Chapter 207: Get a front tooth removed

After all four people entered the water, Jiang Nuannuan got the chance to serve. He looked at the two people on the other side of the net, raised the ball and said, "It's time to start."

Bo Liang sat by the pool with a glass of cocktail, a whistle hung around his neck and played the role of referee, "Come on."

There was a crowd of people watching the excitement.

She lifted the ball and swatted it over the net, in the direction of Fu Shiliu. She quickly raised her hand to catch the ball. Unfortunately, she was not skilled in this kind of sport. She had to care about her image and pay attention to the ball. She didn't have enough strength to fight back. Without hitting the net, the volleyball flew back into the water and splashed all over her face.

Bai Liang turned over the cards and said, "Jiang Nuannuan gets one point."

The people on Jiang Nuannuan's side cheered, and she raised her hands from the water, smiling with white teeth, "Quick, high-five!"

Zhai Lin raised his hand to hit her in cooperation, his eyes flashed, and he smiled along with her unconsciously.

Gu Shizhou turned his head and glanced at Fu Shiliu, frowning, "Are you okay?"

"Second Young Master, I can do it!" The beautiful woman on the shore shouted to him: "Don't embarrass the cheongsam lady!"

The sarcastic words penetrated her heart. Fu Shiliu took a deep breath and insisted, "I wasn't used to it just now, I can do it."

The second goal was still served by Jiang Nuannuan. She pushed the ball over the net. Gu Shizhou directly blocked Fu Shiliu and dunked the ball back.

She didn't even have time to raise her hand to fight back. The ball hit her. Zhai Lin blocked it before it almost hit her head. He hit the ball twice and then hit back.

"You go to the back and guard, I'm fine." Jiang Nuannuan pushed Zhai Lin's chest.

He retreated as instructed, and Gu Shizhou followed suit. The two sides of the net became a blazing battlefield between the two women.

"What did you think when you sent me that text message?"

After Jiang Nuannuan finished speaking, she slapped the ball back hard and hit the distracted Fu Shiliu on the shoulder. She cried out in pain and sank into the water. When she came out, her face was covered with hair.

Bai Liang took a sip of wine and shouted, "Two to zero! Haha, so fierce!"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, shook the fluffy bun on her head, and raised her chin at Gu Shizhou.

The arrogant look made Gu Shizhou curl his lips and thought it was quite cute.

After Fu Shiliu wiped the water on his face, he turned around to see his attracted expression, feeling very annoyed.

Finally getting a chance to serve, she hit the ball over the net. After two back and forths, Gu Shizhou dunked into the water. Zhai Lin missed the ball and didn't have time to catch it, and his eyes suddenly darkened.

Jiang Nuannuan swam over and hugged the ball back, smiling at him with curved eyebrows, "You can see that it's not difficult to play."

There were drops of water on the tip of Zhai Lin's nose, and half of his face was charmingly reflected by the setting sun.

"You really want to win?" His voice was slightly breathless.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "Of course it's best if you win, but you can't just treat it like a sport."

Zhai Lin pursed his lips and pushed her waist, "Go to the front."

Bai Liang felt a little strange as he watched. His eyes flicked back and forth between Gu Shizhou and the two of them, and then he raised his eyebrows playfully.

The two men in the swimming pool focused their attention on Jiang Nuannuan. Almost all the balls they sent out surrounded her. Fu Shiliu couldn't catch any of them behind her.

Gu Shizhou took charge of both offense and defense. When he came to the net, he would bump into Jiang Nuannuan from time to time, causing her to always bury her face in the water. Her fluffy ball head shrank by one size and her hair was soaked.

"You did this on purpose!" She kicked him several times through the net, and poured water into his face.

Gu Shizhou wiped his face and pushed her away through the net, "It's a draw."

Zhai Lin pulled Jiang Nuannuan away, held her waist and retreated into the water, "It's your turn to guard."

Seeing the two of them pressed together, the smile that had appeared on Gu Shizhou's face soon faded.

In the next few games, Zhai Lin blocked and smashed the ball with explosive power, and one ball even hit Gu Shizhou in the face.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her hands to high-five him, "Awesome!"

The atmosphere among the three was harmonious, and Fu Shiliu, who couldn't even catch the ball, received disdainful looks from all directions.

