Chapter 215 Cupping

It was already evening when the bus returned to Linggang. Jiang Nuannuan went to the alley to say goodbye to Fei Jinzhao and told him that she would be busy with work and might not see him again until his birthday before she left.

She did not go home immediately, but went to a private hospital on the road for cupping.

"The little girl is very wet, and the color is very dark when pulled out." The old Chinese medicine doctor sighed while cupping her.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "That's why I came to cupping to strengthen my body."

Most of the sucking marks were on her shoulders and neck, so she asked the doctor to perform cupping on her shoulders, neck and back. She used another concealer to cover up the areas on her chest that couldn't be covered.

The round dark cupping marks were so ugly and unappetizing that they stuck to the body.

In this way, Gu Tingyan had to think carefully about whatever he wanted to do with her tonight. The possibility of him finding out that he was climbing the wall should not be high.

Jiang Nuannuan took care of herself before entering the Sunshine Garden.

She hadn't been back for a while, and Aunt Mei was very friendly when she saw her, "Sir, you said you were coming back tonight, so I specially made braised pork."

She went upstairs and changed into pajamas, carefully checked the marks on her body, and then tied her hair up.

When Gu Tingyan arrived home, he happened to see her standing at the table eating.

He changed his shoes from the entrance and walked to her side, "I'm back."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head, picked up another piece of braised pork and put it to his mouth, "It seems like there was too much sugar."

Gu Tingyan's expression moved slightly, he opened his mouth with his chopsticks and bit off the meat. After eating, he said, "It's not bad. Did you go for cupping?"

She twisted her neck, put down her chopsticks and turned around to unbutton his suit. "Well, it's not very comfortable to stay in the mountains these two days. It's very humid, so I went to unbutton it."

After helping him take off his coat and hang it up, the two sat down at the dining table and ate together, speechless for a while.

It was Gu Tingyan who couldn't hold it back first and said, "In two days, there will be a jade auction in London."

Jiang Nuannuan's hand holding the soup paused, "You want me to go?"

"You can buy it if you like." He tilted his head to look at her, "I asked Assistant Li to reserve a box for you."

This person really pleases her.

Jiang Nuannuan handed the soup bowl to him, "Another compensation?"


She put down her chopsticks, folded her hands and looked at him, "Gu Tingyan, you said you always use money to coax me, why can't you try a fresh approach?"

The stern man raised his eyebrows and asked, "Don't like it? You have paid more than [-] million in bills in the past month. I thought you liked it."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She was so speechless that she had nothing to say. She had to be obedient for the sake of the auction.

She coughed lightly, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

She finished her meal first, took the dishes back to the kitchen, and then went upstairs to take a shower.

Aunt Mei finished her meal alone in the kitchen and came out to clean up. She saw Gu Tingyan still sitting at the dining table looking at his mobile phone. She couldn't hold back her words and said, "Sir, what women don't want money for is that you can spend more time with them by yourself." Coax her."

Gu Tingyan's expression froze for a moment, and he raised his narrow black eyes to look at her. Aunt Mei immediately shrank her neck, packed up the bowls and chopsticks, and walked to the kitchen.

There was a lover's agreement between the two, and the terms clearly stated that he would give her money and she would meet her needs, and neither of them would be emotional.

But in fact, he has always been able to be aroused by her recently, and it will ignite him at the slightest moment.

In this relationship, it didn't feel good to be about to lose control, and he didn't want to refuse. The comfort that her approach brought him at night really made him rely on her.

Jiang Nuannuan applied waterproof concealer all over her body again, looked at it repeatedly in front of the mirror, rubbed her hands to make sure there were no flaws, then put on her clothes and walked out.

Gu Shizhou sent her a message that he would come to Bishui Bay to pick her up at my family's birthday party the day after tomorrow.

She cut out the WeChat interface and went online to consult on how to make hickeys disappear quickly, and she had an idea in mind.

Aunt Mei came up and told her that several express packages had arrived for several days. Jiang Nuannuan ran down to pick them up and sat on the carpet to unpack the packages. When Gu Tingyan came in and went to the bathroom, she didn't even look at her.

They were a few dog leashes that she had ordered when she was in Bishui Bay, and they were delivered to this address by default.Available in metallic color or black leather texture, it is also thoughtfully equipped with small bells and hearts, as well as a long chain leash.

Jiang Nuannuan studied the structure for a while, imagining the scene of inlaying the gems in her mind, and then unconsciously thought of the scene of putting it on Gu Tingyan.

She couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth.

The picture is so beautiful that it makes you feel guilty just thinking about it.

The muscular man came out in a bathrobe and saw her giggling while holding two special chains.

"What did you buy?"

His voice startled her, and he hurriedly suppressed his smile and put the things back into the box, and pushed them under the bed and put them away, "My inspiration has arrived."

Gu Tingyan narrowed his eyes slightly and walked to the bed to sit down without pursuing it.

There were a few books on the bedside that he had been reading recently due to insomnia. The reading light was turned on, and the light poured on his semi-clothed chest. Jiang Nuannuan turned to look at him for a while, then climbed onto the bed and climbed to his side, "The day after tomorrow?" Anything happen tonight?"

Gu Tingyan stretched out an arm to wrap her up in his arms, "Yes, come back to my home. It's my dad's birthday."

"take me?"

He gave her a look, "You wouldn't like that."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "Okay."

She leaned across his chest and reached out, took out a book from the bedside, and opened it with the reading light he turned on.

Global Economics Research.
what the hell.

Jiang Nuannuan flipped through a few pages boringly, leaning on his arm and humming softly, "You read this before going to bed, you are really boring."

Gu Tingyan stopped flipping through the book, lowered his eyes, and asked on a whim: "Then what do you want to read? There is it on the bookshelf in the study."

She thought for a while and replied: "The domineering president fell in love with me, the domineering boss's favorite, and the domineering boss chased his wife for 365 days."

Gu Tingyan: "."

He reasonably suspected that the girl in his arms meant something to him.

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at his speechless handsome face and closed the book with a snap.

Forget it, reading a book is not as comfortable as reading a book.

She might as well fall asleep admiring her beauty.

Gu Tingyan read the book for a while, but couldn't help but lower his head under her burning gaze, "Don't you want to sleep yet?"

Jiang Nuannuan changed her position, lying next to him, supporting his chest with her hands, leaning her head to kiss his lips.

After kissing him twice, she nibbled his chin gently, "Kiss him good before going to bed."

The book in his hand was covered by Gu Tingyan's lap, but it fell to the ground with a clatter due to the movement of turning over.

Jiang Nuannuan lay completely in his arms, hooking her hands around his neck and actively catering to him.

After a long time.

She whimpered and struggled to breathe, "Okay, my assistant in France is coming tomorrow morning, and I have to pick him up."

Gu Tingyan blocked her lips again, slid his palms to her waist, and rubbed her skin closely through the silk nightgown.

She was turned over, revealing two rows of cupping marks on her smooth back, which really damaged the white and tender skin.

The man who was about to take off her skirt paused for a moment, then leaned over her back and kissed her.

"I can afford to support you even if you don't work." Jiang Nuannuan was sure of the hint of distress hidden in this tone.

She could have been a qualified bird in a cage, but she turned around and said with a smile, "We all know that you can't support me forever."

(End of this chapter)

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