Chapter 196
Jiang Nuannuan: "Get out!"

In the bedroom outside, people came in and cleared out all the things. Wei Ziyi turned off the lights and pushed Fu Shiliu out who wanted to come in. "Let's go, there's no one inside. There will be a closing recording later. You know?" Red flowers.”

When there was no more movement, the two of them came out of the toilet one after another. Jiang Nuannuan put down her hair and straightened it. Before opening the door and going out, she turned around and said, "Wei Ziyi has a boyfriend, so even if you are jealous, there is no need. Come out later.”

Gu Shizhou stopped and licked his lower lip, "Jealous? Ha."

Jiang Nuannuan arrived in the hall first and waited for a while before he arrived late.

Fu Shiliu asked him where he had been, and Gu Shizhou replied lightly: "Smoking."

A staff member and Wei Ziyi in the corner cast disdainful glances.

At the end of the recording of tonight's program, several groups of people sat together and had a heart-to-heart talk, and then handed the billboard with 1000 million written on it and the golden egg to Hongyang from Jiang Nuannuan.

Not surprisingly, Hongyang chose to donate all the money that everyone got from competing on the desert island to the left-behind children in the mountainous areas.

Before going to bed, Wei Ziyi took Jiang Nuannuan to the bedroom balcony and quietly asked her and Gu Shizhou what was going on.

After learning that the two were lovers, his jaw almost dropped, "Is there someone else who is your sponsor father?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "How about becoming Gu Shizhou's girlfriend? Ambiguity is much more interesting than a girlfriend."

Wei Ziyi stuttered and said: "You are really brave."

Then he changed his tone and said with a stern look on his face: "Teach me, how did you do it? You manage your time so well, no one even noticed, and Gu Shizhou was so willing."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "I advise you to be kind."

She pushed him out of the room, ended the conversation, and then took out her mobile phone to call Gu Tingyan.

The man who was taking a shower in the office lounge didn't receive the call. When he found out, there was only a text message from half an hour ago.

Jiang Nuannuan: What about sleeping with other women?

He pursed his lips and called back, but no one answered.

On the day they left the island, Gu Shizhou and Fu Shiliu were asked to stay and reshoot a scene of survival on a desert island. The reason was that the director really couldn't cut out many scenes that could be broadcast, and because Gu Shizhou was the face and popularity of the show, he had to make this decision.

Fu Shiliu was very happy, and so was Jiang Nuannuan. She was dragging her suitcase and running towards the helicopter.

Gu Tingyan directly sent a special plane to pick her up. He will pick her up at Linggang Airport today.

Seeing her boarding the special plane and several celebrities crowded into a helicopter, they couldn't help but whisper to each other, and they all speculated about which big boss was hiding behind Jiang Nuannuan. Even those who could become celebrities were of no use. Can afford a private helicopter.

When Wei Ziyi heard the word "big boss", he suddenly became excited and sent a message to Hang Panxia to ask.

She was the one who introduced them to each other at that time, so she might have some inside information.

Hang Panxia on the other end simply replied with his name and a panda emoticon that must be kept secret.

"What the hell, Gu Tingyan?" Wei Ziyi held the phone and his pupils were shaking.

The celebrities next to him all looked at him, "Why are you calling that CEO's name all of a sudden? It's so scary."

"No, it's fine."

Wei Ziyi looked out the window at the exclusive helicopter not far from him and silently gave a thumbs up.


This woman is so awesome that she actually played with a pair of brothers standing on the pyramid of power.

The celebrities all bought their own air tickets when they landed in Haiping. Many fans brought flowers and small gifts to pick them up at the airport after learning about the itinerary.

An old couple dressed simply were also crowded in the center, holding two cans of pickles in their hands and looking closely at the figures coming out of the airport.

The fans screamed loudly and the crowd was so crowded that the two of them accidentally dropped their jars and the pickles were scattered all over the floor.

The smell was strong, and the crowd immediately expanded around them. Hong Yang saw it and quickly went over and asked the security guard to help him.

The two old couples asked him, "Jiang Nuannuan, are you here?"

Hongyang was stunned for a moment and looked at the other party's simple clothes. He didn't expect Jiang Nuannuan to have such an old fan. He shook his head and replied, "She took a special plane directly back to Linggang."

"That's it, okay."

The two of them quickly smiled and stepped back, holding each other far away before sighing at each other.

