Chapter 211 The Wine Table
In the afternoon, Bian Fei Jin came back and didn't see Jiang Nuannuan at home. Her cell phone was also charged on the table and she didn't take it with her.

He panicked and ran out of the fenced yard to look for her along the path in front of the door.

In the inconspicuous canal stream under the bridge, Uncle Chen caught a small fish. Jiang Nuannuan said in surprise: "This miscellaneous fish is really big."

Uncle Chen smiled plainly and shyly, "You can bring back a few more tonight. Isn't this fish delicious?"

"It's delicious. The fish soup Fei Jinzhao made last night was so delicious." Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "I even had an extra bowl of rice."

Fei Jinzhao ran all the way down to find this place, and what he saw was the old man and the young man sitting harmoniously in a pile of weeds, fishing.

He walked over and bent down to pull the person up.

There was still a small slope here. Jiang Nuannuan exclaimed, lost her balance and threw herself into his arms. She held his arm and asked in a panic, "Why are you here?"

"You don't take your mobile phone with you when you go out?" He was a little annoyed. There was a heavy pressure on his body, and even his chestnut eyes felt oppressive.

Uncle Chen quickly said: "It's okay, she just came over to watch me catch a fish."

Fei Jin suppressed her emotions and softened her voice and said, "She has tender skin and is bitten by insects if she stays here. I will take her back first."

"Hey, okay, you go back early and the fish will be brought to you."

Jiang Nuannuan was pulled to the ground, stamped the mud on her feet, and defended herself, "It's not that I don't bring it with me, it's because my phone is charging, and I thought I'd just take a walk in front of my house."

Fei Jin didn't wait for her after he called her up, but strode forward alone, as if she was angry.

She called him several times but he didn't look back, which was inexplicable.

Jiang Nuannuan followed for a while and felt that this was not going to work. She squatted on the ground with an ouch and said, "I have a sprain in my foot!"

Fei Jinzhao stopped and turned sideways.

The cool gaze that came over could pierce people's hearts. Jiang Nuannuan squatted there and became weak, "Really, you have to carry me, you can't leave."

Knowing that she was pretending, Fei Jinzhao turned around and walked back. He understood that he was overreacting and should not blame her.

"That one?"

"Left foot."

Jiang Nuannuan's left foot was covered in mud from walking under the bridge. Fei Jinzhao turned around with a cold face and squatted down with his back to her.

She jumped up immediately, and he held her legs tightly with his strong arms and walked out steadily.

"Why are you angry?" Jiang Nuannuan leaned into his ear, "Just because I didn't bring my mobile phone?"

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes, hiding the coldness in his eyes, "This is not your comfort zone in Linggang."

She didn't get it.

Simple villages, simple people, strong rural customs, and the surrounding atmosphere is very good.

The man carrying her reacted too much, as if she could disappear here.

"But I just went to see Uncle Chen fishing." Jiang Nuannuan put her chin on his shoulder, put her arms around his neck, and said softly: "Then next time I don't go, will you be happier?"

Fei Jin called her into the yard, put her on the washing stone, bent down and took off her shoes and socks, "Sit down and don't move."

He didn't answer her directly, turned around and knelt down to turn on the faucet.

The water came out of the leather tube and flowed to the ground. He took a small brush to help her clean the mud on her shoes.

Jiang Nuannuan shook her legs and stepped on his back with her bare feet, "Fei Jinzhao, if you have anything unhappy, you can tell me."

"Isn't your foot sprained?" he asked coolly.

She snorted softly, "You all know I lied to you."

After Fei Jinzhao finished brushing her shoes, she also washed her muddy socks. She also said, "I will help you prepare dinner tonight. You stay at home and don't go out."

She was stunned, "Are you going out tonight?"

He went in and took out new socks, squatted down and held her white feet and carefully put them on for her, "I'll be back later."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "You won't take me with you?"

Fei Jinzhao didn't want her to hear about the past herself as described by those people, and she didn't need to hear those past events with her own ears.

His mood was calm and his tone did not allow for rejection, "Well, it's inconvenient."

After putting on her shoes, Jiang Nuannuan jumped off the slate table and returned to the house angrily.night.

Chen Zhi brought over the miscellaneous fish caught during the day and chatted briefly with Fei Jinzhao.

Jiang Nuannuan heard in the room that he was going to attend the junior high school reunion. Thinking of the anonymous revelations on the Linghua University campus forum, she frowned.

