Chapter 216 What are you waiting for?
The newly aroused desire was mostly offset by these words.

Gu Tingyan touched her face, "What else do you want me to give you?"

It's not impossible to raise her for a lifetime. He has thought about this problem a long time ago.

If she asked, he would.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him for a while, shrank into his arms, and said obediently: "You have given me enough, I will do the rest myself."

They should both know that there will be no each other in the future.

The corners of Gu Tingyan's lips pursed into a straight line, and the irritability appeared again.

Since he was interested in cooperating with Feixin, the person who worried most about him was no longer the people on the board of directors, but Jiang Nuannuan.

He sat leaning against the head of the bed for a long time. He wanted to pick up the cigarette case and smoke a cigarette, but then he put it down again when he thought of the person lying next to him. Finally, he turned off the light and fell asleep hugging the person who had already fallen asleep.

Gu Tingyan hugged him too hard, and Jiang Nuan pushed him uncomfortably, closing his eyes and muttering, "Your waist will be broken."

He relaxed his strength and bit her ear, "Go to sleep."

The next day.

System 66 sent a notification that Gu Tingyan's favorability reached 50 last night.

Jiang Nuannuan climbed out of the bed, but there was still no one around her. Gu Tingyan's clock was always accurate. He got up earlier than a chicken and went to bed later than a dog.

She went into the bathroom to wash up and make sure the concealer was still on her body. She scalded a towel with boiling water and put it on the hickey after taking a shower.

Fei Jin's pain was not serious. If she was given another two days, she felt that it would be almost gone.

In the morning, I picked up Lu Jin and brought her back to China. I took her to a store and rented a single apartment for her near Linggang Building. This was not settled until the evening.

When the two of them were eating together, Jiang Nuannuan was cutting steak and asked her casually, "I'm going to London soon. Do you know what fun there is?"

Lu Jin often travels around the world to communicate with customers, and quickly recommended a series of tourist attractions. After hearing Jiang Nuannuan talk about the design issues of the diamond love necklace, she said: "You can go and take a look then. London Macho Show.”

Jiang Nuannuan: "Macho show?"

Lu Jin nodded, "You should be able to get a lot of inspiration from the macho men dancing in front of you wearing tight jeans, dim neon lights, muscles and sweat."

Jiang Nuannuan thought about it for a while, and felt excited. She raised her hand and toasted with her, "It's a good idea to rain in time."

After sending Lu Jin downstairs to the apartment, she drove to the hospital while it was still early.

I haven't seen him for a few days, and I don't know how the situation is with Fu Ying.

She called Zhai Lin on the way, and sure enough she received the news that he was still at the hospital.

Surprisingly, Zhai Heng arrived at the hospital with her.

He bumped into her in the parking lot as he got out of the car.

"Zhai Heng." Jiang Nuannuan picked up her bag and ran over.

When the gentle and elegant man saw her, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to support her and brushed the hair on her forehead, "Why are you here?"

"I heard that Zhai Lin has been in the hospital for several days." Jiang Nuannuan saw that he looked good today and joked, "Are you here to arrest someone?"

Zhai Heng: "Well, let's arrest them."

When he spoke, he always looked into her eyes, his eyes flowing, full of gentle smile.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Let's go up together."

Zhai Heng naturally took her hand and said, "Let's go."

The two came to the door of the ward, and an interesting scene was happening inside.

Zhai Lin sat beside Fu Ying's bed and handed her a lychee-flavored lollipop, "Eat some candy."

Fu Ying looked at him with a crazy look, "Why do you want to eat sweets now?"

"I feel good after eating it." Zhai Lin opened the candy wrapper and forced it into her hand.

Fu Ying had a dark face when she saw him for several days. Although it was difficult to believe that they had a relationship before, she did not relax at all. Her whole heart only rested on Ye Hang, and only after Zhai Lin told the latest news about Ye Hang , she could barely say a few words to him.

And just now, Zhai Lin lost his temper again because Fu Ying begged him to let Ye Hang back.

At this moment, he gave the candy to Fu Ying, whose eyes were red and was about to cry. The latter just shrank into the bed and threw the lychee candy out, smashing most of it to the ground.

From Jiang Nuannuan's point of view, she understood that Zhai Lin had already apologized for losing his temper and was also showing favor to Fu Ying, but in Fu Ying's eyes, she couldn't read these signals.

Looking at Zhai Lin's face that was about to freeze, Jiang Nuannuan walked in first before the situation got serious, stood between the two of them and called him, "Zhai Lin."

The tall and thin blond young man saw her and rolled his gray eyes slightly, "Why are you here?"

"Your brother is here to pick you up. Go home early tonight." Jiang Nuannuan pushed him and whispered in his ear: "Bring Fu Ying a bouquet of flowers tomorrow. That is the proper apology gift." , all women like it.”

With his soft little hands on his waist, Zhai Lin took one step back, his expression gradually softening.

Zhai Heng watched the changes in his brother's demeanor throughout the whole process.

