Chapter 205 Don't Care

He patted her waist and said, "Drink."

A bowl of hot brown sugar ginger water. Jiang Nuannuan took the bowl and drank half of it, then pushed it back and said, "No more."

"Then you go to sleep." He took the bowl and put it on the bedside, then pulled up the quilt.

Jiang Nuannuan adjusted her position and got into the bed, sleeping with her face against his belly.

With two hands wrapped around her waist and a small face pressed against her belly, Gu Tingyan was a little uncomfortable with this sleeping position. He looked down at her who had calmed down, curling up on her body like a small rose that had lost its thorns.

In the end, he just touched her face and picked up the computer bag next to the bed.

In the dark bedroom, the man wearing glasses had his stern face covered in a faint blue light, and the lenses reflected the K-line chart of the stock market that day.

Sunset West Mountain.

The bedroom was quiet except for the occasional sound of the keyboard. Jiang Nuannuan moved in the bed, and there was a gasp from the top of her head, and then her head was suppressed.

"What are you doing?" The hoarse voice was forbearing and accusing.

Her eyelashes trembled a few times, and when she opened her eyes, she felt her cheeks tingling, and then she suddenly realized where the side of her face was sleeping.

She calmly moved her face away, feeling her shoulders feel heavy. She turned her head again and found that her back was used as a computer desk.

"You're working." Jiang Nuannuan moved up, resting her chin on his abdomen, feeling weak.

"Yes." Gu Tingyan touched her head, inserting his fingertips into her hair from time to time to help smooth the messy hair that blocked her face.

"What's for dinner?" he asked again.

"Takeaway from Nanchun Restaurant."

She quickly got off him and rolled to the other side to touch her phone, "I'll order."

As early as two hours ago, Fei Jin recalled WeChat.

It was still early to order the cake, so he thought it wouldn't be too late to wait a few more days.

Jiang Nuannuan replied well, neatly placed the restaurant order, got out of bed and washed up.

The two of them ate takeout at the dining table, and Gu Tingyan sat on the sofa until 12 o'clock, then went back to the bedroom and hugged her to sleep.

A week later.

The office supplies in the studio were also purchased one after another. Jiang Nuannuan called Lu Jin and asked her to hand over the work there and then come over.

Hongyang's clothing design is also in progress, and it is expected that the customized dress for Hang Panxia will not be received until the end of the month.

Entertainment news broke out again today. Gu Tingyan, the CEO of Gu Group, personally went to the airport to pick up Feixin. The two were suspected of being dating, and good things were about to happen.

The day Jiang Nuannuan saw the news, Fu Shiliu sent her an anonymous message.

[Did you see the news?Who do you think you are in Gu Tingyan's heart? A bitch in the mud will never be able to get on the stage. 】

Fu Shiliu went to care for Gu Shizhou, but he didn't forget to step on her when he came back.

Jiang Nuannuan read the text message and then switched back to the news interface.

The well-dressed man is mature and steady, and beside him is Feixin, who has long wavy hair and is equally smart and capable.

Wearing black suits of the same color, the two walked out of the airport one after another and got into the Maybach.

After flipping through these leaked photos, the only thing she could think of was two words.

It matches.

Jiang Nuannuan put away her mobile phone, took another mint candy from her pocket, opened it, put it in her mouth, and walked into the inpatient department without emotion.

Zhai Lin stood in the hospital corridor and waited for a while. When he saw her coming, he threw the candy stick in his mouth into the trash can.

Jiang Nuannuan: "She still doesn't want to get close to you?" Zhai Lin leaned against the wall, a little irritated, "Yeah."

"what did the doctor say?"

"There may be permanent memory damage, and it may not recover." He glanced at her and his tone became fierce unconsciously, "She must live with that fisherman for the rest of her life, even if he doesn't make a dime."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, "You act so fiercely, it would be strange if she didn't say so."

Zhai Lin grinded his teeth, "Are you here to help me solve my problem?"

"Then just wait, and I'll go and try to persuade you."

Jiang Nuannuan opened the door and walked into the ward.

Fu Ying was watching a video on the hospital bed. She walked over and took a look. It was a fish killing video.
Fu Ying raised her head to see her and frowned, "I've seen you, the woman next to that madman."

Jiang Nuannuan sat down on the chair, "Well, I am Zhai Lin's friend."

"Thank you for that day." She paused the video and said calmly: "If it weren't for you, I would be really afraid that he would hurt my boyfriend."

Jiang Nuannuan poured her a glass of warm water, "Zhai Lin didn't tell you that you were boyfriend and girlfriend before you lost your memory? He broke a leg to save you?"

Fu Ying held the water glass and nodded with a calm expression, "They said it, but I have forgotten it a long time ago. I only know that Ye Hang was with me during the most difficult times. He has been by my side for the past two years. We There is already a feeling between them.”

For her, no matter how touching and poignant others describe the past between Zhai Lin and her, she is still an outsider with no memory. In her world, she only remembers Ye Hang, the fishmonger.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at her beautiful face and said calmly, "But you should know that Ye Hang did it on purpose. If he had sent you to the hospital in time, the trouble would not have reached this point. You are not a poor fish stall boy." Women are the apple of their hearts for the Fu family and Zhai Lin."

Fu Ying clenched the water glass, the chaotic thoughts in her eyes mixed with pain, "He lied, but he really loves me, and I love him too. There is still a child in my belly that we have been trying to conceive for a long time." .”

have to.

Not only is he love-minded, he's also a bit stupid.

Jiang Nuannuan almost laughed, "If you sneak back and are not discovered, how will the child's hukou be registered after he is born? Do you really think he is doing it for your own good? Instead of deliberately using the child as an inducement to keep you here?"

She thinks Ye Hang is a very scheming person. He knew clearly that Fu Ying might be from a wealthy family and still forced her to stay. Not only was it just for good looks, but he was probably trying to prevent Fu Ying from being taken back by her family when she came back, so he came to get her pregnant. Such a hand to hold people up.

If Fu Ying is determined to fall in love with Ye Hang, he can rise to the sky from a small fishmonger.

No matter what she said, Fu Ying remained firm for her great love, "Ye Hang has long said that we will get married after this child is born. You don't need to speculate in front of me because of that lunatic. I believe that you will accompany me." man."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped trying to persuade her, "Okay, then add a WeChat friend and I'll come see you another day."

Seeing that she did not have any ill intentions, Fu Ying added her as a friend.

"I hope you can tell that madman and my family that Ye Hang will accompany me until the child is born."

Jiang Nuannuan walked to the door and met Zhai Lin's sharp cold eyes, "This policeman has the final say."

She closed the door and the man sneered, "She was never this stupid before."

"She has been out of the Linggang circle for too long, and she has long been assimilated into the same person by the small fishmongers." Jiang Nuannuan patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be impatient, take your time, the Fu family will not let her do this." Go down."

A call came in on her cell phone and she stepped aside to answer it.

Gu Shizhou stood in the noisy party environment and said in a casual voice: "Come to play?"

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at Zhai Lin, who was in a bad mood, "Do you mind bringing someone with you?"

Luxurious villa located in the mountains.

There are many beauties from the Bailiang Group.

He took a sip of wine and asked, "Why do you want to call her to such an occasion?"

Gu Shizhou crossed his legs and played with the lighter, "I just miss her."

(End of this chapter)

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