Chapter 193 It's boring
On the fifth day, Wei Ziyi couldn't hold on anymore. He was chased by a wild dog in the woods and cried out for his mother to quit.

Their group was all eliminated, and he came back aggrieved. He was so dirty that he couldn't even see it, and his trouser leg was bitten to pieces.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that she was somewhat responsible. After all, she quit the show on the first day. She ordered a new high-end men's suit online.

"Winter haute couture dress, bought for you."

Wei Ziyi looked at the pictures of luxurious clothes that he couldn't rent even with his status. After counting the seven digits, the tortured little sorrow in his heart disappeared instantly. He hugged her arm and said affectionately: "It's just a bad variety show, why bother?" You spend money, and this little slave will be your dog from now on."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

I can't tell that this man is quite playful.

Fu Shiliu is still alive and well, but her clothes are in tatters and her image as a classical cheongsam beauty is completely ruined.

The way she gritted her teeth and persisted was quite pitiable in the camera, but Gu Shizhou beside her was selectively blind. In addition to ensuring that she would not starve to death, he would either ask her to fight or make her angry, which was really cruel.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed as she gnawed on the barbecue skewers.

On the 7th day of recording, Gu Shizhou found a treasure on an abandoned watchtower. Fu Shiliu suppressed her fear and followed him up a hundred-knot ladder. When she held the big golden egg containing a check of 1000 million, she couldn't help but cry. .

"You see, as long as we work together we can find the treasure." With tears in her eyes, she smiled weakly, "I said we can do it."

A group of people following them also climbed up, sighing because they were a step too late.

"Oh, it's just one step away. Sure enough, I've dragged you down. My brain is only suitable for going back to making clothes."

"It doesn't matter, we work together very well."

The two shook hands with each other and said hello to Gu Shizhou and Fu Shiliu.

Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows at one of them and asked, "Are you the fashion designer?"

The other party was stunned for a moment and politely replied: "I am Hong Yang, the designer of Tenghai."

"Oh, that's you."

Gu Shizhou took the golden egg from Fu Shiliu's arms and threw it in his direction.

Hongyang quickly caught the thrown egg and looked at him in surprise, "What am I?"

Gu Shizhou raised his chin and said casually, "I'll give it to you."

Except for him, everyone including the outside program crew was shocked.

The chief director smashed an earphone on the spot, pointed at the camera and roared, "What is he doing! Is he going to heaven! Who are you giving this egg to? It's worth 1000 million! Why are you doing it so casually!"

The staff next to him immediately handed over Suxiao Jiuxin Pills, "Take some quickly, sir, don't let it pass."

Fu Shiliu also didn't understand Gu Shizhou's behavior, but since the recipient was a man, she still said softly: "Shizhou gives it to you, just accept it, Mr. Hongyang."

Hongyang felt that the development of the situation was extremely strange. He had heard rumors that this actor Gu was famous and had a lot of fun. Now the other party was giving him the golden egg he had worked so hard to get. This kind of inexplicable courtesy , and immediately made his anus tighten.

"No reward for no merit." He threw the golden egg back like a hot potato with a wary look on his face, "Brother Shizhou, this is the reward you deserve. I won't accept it."

Gu Shizhou said impatiently: "Just take it and help me do something."

He threw the egg back again.

Hongyang's expression looked like he was about to cry. He hugged his egg and shrank behind his teammates, "Brother, I don't mean that to you. You won't have to pay anything for a game winner."

As soon as the words came out, the people in the program team were greatly shocked, and even looked at Jiang Nuannuan with pity.

"Gu Shizhou is really nothing."

I don't know who was brave enough to complain, Jiang Nuannuan nodded in agreement.

Gu Shizhou, who was on the watchtower, touched the back of his neck and frowned, "What are you thinking of? I'm just giving you this egg in exchange for a design."

After working for a long time, he came to find someone to design?
Hongyang calmed down, but was still puzzled, "You want to make clothes? Then just let your company follow the procedures."

"It's not me. You can talk to Jiang Nuannuan about going out." Gu Shizhou turned to look at the camera hanging on the beam, "You run so fast, don't you want cooperation?" Jiang Nuannuan, who was sitting in front of the screen, blinked, " Huh? Give me the cooperation in exchange?"