"It seems that my daughter didn't see our Mid-Autumn Festival MMS."

"Forget it, this girl just needs to live a good life. Seeing that she has a special plane to fly on, she is more comfortable than a celebrity." "Then make some more pickles and give them to Xiaomeng. By the way, ask her for some pension money. You This disease is really unbearable and requires surgery.”

"Oh, Xiaomeng hasn't even called us, and her mobile phone number has also been changed. I don't know how she is doing."

Jiang Nuannuan had sex with Gu Tingyan again on the plane.

Ask him to bring a bouquet of yellow tulips when he is picked up at the airport.

He ignored her.

When I left the station in the afternoon, I saw a familiar Maybach parked at the intersection. It was Li Zhu who opened the door. There was no one inside.

She was stunned for a moment, "He didn't come to pick me up?"

Going back on his promise to pick him up at the airport is not something Gu Tingyan can do.

Li Zhu nodded, "Mr. Gu is temporarily busy and has returned to his home."

"That's it."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and got into the car, "Then take me back to Bishui Bay, not Sunshine Garden."

Assistant Li sat in the driver's seat, thought for a moment, and then said to the person in the rearview mirror: "The former boss has been released from prison. This time he wants to return to the group to gain some power. Mr. Gu has been under a lot of pressure recently."

So it's not that he doesn't come, it's his father who is making a fuss.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded. When Assistant Li breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to praise her for being considerate, she lay on the back of the driver's seat and asked, "He won't suddenly become a pauper, right?"

Li Zhu: ".That's not the case."

"Oh, then I can rest assured and go home quickly."

Li Zhu: "." The boss's lover's coat leaked.

For several days, Gu Tingyan didn't show up in front of her. He just told her via text message that he was busy.

Jiang Nuannuan learned about it, drew design drafts at home, bought furniture for the studio, and lived a normal life for a few days.

That day, the hospital called. The prosthetic limbs that had been custom-made for Guomin's child for free had been placed in the hospital for a long time. The family did not bring the child to pick them up. Even when they called, they refused to take them off, citing various busy reasons.

"Ms. Jiang, you have to know that we don't have door-to-door service. It's really embarrassing for this family to ask me to go to the countryside."

After hearing this, Jiang Nuannuan was really angry.

She called Zhai Lin, but learned that he was already on his way to the village to pick up the child.

Her intuition told her that this man might cause trouble, so Jiang Nuannuan grabbed the car keys and left.

After hurriedly driving for more than two hours to the countryside, the family's house was crowded with people watching the fun.

As soon as Jiang Nuannuan squeezed in, she saw Zhai Lin punch the father of Weiguo in the face. A pregnant woman and an old man next to him were so frightened that they howled.

After watching him knock him to the ground with two or three punches, she went over and hugged his arm, "Okay, Zhai Lin, stop it."

"Who do you think you are?" Zhai Lin's irritable words stopped abruptly as he turned his face, and the driver next to him did not dare to say a word.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him and frowned: "Are you here to solve the problem?"

"What are you doing here? Let go." Zhai Lin loosened his fisted hand and lowered it.

"I'm here to solve the problem." She looked at the national who stuck his head out of the house and said to him: "I'm here to pick you up to install your prosthetic limb. Are you going to pick up the child?"

"Let's go." Guoguo's eyes lit up, and he came out with his wooden legs and crutches.

"Go wherever you go, don't go!"

The 90-year-old man grabbed his grandson and said angrily: "We have already asked another hospital. After wearing the prosthetic limb, you have to go to the city hospital for reconstruction, and the hospitalization fee is also high. , we need to replace it as we get older, so you can only replace it for us once, and you won’t pay for the follow-up expenses, so we won’t go! If your leg is broken, just break it! As long as you can support it!”

Guomin's eyes, which had just been brightened, dimmed for a second. He bit his lips tightly and shrank his thin body back. "Then I won't go. Thank you, sister."

Zhai Lin's eyes became increasingly violent, and the pupils in the center of his gray pupils were constricted.

"I'd love to beat that old guy to death."

His arms began to tremble, and there was a burning sensation in his stomach. His body's emotional reaction was very intense.

Jiang Nuannuan immediately stood in front of him, put her arms around his neck, pinched the back of his neck and comforted him: "Take a deep breath, you know this is just an emotional effect, if you really do this, there will be problems. Where is your medicine? Take it with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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