Chapter 210 Sleeping Together
Jiang Nuannuan said yes verbally, but still stood by the door and looked in.

They were all old-fashioned wooden furniture. The floor was a mess after the roof fell into the water, and there was a faint musty smell and coldness in the air.

Fei Jinzhao rolled up her sleeves to work, and couldn't help but look up at the door. She was sweeping the fallen leaves with a big broom at the door, and from time to time she bent down to pick up one or two beautiful leaves to look at.

He pursed his lips, and his chest began to feel hot again.

No matter what Jiang Nuannuan does now, it seems that it can leave traces in his heart and make people like him.

Chen Zhi was carrying the fish bucket all the way when he saw lights on in the fenced courtyard, and a girl was cleaning inside.

He took a closer look and confirmed that this was the Fei family's yard, and shouted in, "Has Sumire been summoned back?"

The girl in the yard looked up with a pretty face and said, "He is still doing cleaning work in there, I will call him."

Even though Chen Zhi was old, this was the first time he saw such a beautiful girl in this mountain, and everyone was stunned.

Until Fei Jin summoned him and politely called him, "Uncle Chen."

Seeing the two outstanding-looking people standing side by side, Chen Zhi came back to his senses and said with a smile: "I'm back to deal with the leakage in the house."

Fei Jinzhao nodded, "Yes, you went fishing again?"

"Yes, since it's rare for you to come back, just pretend to take a few fish away and eat them at night." Chen Zhi put down the fish bucket and pretended to catch fish for him.

Fei Jinzhao wanted to refuse, but when he looked at the people around him, he changed his mind and said, "Thank you, Uncle Chen. I'll get the bucket."

Jiang Nuannuan, who was staying outside, also called Uncle Chen.

With that sweet shout, Chen Zhi returned to the funeral shop with a trembling voice and said to his wife and son: "That son of the Fei family is really promising. He brought his girlfriend back today. He looks really good." Handsome."

Chen Mingyuan was biting his chopsticks to pick up the fatty meat, "Fei Jinzhao, my classmate in junior high school? That beggar who often moves bricks on construction sites and eats our leftovers?"

Chen Zhi slapped his chopsticks on the head, "What are you talking about? He is currently studying in the best school in Linggang, and he will give back to the society in the future."

Chen Mingyuan curled his lips impatiently, "Pull him down. I also know that he almost went to jail when he was in high school. What kind of virus software can he be?"

His father had always liked to compare beggars with him since he was a child. He said that he not only studied hard but was good at everything, but also compared his own son to shit. He felt angry and annoyed to death.

Seeing that Chen Zhi was about to greet him again, he simply put down his bowls and chopsticks, stood up and left, "My girlfriend is still the beauty of the junior high school, and she also works in the town's government agencies. What can I do for a beggar like him?" You’re a good-looking woman, but you just haven’t seen the world in the mountains.”

One of the things that the Chen family is most proud of is that Chen Mingyuan, a playboy who loses his ambition in playing with things, has found a good girlfriend.

Chen Zhidao didn't speak all night, and he was still sighing before going to bed. His son was not as good as Fei Jinzhao.

It didn't rain at night and the air in the mountains was fresh.

After dinner, Fei Jinzhao blocked the broken tiles with plastic sheets.

He only made a bed for Jiang Nuannuan to sleep on, while he made a bunk on the floor of the bedroom to deal with whatever he wanted.

The house itself was very damp from the rain, so she tried lying on the ground for a while and endured the discomfort before sitting up.

Fei Jinzhao came in after washing up and saw her moving to the bed holding her quilt.

He asked: "What are you doing."

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and said naturally, "Let's sleep together. Don't sleep on the floor. It's very wet and cold."

Fei Jinzhao was silent, "You don't mind?"

"What do you have to mind?" She lay down on her quilt and waved to him, "It's very late, come and sleep."

He thought of her sleeping posture, which was not very honest and knew how to kick her legs, so he finally turned off the light and walked over.

late at night.

Fei Jinzhao, who was sleeping lightly, was woken up by her cold feet.

He turned his head, and in the dark bedroom, his little head was right next to his pillow, breathing evenly, while his legs were stuffed into his quilt.

Probably because his bed was warmer, within five minutes, Jiang Nuannuan stretched out both of his legs.Fei Jinzhao stretched out his hand to touch her calf, which was also cold.

It was already cold in the mountains at night, and there was no heating equipment in the house. He frowned, and after thinking for only a few seconds, he lifted the quilt and pulled the person over.

The two of them slept on the same quilt. Jiang Nuannuan cleverly inserted one hand into his clothes and placed it against his thin lower back to warm him, making him sleep even more soundly.

With the soft fragrance in her arms, Fei Jinzhao's body stiffened for a while without moving, and finally sighed deeply.

He brought this little princess in the ivory tower to have a companion, but it also tortured himself even more.

Before going to sleep, he suddenly thought of a description.

sweet burden.

morning side.

The movement on the roof woke up the person on the bed. She got out of bed, stepped into her slippers, rubbed her eyes and walked out to the yard.

Fei Jinzhao has gone to town to transport new tiles and is dealing with the cracked and damaged areas.

His back was covered with sweat, his arms were thinly stretched, and he was wearing asbestos gloves to place the tiles.

"Fei Jinzhao, you're working so early." Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him, "It's only 7 o'clock."

He lowered his head to see her sleeping cheeks were rosy and her hair was messy. He softened his tone and said, "There are too many tiles that will be returned later. Breakfast is on the table. Go in and wash your face and eat."


She went back to brush her teeth and wash her face. After breakfast, she put on some clothes and came out to watch him work.

It was almost 8 o'clock, and even Fei Jinzhao's hair was wet. When she came down, she was still stained with mud and was dirty.

She took a towel and wanted to wipe his sweat, but he stopped her again, "Don't come over, I'm dirty."

"It's okay." Jiang Nuannuan put the wet towel on his face and stood on tiptoe to wipe his sweat. "I feel uncomfortable if I don't do something."

Fei Jinzhao stood still, put his dirty hands behind his back, and bent slightly to make it easier for her to do it.

When the towel was taken off his face, he looked into those beautiful eyes that were as bright as stars, and his dull gaze suddenly rippled. He whispered: "I told you that this place is not good at all, but you still come, you must regret it. "

"No way." Jiang Nuannuan wiped his neck carefully and carefully, "This is your home, of course."

Fei Jinzhao didn't say anything, but System 66 told her that her favorability level had risen to 52.

It took a whole morning to finish the roof, and the remaining tiles that I bought had to be returned for refund, so Fei Jinzhao went back to the town alone.

Chen Mingyuan, who had just passed by the entrance of the funeral store and returned from delivering the goods, saw him.

The beggar who used to be always dirty is now tall, clean and easily identifiable.

"Fei Jinzhao!" he shouted at the door of the store.

The man turned around, and his cold and handsome face still made Chen Mingyuan grit his teeth and feel jealous. He still remembered that his girlfriend also liked him when she was a child.

A beggar who grew a face out of thin air.

Fei Jin stopped and asked calmly, "Chen Mingyuan, what's the matter?"

Chen Mingyuan thought for a while and said, "Tonight is our junior high school class reunion. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's have a meal together."

Fei Jinzhao refused indifferently, "You can just eat, I won't go."

He didn't have much presence in the class to begin with, and he was once the target of collective ridicule, so there was no point in going.

But Chen Mingyuan was determined not to let him go, "Hey, my dad helped you introduce a good cemetery and gave you a discount on funeral items. It's just a meal. You can't help but sell this face, right?"

Fei Jinzhao turned cold and asked him after a while, "What time is it and where can we eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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