After working as a stand-in for a big boss, my annual salary will be tens of billions

Chapter 212 Even if he has been in jail, he is still my treasure

Chapter 212 Even if he has been in jail, he is still my treasure

Chen Zhi heard that she was going to visit Fei Jin at a hotel in the town, so he took her there on a motorcycle without saying a word.

"He too, why did he leave you at home alone at the class reunion?"

If she didn't understand that he left her alone at home before, Jiang Nuannuan completely understood it now.

She asked Chen Zhi, "Did Fei Jinzhao also have a hard time in the village before?"

"His mother left early. At that time, his grandma would come to my house to borrow rice when we were eating at home. It was common for this child to go to a neighbor's house to get rice. He has been smarter and smarter than other children of the same age since he was a child. He used to always help me with work. I We all feel sorry for him."

"When I look at him and then look at my Mingyuan, there is really no comparison."

After a few words, Chen Zhi almost liked Fei Jinzhao more than his own son, and Jiang Nuannuan also sensed something wrong in these words.

Chen Zhi's son Chen Mingyuan is Fei Jinzhao's junior high school classmate, and he is probably the one who just called him begging for food.

There is a big problem with Chen Zhi's education.

When the car arrived at the entrance of the hotel, Jiang Nuannuan got out of the car and said one more word to Chen Zhi, "Uncle, children don't become outstanding by comparing themselves to others. You need to change your mind."

Without waiting for Chen Zhi's reply, she turned around and entered the restaurant.

Several men who drank too much, including Chen Mingyuan, became rude under the impact of Fei Jinzhao's good appearance.

They always hope to show that they are better than a college student who dropped out of school at a young age through money comparisons and girlfriend comparisons at the wine table, and they also try to gain psychological satisfaction and pride by suppressing him.

Jiang Nuannuan pushed the door open and came in, looking at Fei Jinzhao who was sitting close to the door. Under the light, his face was cold. He held the wine glass in his hand and tilted his head to take a sip. When he licked the wine from the corner of his lips, he saw the door at the door from the corner of his eye. beautiful girl.

Everyone at the table saw her.

Her fair skin, delicate face, shawl-length curly hair as smooth as satin, beige coat and scarf printed with luxury logos, are full of femininity made of money.

They could tell at a glance that this was a girl from the city who had been carefully cared for and grown in a greenhouse.

She is incomparable to a junior high school beauty girlfriend or a woman whose face is covered with thick traces of makeup.

Chen Mingyuan unconsciously lowered his loud voice, "Who are you looking for?"

Jiang Nuannuan walked straight to Fei Jinzhao, pulled out a chair and sat down, wiping the drink from the corner of his lips with her fingertips, "You are drinking."

The sweet voice, the intimate movements, everyone understood.

A woman thought she looked familiar, but couldn't remember where she had seen her before, so she asked her, "Who are you?"

"Fei Jinzhao found the girlfriend in Linggang."

The other party was surprised, "Just now he said he didn't have a girlfriend."

"He is shy." Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "I heard he said he was coming to a class reunion, so I came to see him because I was worried."

Everyone choked.

No one expected that Fei Jinzhao really found a girlfriend back from Linggang.

I don't know which woman said too much, "I thought it was the girl named Rong Zhao who was in the class next to you in high school. You two used to have a very good relationship."

Fei Jinzhao looked at the person who spoke, with anger hidden in his eyes, and his voice was still very light, "I remember you."

The woman was stunned, looked at his handsome face, and stammered, "Yes, really?"

Before the shame on her face could go away, Fei Jinzhao said, "It's really annoying to stuff love letters on my desk every day with lots of typos."

The shame turned into a big red face, and several people couldn't hold back their laughter.

The woman said angrily: "You really know how to joke."

Jiang Nuannuan thought he must be drunk. She said, "Everyone has an ex. There is nothing to worry about."

"What does your family do?" The woman in Chen Mingyuan's arms asked her.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while, then smiled, "Oh, he and I are college classmates, and our family makes jewelry. I was also thinking about buying Fei Jinzhao a company to play in after he graduates."

Buy a company to play with.She really dared to say it.

Fei Jinzhao looked sideways at her, his eyes softened and indulgent.

