Chapter 191
Fu Shiliu almost lost his breath when he saw this scene. His tears mixed with mud and water and he couldn't see clearly in the darkness. His voice was choked with sobs, "I have been looking for you according to the position on my watch. I have been gone for a day, Gu Shizhou, How can you do this?"

Gu Shizhou frowned, his eyes were a little sleepy and he was tired of getting out of bed, and his voice was much colder, "Why don't you press the emergency watch?"

Fu Shiliu squatted down, hugging his knees helplessly, his weak figure swaying slightly in the rain, "Just click and quit. I want to find the treasure with you, how can I quit? I have been thinking like this all the way through." , but how can you?”

How could he sleep with another woman in his arms without any regard, with no intention of looking for her at all.

She looked at Jiang Nuannuan in the tent with red eyes, "She is Wei Ziyi's teammate, isn't she? Why are you together?"

Jiang Nuannuan coughed lightly, "We parachuted and landed in the same place, so we formed a temporary team."

"But you slept in my tent and my sleeping bag." Fu Shiliu became more and more aggrieved as she spoke, and the muddy water on her body splashed into the tent from time to time.

Gu Shizhou put the flashlight aside, "Why don't we let her sleep outside tonight? I'm not that beastly."

Fu Shiliu choked, his emotions got the best of him, and he said in a hoarse voice, "You know I didn't mean it this way."

Jiang Nuannuan felt that the halo of the vicious female supporting role above her head seemed to be brighter now.

She glanced at Gu Shizhou and saw that he had no expression. If she tried to make room for someone else, she would be drowned.

"My fault, don't make any noise."

After thinking for a few seconds, Jiang Nuannuan got up, opened her backpack and handed Fu Shiliu a towel, "Then wipe yourself in and I'll go out later."

Fu Shiliu said fragilely at this moment: "No, Miss Jiang, I have no intention of targeting you. We can hide from the rain together."

"I know, everyone has a temper." Jiang Nuannuan said calmly: "You come in first."

Gu Shizhou grabbed her wrist and frowned, "Why did you go out? Did you ask me to go out?"

"Nothing." Jiang Nuannuan shook him off, waved her wrist, and the SOS buttons shone brightly.

"I pressed the emergency button to exit and stopped playing. I will leave when the staff comes."

She was originally here to gain a good impression, so it doesn’t matter if she leaves now. She can just find another opportunity to do so next time. There is no need to make herself as embarrassed as the heroine. She doesn’t act in sadistic plots. Who will eat this bitter love? Who eats it? She can’t eat it anyway.

There was a coldness in Gu Shizhou's eyes. Fu Shiliu, who was covered in mud and water, soon wetted a small area of ​​the tent. She huddled in the corner and barely wiped it with a towel, revealing the beautiful face of a bitter heroine.

"It's not in vain that I walked such a long way, but I still found you, Shi Zhou." Fu Shiliu tried his best to put on a smile and prevent tears from falling from his eyes. This level of poignancy made Jiang Nuannuan want to praise her. realm.

Gu Shizhou sat cross-legged on the sleeping bag, looked down at her and said, "No need."

Fu Shiliu's smile froze and fell silent.

Jiang Nuannuan felt tingling all over in this atmosphere. When the staff outside the tent raised their umbrellas to pick them up, she immediately cheered them both, "I'll take a step first. Goodbye."

Gu Shizhou saw her simply getting out of the tent and cursed, "You are so heartless."

The staff member held an umbrella over Jiang Nuannuan's head and glanced at the little clay figurine inside the tent, sighing inwardly.

This Miss Fu was really the worst in the whole game. Not only did she get lost not to mention falling into a mud pit after flying down, she got up from the mud pit and walked for a whole day without finding any supplies. She finally reunited with her teammates, but Gu Er Ye was in the nest. There is also a pretty and clean little beauty.

The camera over there clearly captured how this man held this girl's hand and walked through the jungle today. He originally planned to get CPs for Miss Fu and Movie Emperor Gu, but now it seems that he can only go the purely funny route. .

