Chapter 197 Fu Ying appears
The driver next to him heard it and said quickly: "Second Young Master took medicine before going out."

Zhai Lin lowered his head to look at her and said patiently, "I'm not sick."

"Then don't lose your temper and endure it."

Jiang Nuannuan slowly put down her hand and turned to look at the frightened family, "We rushed to treat your child out of good intentions, but there was indeed a lack of consideration. We forgot about your poverty."

Saying this in front of so many people, the family's faces were all burning.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't seem to notice their ugly faces, and said quietly: "But we are willing to pay an extra sum of money to fund all the medical expenses of this child in the future."

Hearing that she had to pay a large amount of money to support their child with a broken leg, the family did not hesitate and pushed the national standing there to stagger forward.

Who can miss this pie-in-the-sky thing?

Weiguo's pregnant wife's eyes were bright, "How much support do you plan to provide?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned to Zhai Lin and asked, "How much are you willing to give?"

The named man stroked his blond hair and hesitated, "I haven't funded it before. One million is enough?"

There was a sound of breathing around.


They, country folk, may not be able to get so much money after working hard for most of their lives.

Guomin's mother subconsciously touched her belly.

The 90-year-old grandma rubbed her hands excitedly, "That's a good relationship. With this money, we will definitely be able to take good care of our grandson."

Seeing her snobby look, Zhai Lin lowered his head and sneered silently, "You want me to pay them directly? Are you kidding me?"

"No." Jiang Nuannuan helped the citizen, picked him up and handed him into his hand, "The money is given to the rescue organization, and they are given to the children regularly. We can also monitor the whereabouts of each money. If we don't give it directly, This family.”

Zhai Lin: "Okay."

With a good compromise, it smoothed over his hair and made the grumpy man feel much better.

Seeing that they were about to take the children away, but the money was not given on the spot, the old man was unhappy and rushed out shouting, "Give me the money first! Give me the money and then take the children away!"

"Mom, it's not too late to wait for them to come back. Anyway, this money is also the national medical expenses." Wei Guo pulled her. The changed eyes of the villagers around him made him feel very uncomfortable. It seemed that they had to sell their sons. Money is the same.

The old man grabbed his hand and whispered: "What medical expenses? That's 100 million. Think about it, your wife also has a son in her belly. She will definitely buy a car and a house when she gets married, right? Can you earn so much? Not me. Let’s face it, this grandson with a broken leg will only have to do a pitiful job begging on the street from now on. If they insist on taking advantage of the big guy and pay for it, they will definitely have to save it for their little grandson.”

Weiguo still persuaded her in a low voice, "Our house is going to be demolished, and there will be a compensation amount to be paid in the future, which is enough."

The old man sneered, "You don't even think about giving us a sum of money after demolishing this place and not giving us new land. You are retiring at this age. The compensation is only enough for us to buy a toilet in Linggang. In the future, we can Feeling better?"

Wei Guo immediately stopped talking and looked at his child with a little guilt in his eyes.

At this time, Guomin understood that he was a useless commodity on the display stage and had been labeled with a high price tag. He leaned into Zhai Lin's arms. After a while, the clothes on his chest felt wet.

The man lowered his head and held the child with stiff fingers. He turned to look at Jiang Nuannuan beside him and blinked at her in confusion, "There is something wrong with him."

Jiang Nuannuan touched Guo Min's head and said, "Be good, you can be very powerful without legs. Your brother also lacks a leg. Do you know how powerful he is?"

The people turned to look at her and shook their heads.

"Then you can ask him after changing your legs later." Jiang Nuannuan wiped away his tears and looked away calmly when she met Zhai Lin's doubtful eyes.

She didn't know what was so great about Zhai Lin, so she couldn't continue midway through her comforting lines.

The two finally took their child to the hospital to receive the prosthesis, and learned a sad thing from the people.

His younger brother is about to be born, and the family plans to interrupt his education and save money to raise the younger one in the future.

Zhai Lin squatted in front of the people and touched his head, his narrow eyes seemed to be quenched with poison under the cold light, "Brother, the most powerful thing about me is that I have money and power. I can easily crush your parents to death, and I can also get you to the top." Good school, get the best education." Jiang Nuannuan looked at the familiar mad dog expression on his face and curled her lips.

It wasn't until evening that the child put on the prosthesis and returned home.

Before leaving, Jiang Nuannuan promised him that he would not be without school.

The two of them passed by a market on their way back. Jiang Nuannuan stopped the car and said, "I'm going to buy some food to go home. Are you going to wait on the roadside for the driver to pick me up, or are you going to wait for me to finish shopping and then take you home?"

"You give."

Zhai Lin didn't want to sit in the car, so he got out of the car and followed her.

"Your nanny doesn't buy food and cook?"

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head to choose vegetables, "I don't have a nanny at home."

Zhai Lin looked sideways at her with disbelief on his face.

But he didn't bother to ask more questions, so he put on his sweatshirt and hat, covered most of his face and followed her.

"Can't you be so generous?" Jiang Nuannuan bought a few radishes and handed the bag to him, "Don't keep hiding such a beautiful face."

Zhai Lin paused his feet and took the bag, "What's there to see?"

"You'll know when you take off your hat."

Her words made him sneer, and he turned his head away, his eyes fixed, and there were huge waves in his eyes.

Diagonally opposite is a fish shop. The young boss is killing fish for customers. A woman wearing a simple sweater and jeans is talking and laughing next to him, holding a thermos box in her hand.

As I got closer, I could still hear her gentle voice, "Today is tomato and egg rice bowl."

Jiang Nuannuan had just chosen a bag of stinky tofu. When she turned around to ask Zhai Lin to get it, she found that the person behind her had disappeared and a few radishes rolled out of the plastic bag on the ground.

She hurriedly looked around to find someone, and soon heard a scream not far away.

In the fish stall, Zhai Lin knocked over the bowl of rice and held the woman's wrist tightly. His eyes were scarlet, and the voice that escaped his throat was hoarse and crazy, "You're back!!"

Jiang Nuannuan froze on the spot, receiving the reminder from System 66 in her mind, "Fu Ying is back alive."

"Yeah." She quickly came back to her senses, looked at the chaotic scene, and tightened her fingers, "But don't you think there's something wrong?"

System 66: "Huh?"

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, "It's too late. Strictly speaking, my relationship with Zhai Lin is not part of the stand-in plot. He got in touch with me on the basis of hating me as a 'murderer'. Now he obviously won't do that." You miss me, and Fu Ying, the main character, is back, so why do you need a psychological teacher? Doesn’t it mean that I have directly lost the value of my existence as a female supporting character? The idea of ​​gaining favor is no longer valid."

System 66: ".My information database is incomplete, and I don't know why this is the case."

Jiang Nuannuan helplessly held her forehead.

The development of these integrated worlds is contrary to the original intention of the mission released at the beginning, and it is becoming more and more strange now.

She had long suspected that she might be the heroine of some fused world, or several worlds.

It's not clear which one it is.

Jiang Nuannuan gathered her thoughts, "Now that Fu Ying is back, what is she doing? After returning to the country, she will switch to killing fish in the market instead of a wealthy family?"

System 66 hesitated for a moment, "I lost my memory. It's like the plot of losing my memory and being picked up by another man. Do you understand?"

That's sadomasochism again.

"I understand." Jiang Nuannuan stared at the crazy Zhai Lin and the frightened man and woman, sighed, and stepped forward to help.

(End of this chapter)

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