Chapter 195 Hiding Secrets
Putting her hand on the chest of his sweatshirt, she managed to speak out with her covered mouth, "Are you going to scare me to death?"

"Are you scared to death?"

He grabbed her waist and brought her into his arms. Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and glared, "Who do I get close to has anything to do with you?"

Gu Shizhou lowered his head, tilted his face slightly and kissed the corner of her lips, and whispered: "What do you think? I didn't let you play like this."

His hand suddenly tightened, holding the back of her head and forcing her to raise her head, sealing his lips and kissing her brutishly.

Jiang Nuannuan struggled with the pain and groaned.

Several staff members passed by chatting and laughing outside. One of them approached while making a phone call, putting his hand on the handle and preparing to push the door in to give himself some private space.

A small sliver of light suddenly shone through the door crack in the dark bedroom, imprinting on Gu Shizhou's three-dimensional and deep profile.

Unexpectedly, there was someone inside. The staff member was stunned for a moment. Before he could see clearly who the woman imprisoned in his arms was, there was a bang and the door was closed again with one hand by the person inside.

The staff was so stunned that they didn't react.

What the fuck?

Fu Shiliu followed him up to the second floor and saw him standing there blankly. He asked casually: "Hello, have you seen Shi Zhou? Where is he? I didn't see him in the hall."

The staff member came back to his senses, his expression was hard to explain, "Well, I probably went to rest."

Jiang Nuannuan was so frightened that her hair stood on end as she listened to the noise outside. She didn't dare to move and just let the person in front of her plunder her. It wasn't until the corridor returned to calm that she pushed the person between her teeth out with all her strength.

"That's enough for you, don't go too far."

As soon as her lips rubbed against his face, before she could finish her words, Gu Shizhou pinched her chin and pulled her back. He pressed against her lips and said, "What's enough? Why don't you give me more cherries to taste? Isn't Kazuto the one in front of me?" Did you enjoy the meal?"

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes were wide open, the words "Are you a pervert" stuck in her mouth, and she indulged in his more ferocious kiss.

She was held by Gu Shizhou with one hand and sat on the low cabinet next to her. The skirt of her skirt was spread on his fingertips. The sweet smell of her body finally made Gu Shizhou couldn't help but move his lips away and bit her ear repeatedly, "Why are you so sweet, Cherry?" Not as sweet as you."

Jiang Nuannuan trembled all over, waved her hand forward, and touched a small desk lamp placed next to her.

In an instant, the lamp fell to the ground, and Gu Shizhou was pushed away and slapped by her.

The two sounds one after the other are quite clear.

The atmosphere instantly froze.

With a click, the lights in the bedroom turned on. Wei Ziyi, who happened to be passing by, heard the sound and pushed the door open, then turned on the light.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was sitting on the low cabinet and being propped up by Gu Shizhou, turned her head. There were tears at the end of her eyes and blood on the corners of her lips. She looked so miserable, and she looked like she was crying after being abused.

Gu Shizhou's eyes dimmed, he covered her face, turned his head and said, "Get out."

"What's going on?" A staff member outside asked.

Wei Ziyi subconsciously locked the door to keep people out.


This exciting scene cannot be seen by a third person, otherwise the wealthy sisters he just recognized may be destroyed.

He lowered his voice and said to Gu Shizhou: "You are forcing me, please let go."

Gu Shizhou curled his lips and smiled, his lips stained with blood were alluring and charming. He held Jiang Nuannuan's face, lowered his head and asked her, "Does this slap feel good?"

Jiang Nuannuan replied coldly: "Do you know how to act as a qualified lover?"

He raised his eyebrows, and her raised hand touched his lips. He opened his mouth, took half of her index finger in his mouth, and bit his teeth lightly, "Then let's talk about it?"

"There is a certain degree of obedience, following a woman's wishes." She lowered his chin with her thumb, pulled out her fingers, and left a trail of water on his chin.

