Chapter 198 Illusions
The sturdy fish-killing man pulled Fu Ying behind him to protect her, and shouted nervously: "Who are you? She is my girlfriend, go away!"

"Your girlfriend?"

Zhai Lin gritted his teeth, tightened his jaw, and punched the man's pale face with a cold voice, "Why is she your girlfriend? She is mine."

Fu Ying screamed and went to help the man who was knocked to the ground, and angrily scolded Zhai Lin, who dropped his hat and his blond hair was messy under the lamp, "You are crazy! Why are you hitting my boyfriend! Get away!"

Her words and hateful look were like a sharp knife, piercing Zhai Lin's chest.

He lost control of his emotions instantly, and his eyes fell on the fish-killing knife on the chopping board, filled with murderous intent.

The moment he picked up the knife, Jiang Nuannuan rushed to the fish stall, hugged his waist from behind, and dragged him back.

"That's enough for you! Zhai Lin!"

"Go away!"

The out-of-control man pulled her hand away and pushed her back violently.

Jiang Nuannuan stumbled back two steps, fell to the ground, and knocked over the vegetable basket in the stall next door. Many vegetables fell down and hit her shoulder.

A short cry of pain restored Zhai Lin's consciousness, and he did not look back. His whole person, dominated by his violent emotions, became even darker and sicker.

Unknowingly, the stall was surrounded by onlookers, and those strange eyes came from all directions. The appraising eyes made him quickly put on his hat, and his long fingers could not stop trembling.

At this moment, he wanted to kill everyone. Everything around him was hostile to him, and the sharp knife was in his hand.

He could get rid of those eyes that made him hate him so much, he could kill the man holding Fu Ying, and his world would be completely quiet.

He's sick
"Fu Ying, come here." Zhai Lin stretched out his hand and stared at the woman hiding behind the man.

Fu Ying was attracted by his beautiful face, and because of the blood in his eyes, she shrank back behind the man, her tone full of fear and resistance, "I don't know you, get out of here."

Zhai Lin lowered his hand little by little, and the corners of his lips on his pale face were a little scarlet. He licked it with the tip of his tongue. The taste of blood made the violent factor in his body extremely excited.

Jiang Nuannuan stood up from the pile of vegetables in embarrassment, and went over to hold his knife hand again. Her boldness surprised the people around her.

She spoke unsteadily and comforted softly: "Zhai Lin, you have to let the Fu family handle this matter. She is their daughter. They will not let her wander around. When the matter is clear, send her to the hospital for a checkup. Sooner or later, we will meet Thinking of you, she will come back to you.”

Her voice was gentle and soft. Zhai Lin turned around slowly and his eyes fell on her. His eyes were like those of a wolf, sending chills down his spine.

Jiang Nuannuan forced herself to look at him, put her fingers through his waist, and slowly hugged him, "Can you be good? Just be patient a little longer."

Her soft body pressed against his chest, her eyes clear and pleading, completely devoid of fear or disgust.

Zhai Lin released his strength from his fingertips, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground, and he replied in a low voice: "Yes."

The onlookers called the police. Before entering the police station, Jiang Nuannuan called Fu Shiliu, told her about Fu Ying, and asked her to come with her family as soon as possible.

At the police station, Jiang Nuannuan originally had the contact information of the police officer there, so she called and briefly explained the situation. She took Zhai Lin's hand out of the market and pushed him into the car.

It would be dangerous for him to go to the police station like this, so he should be sent home directly.

When the car started on the road, her back was soaked with cold sweat and her underwear was wet. Her heart dropped, and she secretly sighed that she had become a hero and saved a life.

In that scene, she was really afraid that he would rush up and be hacked to death.

Zhai Lin sat in the passenger seat without saying a word, as if he had not recovered from the surprise and shock just now.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice: "She is still alive."

Jiang Nuannuan opened the armrest box, took out a lollipop and handed it to him, "Eat it, it's sweet and it can relax your mood."

Zhai Lin's fingertips were still trembling, which was a common symptom of mania. He tore open the candy wrapper and put the candy in his mouth. The sweet taste of lychee filled his mouth.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but the veins bulged in his forehead and gradually disappeared.

Seeing that his ferocious expression was much calmer, Jiang Nuannuan said softly: "Before you see Fu Ying again, you must adjust your condition. You will hurt her."


He lowered his head and shouted softly.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

"To the restroom."

The car stopped by the side of the road. It was getting dark now and the places were starting to open at night.