This reversal was truly surprising.

Fu Shiliu knew that she followed Gu Shizhou and went into the woods without taking a shower for several days, and the result was to make wedding clothes for others. She covered her chest with her hands. She was so shocked that she couldn't recover from the shock, and her lips were trembling.

"Did you give up the reward for Jiang Nuannuan?" She looked pale and her body was shaky. "Then who am I? I followed you through a hard week in the jungle, who am I?"

Gu Shizhou withdrew his gaze and glanced at her, "It's nothing. If you want money, I'll give it to you. I gave her this egg as an apology gift."

Jiang Nuannuan held her chin, listening to the conversation coming back from the screen, and murmured softly, "I really feel sorry for Fu Shiliu right now, how miserable it is."

Several staff members nearby nodded in unison, "This is a young lady from a wealthy family. She has been tortured beyond recognition."

The chief director felt that he had to take two of these quick-acting heart-saving pills to Fu Shiliu. He sighed and said, "Get ready, you go pick them up."

He needs to be alone and think carefully about how to cut something interesting for these three people.

System 66: "Let me give you statistics. Currently, Gu Tingyan's favorability has risen to 48, Gu Shizhou's 34, Fei Jinzhao's 50, Zhai Lin's 11. You need to pay more attention to Zhai Lin's line. If it cannot be completed at the same time, you have to If you stay here, you will face a lot of problems."


Jiang Nuannuan got on the program team's off-road vehicle and arrived at the finish line early to wait.

Wei Ziyi was still applying powder to her at the side, "It's a camera after all, so you can clean up your face a little bit."

Jiang Nuannuan let him do it, and even asked a few words, "Don't I look good without makeup?"

Her face is flawless even if she is bare-faced. She has taken good care of it and looks bright and delicate.

Wei Ziyi shook his head honestly, "It looks good. Let me give you some lip color."

He wanted her to be the brightest cub among the savages.

Four groups of people dragged their exhausted and dirty bodies to the terminal one after another. Jiang Nuannuan was waiting on the side of the road, wearing a long camel sweater, a white half-length skirt underneath, and a loose bun. The head is very tender.

Several of the participating male celebrities stared at her intently, and even the camera crew gave her a few close-ups. They came on the show and did nothing but brush her face to save her.

When Fu Shiliu walked out of the woods, it was like seeing the sun again. Before he could fully feel the freshness and comfort in the air, he saw Jiang Nuannuan standing there, fair and white, with a white and rosy face. When the breeze blew, the broken hair flying on his forehead, Lazy and pretty.

She looked down at her tattered clothes and dark yellow muddy skin. The obvious contrast made her roll her eyes with heart attack and fainted on the spot.

Fortunately, medical staff had been prepared on the island, and they hurriedly stepped forward to carry people. When the stretcher passed by Jiang Nuannuan, she smelled a sour smell.

Gu Shizhou walked up to her. He was also very embarrassed, but his temperament was outstanding, and with that perfect face on top, he was still very handsome.

"You really know how to enjoy it." He lowered his eyes at her and raised his hand to touch her face.

Jiang Nuannuan immediately took a step back, pinched her nose and said, "You smell so bad."

Being completely disgusted, Gu Shizhou's face darkened and he gritted his teeth, "You are so heartless, I'll give you my eggs."

Jiang Nuannuan was not afraid of him, and asked curiously: "Why did you suddenly change your gender? Fu Shiliu just got into the ambulance and you weren't in a hurry?"

She feels that no matter how cruel the plot is, usually when it comes to big issues where the heroine saves her life, the hero will be worried about jumping the gun.

Just like the last time Fu Shiliu was injured in France, this bitch hugged someone and ran away, and even hit her and injured her waist. Now her lack of urgency is a bit unjustifiable.

"I told you, this is an apology gift for you." Gu Shizhou glanced at her waist, "Is it enough?"

The two wanted to go together, Jiang Nuannuan frowned, "Is it really because of this?"

He leaned forward and said to her lightly: "It's quite boring."


"She's quite boring." Gu Shizhou repeated, his eyes filled with indifference, "Didn't you hear everything?"

(End of this chapter)

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