"I obey you?" Gu Shizhou narrowed his eyes and asked, leaning against her lips again, "I will kiss you if I obey you?"

Jiang Nuannuan pushed his shoulder away, touched her stinging lips, and said impatiently: "You should be a human being first."

Not a single slap made him angry. He was really a lunatic. It hurt her hands.The two people's conversation and actions as if no one else was watching made Wei Ziyi's outlook shattered.

It seems forced, but not entirely?Are these two actually just having fun?

And a lover?What lover?
Who is who's lover?Doesn’t Jiang Nuannuan have a sponsor father?Is her sponsor Gu Shizhou, or has she found another lover?
Wei Ziyi's mind turned into a ball of yarn and he couldn't think straight.

He raised his hand and said weakly: "How about you take a look at me first? Look at this occasion?"

Gu Shizhou turned around and said, "Didn't I tell you to get lost?"

"Knock knock."

Hong Yang knocked on the door, "Wei Ziyi? What are you doing in there?"

Gu Shizhou hugged Jiang Nuannuan into his arms and walked to the toilet. He whispered to Wei Ziyi, "You broke the lamp. I'll take her to deal with it."

Wei Ziyi twitched the corner of his mouth and accepted his fate to clean up the mess for them.

As soon as the toilet door was closed, Jiang Nuannuan was pressed on the washstand again, and he kissed the corner of her lips.

"Are you done?" She pushed his face away in disgust.

"Okay, don't move." Gu Shizhou pulled a towel from the side, wetted it and wiped her lips with a low voice, "You can't go out to meet people like this."

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and looked at the mirror. Her hair was disheveled and her face was red and her ears were hot. She really couldn't see anyone.

She turned her head again and glared at Gu Shizhou fiercely. One side of his cheek was a little swollen and there was a faint red mark.

"This slap really deserves it."

Gu Shizhou put down the towel, put his hands on the edge of the sink, lowered his eyes and asked her, "Are you satisfied?"

He didn't feel angry about the slap, and even the smile on his face was careless.

Jiang Nuannuan stared at him for a long time and asked him: "Why did you do that just now? Are you jealous?"

Gu Shizhou clicked his chin, "Why aren't you angry? How many people have you kissed? Tell me."

Now he feels that she has had affairs with many people, so he feels that he is at a loss, and then he becomes jealous and angry?

With a change of mind, Jiang Nuannuan changed her weak and bullied look just now, and poked his chest with her fingers, twisting her fingertips.

Just through the sweater, Gu Shizhou felt itchy in his heart.

She suddenly smiled, "What about you? How many people have you kissed? We have to have a fair conversation, right?"

Gu Shizhou said casually: "I kissed someone once in college, but I was young and naive at the time, and I felt that I shouldn't touch her until I got married."

It was really eye-opening to have this male German quotation come out of his mouth.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes showed this emotion, and Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows, "What happened next? I don't touch anything too clean, nor do I touch anything dirty."

She paused her hands and said, "No wonder, because I only have your brother, so it's just right for me to be the one."

To say that Gu Shizhou does have a bottom line and three views, it's just not too much.

He doesn't commit murder and arson, and he doesn't bully young girls from good families. In the entertainment industry, women who want to get ahead with their bodies gather around him, and he dislikes the fact that this flower has been picked by many people. It's too contradictory. His emotions created his persona of being a playboy but physically clean.

So it was a coincidence that she came to her door. She only had Gu Tingyan as her financial sponsor, and her brother's woman had an affair with him behind his back. It was so exciting and could inspire a man's desire to win.

"It's your turn." Gu Shizhou grabbed her finger and rubbed it.

Jiang Nuannuan: "We are in love with each other. After all, I have only kissed your brother on the mouth."

After she spoke, her tone became provocative again, "Oh, now I have an extra mouth."

Gu Shizhou chuckled, "Then we kiss again?"

(End of this chapter)

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