "Aren't you afraid of hurting Fu Shiliu's heart? She has lowered her figure specially for you, why don't you turn back?"

Gu Shizhou lowered his eyes and looked at her lips, wanting to kiss her even more.

Without saying a word, he pushed the person back into his arms and walked into the woods. Jiang Nuannuan felt that he was timid, so she took the fight back.

Her fear of centipedes was immediately transferred. She grabbed his short hair and played with it around her fingers. She hummed proudly, "You really guarded your body for her like a jade. What's this called? Not a single leaf among thousands of flowers touches you? Gu Er You are so noble, I have underestimated you before."

Gu Shizhou's tongue touched his cheek, and his eyes became more and more dangerous as he listened to her provocative chatter in his ear.

He returned to the flat ground where the tent was set up, bent down, picked the person up and threw him directly onto the soft cushions.

The world was spinning for a while, and before Jiang Nuannuan could react, her hands were held and restrained above her head. The man's aggressive aura hit her face, and his handsome and evil face had a trace of murderous intent, "Are you not touching me?"

"what are you doing"

He pinched her chin and kissed her chattering lips, blocking out all the words.

Jiang Nuannuan was restrained and couldn't move. She subconsciously kicked him with her legs, but the long legs swept over and pinned him down.

She soon couldn't hold it anymore, physiological tears gradually appeared in her eyes, and she was about to cry again.

Gu Shizhou couldn't stand her being like this, so he pressed the end of her eyes with his fingertips. Seeing her crying after being kissed, her voice became hoarse, "Isn't this the case?"

Jiang Nuannuan gasped for breath, broke away from his hand and was about to sit up. The shameful look on her red cheeks was too tempting. Before she could even say a word to scold him, he once again grabbed the back of her head and blocked her lips.

Gu Shizhou lifted her slender waist and put it against his chest, circling her thin body and drawing the person into his territory.

After kissing for a long time, he felt that he had bullied her enough. He raised his head slightly and kept staring at her.

Jiang Nuannuan bit his finger hard. Gu Shizhou didn't care about the stinging pain on his fingertips. He lowered his head to touch her forehead and chuckled, "But you are right, we are nothing. Good people."

"You started the fire first, Jiang Nuannuan." He raised his lips, his voice was particularly low and sexy, "I just complied with your request and bullied you."

Jiang Nuannuan listened to 66's screams in her ears, her favorability reached 32 and a large amount of money was received, and she suddenly held back a lot of tears.

She was thinking about whether she would become a goblin or a chaste martyr. Her emotions swayed for a while, then she spat out his finger and taunted him in a dumb voice, "Forgot what you saw last night? You don't care at all?" Gu Shizhou's expression changed. Leng moved his palm down and put it against her neck, "What do you care? What he likes, I like too."

"Besides." He rubbed his fingers on her warm skin and whispered, "He didn't have sex with you last night."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him for a long time, twitching her lips and asked, "How do you know?"

Gu Shizhou smiled and pressed her hand, "I guessed it."

It was such a surprise when it exploded.

His eyes were visibly happy again.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him for a while and said, "You are so shameless."

Gu Shizhou pinched her nose and said, "To each other?"

His Neptune rank was too high, and Jiang Nuannuan couldn't bear it. She kicked off her shoes and got into a sleeping bag to cover her head, "Go away, I don't want to talk to you now, I want to sleep."

Later, it rained on the island.

Jiang Nuannuan was awakened by the sound of rain. She opened her eyes dimly, and there was a faint sound in her ears, and a ghostly female voice came.

"Shizhou. Where are you?"

She woke up with a start, and her ears pricked up to hear the sound of raindrops hitting the grass blades. It also sounded like the footsteps of a female ghost.

Jiang Nuannuan got goosebumps. She got out of the sleeping bag, crawled to the man who was sleeping with his arms under his head, and pushed his shoulders, "Gu Shizhou, get up."

Originally, he didn't sleep well yesterday and had to travel all day today. He couldn't bear the disturbance and grabbed the person with his long arm, directly pressing the person to his side and surrounding him, "Don't make any noise, you can't find treasures every day."

"No, there is a ghost." Jiang Nuannuan pulled his ear and said anxiously: "Listen."

After about 1 minutes.

"Shi Zhou, are you there?"

The female voice came closer, her voice was high-pitched and plaintive. Along with the patter of rain, Jiang Nuannuan trembled when she heard it, "Did you scumbag some beautiful woman and someone came to seek your life?"

Gu Shizhou also heard it now. He rubbed his brows and had to open his eyes. He turned around and saw her huddled next to her, looking both obedient and scared. It was so funny that he couldn't help but flick her forehead.

"I have a bottom line. Although it's not much, it's not to the point of killing people."

Suddenly a thunder rolled outside, blue light illuminated the outside of the tent, and a dark figure stood upright outside. When Jiang Nuannuan saw it, cold air ran down her back.

"Are you sure?" She got behind him and almost rolled into a sleeping bag with him, shaking her fingers, "Then...who is this?"

Gu Shizhou sat up, glanced down at the positioning watch on his wrist, and frowned.

He spent almost all of today dealing with this little trouble around him, forgetting that his teammates had lost a whole day.

Outside is Fu Shiliu.

When the tent was opened, a burst of cold water vapor rushed in. Jiang Nuannuan sat in Gu Shizhou's sleeping bag and watched him turn on the flashlight and shine it forward. A woman covered in mud and water appeared at the door.

The two women looking at each other were stunned.

Jiang Nuannuan inside didn't expect that the person whose facial features were almost buried in mud turned out to be Fu Shiliu. Fu Shiliu outside didn't expect that he found Gu Shizhou after trudging through mountains and rivers. There was a cleanly dressed Jiang Nuannuan lying on the bed.

Things suddenly became very confusing.
(End of this chapter)

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