Why did he go to see these people?
At around five o'clock, Fei Jinzhao prepared dinner and went out.

The dinner was held at the best hotel in town.

He came late, and Chen Mingyuan was afraid that he wouldn't come, so he called him several times.

As soon as I pushed the door of the box open, I saw a large round table with several bottles of red wine and two bottles of Maotai. Men and women sat in a pile, all looking at it with surprised and unfamiliar expressions.

Chen Mingyuan hugged his girlfriend's shoulders tightly and said with a smile: "Fei Jinzhao from our class, a talented student from Linghua University, is finally willing to come and gather with us old classmates today. Come and find a seat quickly."

Fei Jinzhao casually pulled up the chair next to the door and sat down, nodding his chin to greet the group.

This cool demeanor of not saying much made the people at the table have memories of the taciturn boy in his childhood.

The woman in Chen Mingyuan's arms stared at him and said in surprise: "Is this Fei Jinzhao? He has changed too much."

He pulled his girlfriend's jaw away in displeasure, "What's the use? It's cheaper to have a funeral than to ask my dad to pay for it."

The woman immediately restrained her explicit gaze. Although Chen Mingyuan's family ran a funeral shop, they had a house in the town and every village, plus a shop, so their life was pretty good. She didn't need to offend her boyfriend by being a nymphomaniac.

On the table, the single female classmates were whispering to each other, and they glanced at Fei Jinzhao from time to time. The cold and handsome look on his face made them blush, and they all lamented how much he had changed.

Men don't like people who win women's hearts with their looks. Some people took the initiative to bring Fei Jin a drink and said, "It's hard to come here, so you should drink some. Don't be like a piece of wood like before." Sitting there is so boring."

Fei Jinzhao took a few sips from the cup full of white wine, and then heard Chen Mingyuan say from the opposite side: "This is Moutai, good stuff. Jinzhao, you will never get it. I spent 5000 yuan to buy it specially."

Fei Jinzhao remained silent and drank the whole glass.

There was a spicy taste in his mouth that burned straight to his stomach, but he showed no emotion at all.

Chen Zhi is Chen Mingyuan's father. Chen Mingyuan grew up under a suppressive education. Fei Jinzhao mostly hears comparisons between the two, and father and son often quarrel because of his 'role model'.

Now that Chen Zhi had helped him a lot in selecting a site and buying a cemetery, he was too lazy to spoil others' reputation. The dissatisfaction that Chen Mingyuan had accumulated since childhood was clear in his heart.

Chen Mingyuan also liked the way he kept his posture down now, pouring one glass of wine after another into his glass, "I heard that it is very difficult for college students to find a job now. Are you about to graduate? Linggang doesn't know if it's easy to find a job. If it doesn’t work, just come back and I’ll introduce you.”

"No, I have the numbers."

"How can that be done? You are in debt now. What will you do if you don't have a good job in the future? What are you going to do? I will give you guidance as a staff officer." Chen Mingyuan's voice was very loud, and he originally called Fei Jin All the conscious female classmates are now off the hook.

Who dares to fall in love with a man who has debts?

Fei Jinzhao drank two more glasses of white wine, feeling a little hot. He took off his coat, leaving the collar of his shirt slightly open, exposing his collarbone, and tugged at the collar with his slender fingers.

"Are you finished?"

Chen Mingyuan was stunned for a moment and looked into his deep maroon eyes.

"Of the little money you, Chen Mingyuan, put in your pocket, did you earn even a dime yourself?"

The atmosphere at the wine table instantly cooled down a lot. When Chen Mingyuan's face darkened, his girlfriend immediately caressed his chest.

"It's rare to get together, so don't say a few words."

Fei Jinzhao's cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, Chen Mingyuan said in a strange tone: "I also heard from my dad that you had a girlfriend in Linggang. The little girl in that city knew that you grew up poor and had to beg for food. ?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't expect that as soon as the other party picked up, such a sentence came out in the noisy background. She was stunned, "Fei Jinzhao."

There was the sound of a chair being pulled out from the other end, and it quickly calmed down again.

Fei Jin walked out and whispered back to her, "What's wrong?"

"Are you almost finished?"

"Not long after the start."

"I want to eat a small cake. Buy one when you come back soon."

He lowered his eyes and raised the corners of his lips, "Okay."

She didn't ask a word about what happened on the phone. She hung up the phone. Jiang Nuannuan quickly packed herself up, took her cell phone and knocked on Chen Zhi's door next door.

(End of this chapter)

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