Chapter 206 Play Together
Fu Shiliu's smile beside her faded, while Bai Liang's eyes were meaningful and he said straightforwardly, "You're not worried about Gu Tingyan because she's getting married, are you?"

"You think too much."

He asked the woman next to him, "My brother is getting married. Shouldn't it be hard for you?"

Fu Shiliu: "We have passed."

Gu Shizhou chuckled, "Yes, I forgot that you dumped him too."

Fu Shiliu's face turned pale and there were tears in his eyes, "Shi Zhou."

Bai Liang came to the middle to smooth things over and handed her a drink, "You know he's like this, come and have a drink."

after an hour.

The waiter came over and bent down to say something. He stopped Gu Shizhou's hand from playing with the lighter and stared at the two people walking in from the door.

"Isn't that Zhai Lin?"

Bo Liang was stunned when he saw a tall man wearing a hat following Jiang Nuannuan, "What the hell, why did she bring this bomb? He must have been seeing a doctor to stabilize his mood after Fu Ying came back."

Gu Shizhou put down his legs and stood up, "I called you."

Bai Liang gave him a look like are you crazy?

Jiang Nuannuan held Zhai Lin's arm and asked him, "Are you okay?"


"Then why don't you take off your hat?" She turned to look at him, "You are here to have fun and relax. If you think someone will bully you later, I agree with you to fight."

Zhai Lin stopped and lowered his head.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jiang Nuannuan automatically took it as permission, raised her hand to take off his sweater and hat, and straightened his blond hair, "Okay."

Zhai Lin's eyes fell on her approaching red lips, and he moved his eyes away uncomfortably.

The men in the same circle were surprised by the close contact between the two.

"Zhai Lin has become so obedient?"

Bo Liang also found it novel, "He used to be a mad dog. If I snatched a painting from him, he could kill me."

Gu Shizhou narrowed his eyes and turned to Fu Shiliu, "Isn't that your brother-in-law? Why don't you go up to say hello and call someone to come over and play?"

Fu Shiliu, who looked unhappy, smiled hastily and sat motionless, "No one would bring him here."

Jiang Nuannuan brought Zhai Lin into the booth. Gu Shizhou took a cigarette and handed it to him, "Long time no see, you still smoke?"

"No." She blocked his hand first, "I'll take Zhai Lin here to relax."

Gu Shizhou looked at her with dark eyes, "It turns out I made a mistake."


"I thought my brother was planning to fall in love while you were hiding at home and crying bitterly." He leaned close to her, raised one corner of his lips, biting his cigarette at an angle, and said casually: "Turns out he is heartless."

When Bai Liang next to him heard this, he laughed in his heart.

He also said that he thinks too much. This person is really tough-talking.

Jiang Nuannuan took the cigarette from the corner of Gu Shizhou's lips, "Aren't you here to play? Why do you want me to cry?"

He stared at her for a few seconds, straightened up and smiled, "What do you want to play today?"

He was asking about the beautiful women in colorful clothes on the row of lounge chairs behind him.

Someone suggested: "Water volleyball?"

Seeing that Jiang Nuannuan had no reaction, Gu Shizhou licked his back teeth and said, "Okay."

The beauties immediately flocked to him and asked to form a team together.

Jiang Nuannuan saw that Fu Shiliu, who had been sticking to Gu Shizhou's side, was squeezed out. She became so angry that she pushed back, and even a button of her cheongsam came loose.

He looks like a clown.

As soon as she smiled, Fu Shiliu caught it, and her expression became ferocious again.

Jiang Nuannuan stood up and reached out to Zhai Lin, "Do you want to form a team with me?"


"Water volleyball." She smiled calmly, "Let's go change into swimsuits."

Zhai Lin opened his lips and his expression became cold, "You go alone." "But I don't want to team up with others." Jiang Nuannuan bent down to look at him and said seriously: "I'm only familiar with you, can you help me? Well, I don’t want to lose to Gu Shizhou.”

"I have no legs." He turned away.

"You do." She took his hand, "Get up and let's go."

The two of them talked intimately as if there was no one around, and then Zhai Lin was pulled away again. Gu Shizhou, who didn't even look at him the whole time, stood sideways. Someone tried to light the cigarette he was biting on his lips again, but he bit him off and fell on his face. on the ground.