Jiang Nuannuan's subtle domestication of him was undoubtedly effective.

The door to the ward was closed by her.Jiang Nuannuan walked back to the hospital bed, and the smile on her face disappeared, "You shouldn't throw away that candy."

Fu Ying leaned against the wall and said in disgust: "Why?"

"Because I told Zhai Lin that eating sugar will make him in a good mood and life will be sweet." Jiang Nuannuan looked at her condescendingly, "That's a treatment method. You should know that Zhai Lin has mania. Don't irritate him like this in the future. Just now He’s just trying to please you.”

"Who wants him to please me?" Fu Ying growled, "I hate him."

Jiang Nuannuan leaned down, pressed her hand on her abdomen, and threatened in a low voice, "You'd better change your face next time, just pretend to like him a little bit more, otherwise you won't want this child anymore."

She didn't want her efforts to be wasted because of Fu Ying.

Not long ago, the two of them exchanged WeChat messages to talk about being friends. Now, the woman in front of them turned against her and threatened to kill her child.

Fu Ying covered her stomach in horror, "You are breaking the law!"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Then let me put it another way, which is more acceptable to you. Ye Hang knew you were a missing person and maliciously kept you in captivity and tricked you into getting pregnant. With the Fu family's methods, the sentence will make him stay in prison for the rest of his life." Not coming."

Fu Ying was stunned, and then tears burst into her eyes, "No, I will forgive him."

Jiang Nuannuan saw that she was scared and knew that mood swings were not good for a pregnant woman. She sighed and softened her voice to advise, "You may not like Zhai Lin, but as long as you try not to be afraid of him, spend some time with him." With time, I can use my connections to get Ye Hang out and return it to you, and then you can decide who to choose."

Now that she is refusing to obey, this method is the best.

Fu Ying gradually calmed down, "That lunatic will not agree."

Jiang Nuannuan: "I will find a way."

Fu Ying hesitated for a long time before letting go of her defensive posture and said, "Okay, I'll give it a try."

Outside the ward, only Zhai Heng was left in the corridor at the door.

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and said, "Did you ask the driver to take Zhai Lin back first?"


Zhai Heng held her hand, pushed open the pedestrian passage door of the hospital, and led the person in.

"I'll talk to you."

Jiang Nuannuan did not doubt that he was there, and followed him obediently, stopping at the corner of the stairs, "What's wrong?"

Zhai Heng squeezed her fingers and said warmly: "Zhai Lin has been a little too dependent on you recently."

She blinked in confusion, "Is there any?"

"After getting along with him, how do you feel about him?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the man in front of her, looking back and forth on his face, looking again and again.

Her fingertips were a little soft and numb from being pinched by him. She wanted to retract her hand, but the slender, clean fingers invaded her fingertips and pressed her legs against the wall behind her.

"It's just the normal feelings towards patients. I don't want Fu Ying to ruin all the results of my hard work."

"But I think he's starting to like you a little bit, what should I do?" He asked seriously, leaning very close to her, and his hand with beads slowly grasped her slender waist.

After the kiss, the relationship between the two could no longer maintain the peace as before, and they both knew it.

There is desire hidden under Zhai Heng's gentle skin.

Even if he tried his best to restrain himself, she could catch the occasional emotion he showed.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that he was not interested in drinking.

Her right hand that was not being held was pressed against his abdomen, and she said softly, "You are his brother, you will ask me about this kind of thing? Shouldn't you solve it?"

Hearing her doubts, Zhai Heng smiled and said, "Well, my excuse is not good."

Jiang Nuannuan accepted, "So what is the truth you want to tell me?"

"It's been too long, I miss you."

He lowered his head and kissed her forehead, "When will we have our next trip?"

Jiang Nuannuan swallowed her saliva immediately, raised her eyes to look at his lips that were getting closer, and answered cautiously: "Not sure, I have a lot of things going on recently."

"Then I'll wait for you to be free. When the time comes, I want to go somewhere longer and further away. It's up to you to decide."

Zhai Heng was close to her lips, breathing so close, maybe only a few centimeters away, that kind of kiss or not, and when he spoke, he could smell the fragrant medicinal fragrance and sandalwood on his body, which made people's heads ache. Confused.

In addition, it was in the corridor where people were coming and going, and it was easy to be seen by pushing the door in. The excitement made Jiang Nuannuan not hold back and kissed him.

His lips were soft, like honey-flavored jelly.

He didn't react at all at first, and the smile in his eyes was genuine.

Jiang Nuannuan's hand that was originally on his abdomen slid all the way, her palm caressed his chest, feeling his body tightening inch by inch under her hand, then she hooked his neck and kissed that alluring and sinful thin face. lip.

"You want me to come here and talk so much."

She looked at him with her clear eyes open, held his fingers tightly with her backhand, and asked in a low voice: "What are you waiting for now?"

(Composition: Gu Tingyan’s psychological tangle, and his relationship ranking second, is because he once went bankrupt, so he cherishes his feathers very much.)
(End of this chapter)

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