No one took her seriously in this place, and the culprit became the center of attention, the most dazzling presence.

After playing until now, Jiang Nuannuan's arm strength gradually failed to keep up. One ball accidentally missed the net. Suddenly, a black figure rushed over from the opposite side and hit the net. The light volleyball hit her head directly.The incident happened so quickly. She covered her forehead and took two steps back in the water. When she saw the person clearly, she became angry. She grabbed the ball that Zhai Lin had picked up and threw it back with all her strength.

"I didn't mean it." Before Fu Shiliu could finish his sentence to excuse himself, he was hit in the mouth by a flying volleyball while standing in front of the net.

She screamed in pain and threw herself back into the water.

The cheerful Jiang Nuannuan turned around and hugged Zhai Lin's arm, "I'm so awesome!"

She must have had a great time, she couldn't feel the pain despite the big red mark on her forehead, and her eyes were full of excitement after fighting back.

Zhai Lin lowered his head to see her in such a mess and still smiled, and touched her forehead with his hand, "Doesn't your head hurt?"

"Shouldn't you praise me now?" Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips.

His Adam's apple moved, his pursed lips curled up, and he smiled heartily, "You are very stupid."

System 66: "Alipay has received 000 million yuan, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 20%."

Seeing him smiling so happily, Jiang Nuannuan's eyes were filled with relief.

On the other side, the pain of Fu Shiliu who emerged from the water was not over yet, with traces of blood spreading around her.

She felt a sharp pain in her mouth and blood was flowing continuously.

"Shizhou. Hmm."

Feeling like talking was draining, Fu Shiliu endured the severe pain and licked his front teeth, but the tip of his tongue only found a large gap at the front.

She dropped her hands and screamed in horror, "My teeth!"

There was a burst of exclamation around him. Gu Shizhou swam to the shore and said to the waiter on the shore: "Go and call the doctor."

Jiang Nuannuan heard the commotion over there, turned her head, and saw Fu Shiliu standing in the water with his mouth full of blood, his mouth slightly open, and one of his front teeth was clearly knocked out.

She was stunned, and when she saw the other person's murderous eyes, she subconsciously hid behind Zhai Lin, "Did I just knock out her front teeth?"

Zhai Lin looked back at her and became cowardly for a second, and the smile on his lips never dropped, "It's not you, it's me?"

"I feel like my forehead hurts a little now." Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his hand and coughed lightly, "Let's go ashore and wash up and go home."

Zhai Lin held her arm in a good mood and led her towards the shore.

The four of them went ashore one after another, and Fu Shiliu immediately went to the lounge to see a doctor.

Gu Shizhou put on his bathrobe and watched Jiang Nuannuan quickly enter the women's bathroom. He found a cigarette, lit it, and said to Zhai Lin, "There is a rest room on the second floor."

Bai Liang walked up to him, suppressing a smile, "Now you have to go comfort me, your front teeth have been knocked out."

Gu Shizhou exhaled smoke and said indifferently: "She wants to play this game, who forced her to do it."

Bai Liang said with a smile: "This Jiang Nuannuan is really a ruthless person, and you are even more ruthless."

Gu Shizhou called a waiter sideways, "The water in the swimming pool has been changed. It's dirty."

Jiang Nuannuan never thought that she would knock out Fu Shiliu's front tooth with one hard shot. The 66 in her skull said that she was as strong as an ox.

She came out wearing a bathrobe after taking a shower. The independent lounge was empty except for Gu Shizhou, also wearing a bathrobe and sitting on the sofa, with his legs spread apart and leaning on the back cushion in a lazy posture.

She walked over and bent down to pick up the clothes hanging on the back of the chair, "Why are you still here? Don't you go see Fu Shiliu?"

"What are you looking at? Didn't she hit you with the ball first?"

Gu Shizhou grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms, "Let me look at you."

Jiang Nuannuan fell on his lap, and her chin was pinched and raised.

He looked at it for a few seconds and saw that there was nothing serious about his forehead, so he asked, "Has Zhai Lin been by your side lately?"

She blinked and smiled sweetly, "What does it have to do with you? Are you here just to ask this?"

"Why are you so good at seducing people?" Gu Shizhou lowered his head with a pair of dark eyes, "One lover is not enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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