He looked at Fu Shiliu, who had finally squeezed in beside him, and smiled coldly, "Why are you still standing here if you don't want to change into your swimsuit?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, then a hint of joy appeared on her face.

Others were still fighting over who should go into the water, but she had already been given preference.

She held the mahogany hairpin on the armrest and said reservedly: "But I haven't played this kind of game for a long time. It's a bit grand."

Not sure what she was sarcastic about, Gu Shizhou said nonchalantly: "Then let's go down with someone else."

Fu Shiliu was stunned and said quickly: "It doesn't matter, I'll change it now."

Seeing her hurried away, Bai Liang smiled, "This young lady from the Fu family used to be as arrogant as a peacock, but now she chases after you every day, isn't it annoying?"

Gu Shizhou: "Sign up for me."

A cigarette's time.

Jiang Nuannuan found a red swimsuit of the right size and put it on. It was not particularly conservative. It had a strappy backless design and an A-line skirt that covered her hips. Her long legs appeared in public view, long and straight.

She just stood there waiting for Zhai Lin to come out, and took advantage of the situation to find a rubber band to tie her hair. The exposed white skin and proud figure attracted countless attention.

Bai Liang's eyes widened and he exclaimed: "How can I say something flattering? The proud red rose is so delicate and gorgeous. She is so beautiful."

Then, he secretly asked: "How does it compare with Fu Shiliu? I remember someone said that they are somewhat similar."

Gu Shizhou kicked him and said, "What are you comparing?"

He stared at Jiang Nuannuan by the swimming pool, with the tip of his tongue touching his cheek. She was simply a fairy, a thing suitable to be kept in a gold cage and piled with money. What was the difference between that woman who was pretending to be a noble archway? It seems.

He suddenly regretted agreeing to this game. Someone who he didn't appreciate even a few glances was completely admired by others.

Gu Shizhou, who has always been open-minded, was particularly different when faced with Jiang Nuannuan's thoughts.

System 66: "Alipay received 2000 million, Gu Shizhou's favorability is 38%."

Jiang Nuannuan received the prompt and put down her hand. The man not far away looked at her with burning eyes, his eyes unabashedly stunning.

Zhai Lin came out of the dressing room and called her.

She looked away and turned around. Zhai Lin, who was only wearing black swimming trunks, was not as thin as before when he wore clothes. The mermaid line extended all the way into the swimming trunks, and several veins under the thin skin crisscrossed on the abdomen, giving him a strong visual sense of sex.

The shape of the mechanical leg is also very beautiful. The legs are gray and metallic, with sharp and smooth lines. When pressed on his body, it has an indescribable sense of story and handsomeness.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes at this moment showed undisguised admiration. Zhai Lin also looked at her, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, "What are you looking at?"

"I think you are perfect, really." She smiled with bright eyes and white teeth, revealing her two dimples, and stepped forward to lead him, "Let's go into the water together?"

Zhai Lin's heart suddenly skipped a beat and he responded in a low voice, "Yeah."

System 66: "2000 million has been received from Alipay, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 16%."

When the weather gets cold, the outdoor swimming pools are all at constant temperature, so you won't feel cold when you get in the water.

Jiang Nuannuan adapted quickly, but Zhai Lin took some time to master the balance.

She helped him up from time to time, holding his arm with her little hands. Zhai Lin always felt a little numb where the skin touched.

Over time, he completely forgot about the eyes around him that were focused on him, and his mind was filled with Jiang Nuannuan who was constantly encouraging him in the swimming pool, and the prosthetic limbs that were affected by buoyancy and had to maintain balance.

Fu Shiliu was wearing a black swimsuit and short-sleeved shorts, and she had a good figure. She didn't attract much attention when she stepped out, which was a bit different from what she expected.

She came to Gu Shizhou and raised a smile, "Let's play."

The man glanced at her outfit, turned around and got into the water first.

Fu Shiliu, who still wanted him to help her, bit her lip and looked at Jiang Nuannuan, who was dressed in red and with skin as white as snow in the water, and she suddenly clenched her fists.

She tried her best to highlight that she was different from the coquettish bitches around Gu Shizhou, but now that she had that plump woman as a comparison, she felt regretful.

She was wrapped so tightly that Gu Shizhou wouldn't look at her at all.

(End of this chapter)

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