The staff's thoughts were spinning. Jiang Nuannuan had already gotten into the heated off-road vehicle and went all the way to the program team's station to rest.

The island is very large, and the program team's residence is a large private villa, which was temporarily lent to them by the owner of the island.

The room prepared for the abstaining guests was also very good. When Jiang Nuannuan soaked in the bathtub, she sighed happily and took a sip of the hot milk from the tray next to her.

She would just wait here until the show was over and then go help present an award. Jungle adventures were not allowed to take a shower, so it was really not suitable for her.

The rain stopped in the morning woods.In order to create authenticity and respect for the 1000 million treasures, the program team will not allow Fu Shiliu to have the opportunity to take a shower and change clothes after missing the supply point. When the sky breaks, the mud on her body will also form cakes.

Gu Shizhou didn't sleep much all night. The dirty things in the tent were very disturbing.

"Shi Zhou, when I came here I saw a pool nearby." Fu Shiliu grabbed her clothes uncomfortably, "Can you take me to wash up?"

Gu Shizhou's eyes were green, he stepped out of the tent with his long legs and said impatiently: "Go by yourself, I will close the tent."

"You can take it back when you come back." Fu Shiliu bit her lower lip. She didn't know what she was thinking. She suddenly acted coquettishly and said, "Can you go with me?"

That charming demeanor and tone imitated Jiang Nuannuan's.

Gu Shizhou stared at her for a while, and suddenly felt that her face was really dirty and ugly, and sneered: "I really shouldn't have cared about you in the first place."

Fu Shiliu was stunned, "What?"

"That trip to France." He raised his lips and smiled, his eyes sarcastic, "I really shouldn't care about you."

"Stop that look, you've never done that before."

With a pale face, Fu Shiliu finally went to wash herself in the pool, but was unlucky enough to be caught by a centipede around her ankle. She screamed all the way back and fell to the ground in a panic.

Gu Shizhou put away the tent and stepped on the centipede that climbed down from his ankle.

Fu Shiliu raised her fair and fragile face, her eyes were red, as if she couldn't bear it anymore, "How long will you have to take revenge on me before you are willing to forgive me."

What she responded to was a hiking bag thrown in front of her eyes, and a scornful male voice, "Didn't you spend the whole night looking for me to get the treasure together? Just pick it up and leave."

Jiang Nuannuan sat in front of the screen, drinking hot milk, watching the interaction between the two people on the screen, and followed the staff to complain to each other, "It's hard to carry such a big bag."

The staff member glanced at her sideways, "Didn't you notice that Mr. Gu was treated differently?"

"What a difference."

"Didn't he just give you a day's worth of resistance yesterday?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a tone of experience: "You don't understand the secret of this. The more you love someone, the more you hate her when she is betrayed. You know, Gu Shizhou's performance is first Sweet after abuse."

The staff member scoffed. Yesterday, he saw the two of them going to the pool to take a bath, and threatened not to film them. On the way back to the tent, Mr. Gu’s pants were unzipped, and they couldn’t be included in the show.

If they didn't have a period, he could stand on his head and eat dog shit.

Jiang Nuannuan got bored, lowered her head and started sending messages to Gu Tingyan.

In the group office.

As soon as Gu Tingyan threw a document on the table, the papers in the mezzanine flew out. Several people who were being scolded lowered their heads and dared not come out.

"Have you read the quality inspection report of the building on Fanyang Street?"

"I saw it at the time. The report from the quality control station was all qualified." They lowered their heads and stumbled back.

He stood up and this time threw the file shell directly on the table.

A corner of the document brushed against someone's cheek, cutting a bloody mark.

Gu Tingyan pressed his fingertips against the table, his narrow black eyes were deep and his voice was fierce, "After re-inspection, it turned out that the fire protection was not good, the steel bars of the beams and columns were cut corners, and a load-bearing wall was moved above the three-story shop to expand the space. Do you tell me this is qualified?"

(End of this chapter)

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