Zhai Lin did not go to the public toilet on the roadside as he said. Instead, he turned around and entered a bar.

When Jiang Nuannuan saw him entering, she fell on the steering wheel exhausted, hit her chin on the car horn, and screamed sharply.

When she was with Zhai Lin, she didn't dare to relax at all. It was too difficult to deal with.

It's very tiring to take care of the emotions of a dangerous person all the time.

After a few seconds, she regained her composure, straightened her clothes, and sent a message to Zhai Heng, asking him to come over as soon as possible.She thought she wouldn't be able to get someone home today.

Following Zhai Lin into the bar, Jiang Nuannuan looked around and saw the man ordering a drink at the bar.

She walked over and sat next to him, "Can you drink?"

He didn't urge him to go back, he just asked him this. Zhai Lin nodded, "Yes."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded and ordered a drink for herself, "Then I'll drink with you here for a while."

Zhai Lin drank a glass of special whiskey in one gulp, frowned, and exhaled while resisting the burning sensation in his throat.

"She's still alive, but she doesn't seem to recognize me."

Jiang Nuannuan twirled the wine glass and echoed: "If you can survive falling off a cliff, it wouldn't be surprising if you suffer amnesia again."

Zhai Lin pulled down the collar of his sweatshirt, slightly exposing his collarbone, and his voice sounded a bit oppressive, "She will come back to me."

Jiang Nuannuan calmly agreed: "First of all, you have to get better. She was very afraid of you just now."

He drank a few more glasses of hard liquor until the burning sensation in his stomach became intense. He got off the high chair and walked to the bathroom.

The light in the bar was very dim, but it was not difficult to see that he was walking unsteadily.

Zhai Lin is a very drunk person.

Jiang Nuannuan was worried that something would happen, so she followed closely.

There was a beautiful woman waiting at the door of the men's room, which attracted a lot of attention.

"Beauty, smoke?"

The man in the shirt who was also standing in the aisle observed her for a while, then came forward, took out the cigarette case, and shook out a cigarette.

"No, thank you." Jiang Nuannuan calmly refused, looking behind him, "My partner is out."

The man turned his head and met the gray eyes hidden under the brim of his hat, which were lifeless and dangerous. He felt terrified and backed away.

Zhai Lin strode over, and his tall shadow enveloped Jiang Nuannuan.

Under the hazy light, Jiang Nuannuan's face was deformed in his eyes, and it gradually turned into the appearance of another person.

He stared at her for a while, until Jiang Nuannuan asked him what was wrong, then he leaned down and held her face, "Aying."

It was recorded in the psychologist's notebook that I had seen before that Zhai Lin was prone to hallucinations when his condition became severe.

At this moment, under the influence of alcohol, he obviously saw the wrong person.

Stimulating Fu Ying's face at this time would only be counterproductive.

Jiang Nuannuan responded softly, "Yes, I'm here."

"That man is not a good thing."

Zhai Lin's gray eyes were blurry, his fingers touched her cheeks, and lingered on her delicate neck. His voice was extremely gentle, "Don't go with him. Since he can evade immigration inspection and bring you back quietly, yes It’s selfish.”

Should he say it or not, Zhai Lin's thinking was quite clear at this moment.

Jiang Nuannuan shrank her neck and said calmly: "I understand."

"Forgive me." He leaned closer and carefully rubbed the tip of her nose, "Huh?"

"Forgive me for what?" Jiang Nuannuan asked.

"I couldn't rush to save you at that time."

This is a hurdle that Zhai Lin can't overcome, and it seems that Fu Ying has to solve it.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed softly, "Well, I forgive you."

Zhai Lin suddenly smiled, and he raised his chin, pretending to kiss her lips.

Jiang Nuannuan frowned and immediately turned away.

A gentle kiss fell only on the cheek. In response to her avoidance, Zhai Lin held her arm and his tone suddenly changed, "You don't accept me and you think I'm a waste with missing legs?"

There was a sharp stabbing pain in her arm, and Jiang Nuannuan finally couldn't help but expose the fact that he had seen the wrong person. Suddenly a hand inserted into her waist, hugging her and pulling her back.

She ran into a familiar embrace, and the scent of medicine mixed with a hint of sandalwood rushed to surround her.

It's Zhai Heng here.

(Words: Two things I can say are that the heroine is not just a stand-in and a supporting role. There was a problem with the tasks assigned by the system from the beginning. In addition, this article really doesn’t have much perspective, so it’s just fun.)
(End of this chapter)

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