Chapter 192 It's not fun to talk about it
Several people's legs were so weak that they almost knelt down, "It's not Mr. Gu. After we won the bid for this land, it was the reconstruction of an old building. After the project was contracted out according to the procedures, the supervision was also done by an outside supervision company. We really didn't know them. He will do these little tricks and collude with the people we invite."

Li pushed the door open and came in. Looking at the situation inside, his heart went crazy and he said in a respectful voice, "Mr. Gu, Director Chen who oversees the company is here."

"Come in."

The phone on the table vibrated, and Gu Tingyan glanced down.

Jiang Nuannuan: I was eliminated just after the first day. The woods are so dirty, hum ╭(╯^╰)╮.

After reading the text message from the little girl, the anger in his brows and eyes dissipated a little, and he replied casually.

I'll send a helicopter to pick you back up.

Jiang Nuannuan received it and quickly refused: No, I have to finish the contract diligently, I just miss you.

After sending it, she thought about it and typed another sentence: Alas, even on a deserted island, I can't eat well or sleep well. I'm starving and thin. It would be great if there was hot pot.

Gu Tingyan ignored her after sending the message. When Director Chen came in, he took a golf club from the barrel by the floor-to-ceiling window with two pots of cacti.

He held the handle of the ball and waved it casually, then loosened his tie and turned towards the general manager who looked frightened.

"Director Chen, for the development of commercial buildings on Pingyang Street, I will give you 10 points of profit and ask you to ensure that you supervise the quality of the project. How much did you take? How much did you pay to the quality inspection station? How dare you falsify the inspection report?"

Gu Tingyan's voice was smooth and ruthless, and matched with his muscular arms and tall body holding the club, it was terrifying.

Director Chen broke out in a cold sweat, "Gu, Mr. Gu, when building a building now, you all cut corners to some extent, so nothing will happen."

When Li Zhu heard this, he knew in his heart that this man was going to die.

Sure enough, the club swung like an afterimage and broke Director Chen's leg.

The whole office was filled with his heart-rending screams.

Gu Tingyan twisted his neck, threw the club, and said expressionlessly: "Throw it to the police station, and then ask the Legal Department to sue all contracting units, and find someone to demolish the building again. The additional costs incurred by the rework are listed in the indictment." Here, let them spit out double the amount of bonuses they have eaten."

"Okay." Li Zhu nodded, familiar with this scene.

Gu Tingyan took out the phone that vibrated not long ago, read the message, and replied with two words.


Jiang Nuannuan hummed unhappily, took a picture of herself with a bare face and a pitiful expression and sent it back to him instantly.

I think I only need to eat hot pot once now and I will fall in love with you even more.

Gu Tingyan looked at the text message and the selfie, and couldn't help but curl up the corners of his lips, and most of his cruelty was gone.

The smiles on the faces of the trainees sent chills down their spines, and they always felt like there was a bigger punishment waiting for them.

Sure enough, when he raised his eyelids, he remembered that there were still people waiting for execution in the office, and said coldly: "The group does not support waste, so I will resign."

Li Zhu also felt that the boss's smile was weird and scary, and he nodded without daring to breathe.

When he was the last to leave, he was stopped by Gu Tingyan from behind, using another calm tone, "Go and do something private for me again."

That night.

A helicopter landed on the deserted island and brought hot pot takeout for the entire program crew, still treating them in the name of Jiang Nuannuan.

Jiang Nuannuan herself stayed with the crew, drinking Coca-Cola and cooking beef rolls like it was Chinese New Year. Her image also became extremely friendly in the eyes of these staff members. When she was caught, she was called a kind-hearted little girl. Fairy.

Her stomach was full after eating, and she happily sent a series of "Mommy" messages to Gu Tingyan.

In front of the big live broadcast screen next to him, Fu Shiliu was sitting in the dark trees, gnawing on dry bread, with a row of mosquito bites on his legs.

Two hours ago, in order to improve the efficiency of finding the treasure as quickly as possible, he and Fu Shiliu parted ways at a fork in the road, searching alone, and his spirit in playing the treasure hunting game suddenly became extremely dedicated.