Jiang Nuannuan replaced his wine glass with juice, "I can still afford tens of millions. I don't have anything else at home, so I have more money."

As she said that, she sounded like she was worried that she couldn't spend all the money, "If you want to ask Fei Jinzhao to play with you in the future, you can ask him to tell me in advance, and I will directly charter a helicopter to pick you up."

Chen Mingyuan's face was a little stiff at this time.

Since he was a child, he has always been a man whom his father has always talked about as inferior to Fei Jinzhao. Now he thinks that he has surpassed him by finding a girlfriend who is a junior high school beauty who works in a small town government agency. However, he never thought that Fei Jinzhao would directly find a rich family. little princess?
He grinded his teeth in secret hatred, feeling that what this woman said was too exaggerated, "Really? Who knows whether what you said is true or false."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Do you have any activities after dinner? Playing cards or something, 10 yuan a game should be able to show off my financial resources? After all, I relied on money to pursue Fei Jinzhao in the first place."

She spoke very calmly, without any hint of guilt from head to toe, and with the blessing of her famous brand, everyone on the table was silent.

One hundred thousand?Who dares to take more than a year's salary to play poker? I'm afraid they are crazy.

In the second half, everyone was bored and didn't dare to touch Fei Jinzhao's bad luck again, because the women around him always had various ways to humiliate you with money and you couldn't hold your head up.

As for the little assets Chen Mingyuan's family had, Jiang Nuannuan could only buy half a Linggang toilet.

After everyone finished eating and came out, they found that the bill had been settled.

Jiang Nuannuan stood on the steps holding Fei Jinzhao's arm and said with a smile: "Don't order fake Maotai next time. The 5000 yuan wine doesn't even have a code."

Chen Mingyuan, whose face was almost swollen, was trembling now, "Fake? I bought the genuine product from the store!"

Looking at him like that, he was cheated by an unreliable wine merchant, and the money was really spent.

Jiang Nuannuan shrugged, "Who knows."

She pulled Fei Jinzhao to leave, but Chen Mingyuan behind her suddenly became furious, "You are also a rich man, how can you like Fei Jinzhao? I don't know that his mother got pregnant after going out for a while. He has been begging for food since he was a child. Isn’t it dirty to eat leftovers from other people’s bowls? You almost went to jail for catching a virus in high school, but your family agrees to let you get along with someone with a criminal record? "

Fei Jinzhao's eyes were a little darker, and her eyes were gloomy, and a strong sense of inferiority spread from her heart.

He has always known the gap between himself and Jiang Nuannuan.

He can't touch things that are too beautiful, so when people ask him about his relationship with Jiang Nuannuan, he doesn't want to say more for fear of offending her.

"More money can't buy it, I'm willing to do it."

Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of Fei Jinzhao, put her arms around his waist, looked up and said with a smile, "Even if he has been in prison, he is still a treasure to me."

Her eyes were moist and she had a slight smile. Her skin was as white as jade under the street lights. Her bright red lips were curved and her smile was dazzling.

Fei Jinzhao held the back of her neck with one hand, with a bit of drunkenness in his eyes, and the emotions he couldn't hide leaked out from the gate.

He whispered: "Are you here specifically to stand up for me?"

Jiang Nuannuan hugged his waist and admitted generously, "Yeah, but I didn't tell any lies tonight, they were all true."

She had always wanted to spend money to set up a company for him, and she also thought he was very good and a rare treasure.

She is always like a ray of warm sunshine, blooming in the barren and dark land in critical moments, warming the numb and rotten heart wrapped in thorns.

Even if my heart is bleeding, I still want to embrace the sun.

Fei Jinzhao hugged her, lowered his head, and kissed her lips.

The kiss was so sudden that Jiang Nuannuan took a step back in shock, and her back hit the car door on the roadside.

She put her hands on his thick shoulders, raised her head slightly, and noticed the turbulent emotions in Fei Jinzhao's drunken eyes.

What shocked everyone was that when the man who had always been silent and rigid grew up, he would openly hug people on the side of the road, press them in the car, and kiss them passionately.

System 66: "Alipay received 3000 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 55%."

(End of this chapter)

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