There was also Wei Ziyi, who was almost forgotten. He formed a team with another team. He was timid and didn't dare to leave alone. He didn't dare to give up and quit, so he could only persevere so tenaciously.

It had only been two days and everyone was in a panic, but it was originally a desert island treasure hunting variety show, and everyone was here to create characters, so they all gritted their teeth and endured it.

Only Jiang Nuannuan, who raised the flag to surrender on the first day, had enough to eat and drink, walked around the big villa to eat, lay down on the bed wearing a clean cotton nightgown, and fell asleep for skin care and beauty sleep.On the third day, there was no material delivery.

Gu Shizhou had a strong ability to survive in the wild. He caught fish and ate it by himself in the water. When Fu Shiliu, who had been separated from him for the second time, found him, he had just finished eating the grilled fish.

"I didn't find the treasure, I'm so tired, Shi Zhou." She fell softly beside his legs, her voice weak.

"You can quit." Gu Shizhou raised his lips at her.

"No, I will help you find the treasure, and we will win this game together." Fu Shiliu swallowed her dry throat, her lips were chapped, and she grabbed his trouser legs and whispered softly: "I want you to see my sincerity."

Gu Shizhou threw her a box of milk and said calmly, "I must be having a hard time at home."

Fu Shiliu shuddered, "Huh?"

His peach-blossom eyes looked at everyone with affection, and he would stare at her sarcastically, "Stop preening, you didn't get a dime from the divorce, why are you so anxious to get back the money?"

There were tears in Fu Shiliu's eyes, "Don't say that to me, you know what happened back then."

"You dumped me back then." Gu Shizhou touched her dirty face, "Now that no one wants you, it doesn't mean that I will come to take over the offer."

"I'm giving you resources and money now because you really got along with me." He leaned over and pinched her chin, and said with a smile: "But I'm always generous to the women around me, you know not understand?"

So in his eyes, there is no difference between Lu Ling, Yao Zhi or Fu Shiliu.

So after so many days, she could never stay overnight at his house. She had to sit with a group of women at every drinking party. He just gave her the treatment that everyone would have.

After saying it so bluntly, Fu Shiliu was a little confused and a little humiliated.

"But I was injured in France, and you cared about me so much."

Gu Shizhou calmly blasted thunder into her ears, "I regret it."

"You are not as good as I thought, and the campus filter I had on you is almost broken." He said casually, but he was sincere.

"Since when?" Fu Shiliu's chest ached, unwilling, uncomfortable, painful, and helpless. She didn't know how to get rid of these emotions.

Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows, "Maybe you also like to sit next to me and drink and have fun with me?"

At that time, he felt that there was no difference between them at all. They came for the same purpose, just to please him, which was very boring.

He also thought that if there was Jiang Nuannuan here, he might be able to throw a glass of wine on his face and even raise his chin to provoke him.

So he regrets it.

That little goblin was so cute and easy to kiss. It was indeed his fault for hurting her that time. It seemed like they were still dating at that time.

Thinking of this, he touched the tip of his tongue to his cheek and regretted it even more.

Fu Shiliu was trembling all over, but still smiled firmly, "It doesn't matter, we can start over, and I will prove to you that I am different from them."

Gu Shizhou smiled playfully, "Let's get in line first, there are quite a few people chasing me."

This exciting conversation was all recorded in the show studio. After Jiang Nuannuan listened, the sound of Gu Shizhou's favorability increasing sounded in her ears.

System 66: "Alipay received 2000 million, Gu Shizhou's favorability is 34%"

She was a little speechless. Did Gu Shizhou still miss her when he was quarreling with Fu Shiliu?What kind of psychosis is this?

She turned to the chief director, who looked constipated, and poked his arm, "Can this be broadcast?"

The other party looked back at her, feeling like her face was about to turn green with anger, "I haven't seen much about the three of you that can be broadcasted. Why is this woman here? Is she specifically trying to catch you?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "." On the other hand, it's almost the same.

She coughed lightly and said, "You must not say this nonsense, I am an innocent and good citizen."

Comparing Gu Shizhou to her son, Gu Tingyan knew not to break her legs.

(End of this chapter)

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