Chapter 217 Birthday Banquet

In the corridor, only the escape signboard glowed faintly green. In the darkness, Zhai Heng stretched out his hand to tuck the long hair on the side of her face behind her ears, and said in a low voice, "I admire you."

His other ring-wearing hand was still forcefully occupying the space between her fingers. Making such movements and saying such words, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but feel relaxed.

She put her hand back on his waist, found the softest spot and applied a little force, which elicited a heavy breath from the man in front of her.

"People should not be judged by their appearance, are you right?" Jiang Nuannuan asked with a smile.

Zhai Heng's eyes moved slightly, the hand on her cheek lifted her chin and kissed her.

The back of her head was pressed against the wall, her completely occupied lips felt slightly cold, and the fingers attached to his waist tightened and wrinkled the material of his clothes.

There was no gentleman's gentle temptation, but a stormy entanglement, a possession full of personal control. Her heart was beating rapidly, as if she was about to be deprived of all oxygen.

The sound of footsteps came from downstairs, and the sound of high heels went up one floor after another.

The darkness blocked her vision, but made her auditory senses extremely sensitive. Her body began to tremble, and she wanted to escape out of instinctive fear. At some point, the hand moved to the back of her neck to press her, and the cold beads were close to her skin.

Before the man reached this level, Zhai Heng suddenly pushed her into his arms, his body pressed tightly against her, leaving no gap. His voice whispered softly in his ears, which was heart-wrenching and beautiful.

The sensor light on this floor is bright.

Jiang Nuannuan could not see the glare of the light, and her long hair covered the side of her face. She leaned on Zhai Heng's chest, and in her ears could hear his slightly faster heartbeat.

It wasn't just her who was stimulated.

She slightly curled her lips.

"Zhai Heng?" Fu Shiliu was holding a fruit basket and answering the phone with one hand, his face full of surprise.

Unexpectedly, she disliked the noise outside and came here to listen to the phone, and she could see her ex-husband standing in the stairwell holding a woman.

Zhai Heng's gentle face showed no emotion, and his voice was steady, "Miss Fu."

Fu Shiliu felt frightened when she saw him. She hung up the phone and summoned up the courage to ask him: "There was a 10 billion track laying project before, and you clearly promised to leave it to my father. We all have qualified procedures and engineering qualifications. Why was there a sudden change?"

Jiang Nuannuan was still hiding in Zhai Heng's arms, shielding her face, feeling a little speechless.

Do we have to talk about business at such an awkward time?
She moved uneasily, and Zhai Heng patted her back comfortingly, looking down at Fu Shiliu at the bottom of the steps, "That was originally an apology gift to your family after the divorce."

Fu Shiliu bit her lip, "Yes, so why did you regret it? Because of Jiang Nuannuan? I didn't offend her again!"

The protagonist herself blinks, what does it have to do with her?

Zhai Heng: "I am dissatisfied with you for personal reasons. I have many choices, and you are not the best in the reopened bidding meeting."

Fu Shiliu knew it was because of Jiang Nuannuan. She looked at the faceless woman in his arms and secretly resented, "You are special to Jiang Nuannuan, so what does the woman in your arms mean? I never knew that Young Master Zhai would be like this after the divorce. And there’s this slutty side to it.”

Zhai Heng gently stroked Jiang Nuannuan's back, and his voice softened, "Do you think that the 10 billion project is too little? Or is the cost of a tooth not enough?"

His words were still gentle, but the coldness in his bones and the morbid cruelty in his eyes made people feel scared.

Fu Shiliu covered her mouth. Before her front teeth had time to be repaired, she hurriedly opened the door and ran out. One of the green apples in the fruit basket fell and rolled at Jiang Nuannuan's feet.

As the door closed and the footsteps faded away, she raised her head and said, "This matter has something to do with me."

She was quite sure. Zhai Heng let go of her and walked down the steps holding the intertwined hands, "You didn't have a very pleasant time at the pool party that day."

Jiang Nuannuan remembered, "Did Zhai Lin tell you?"

He chuckled, "I've seen your videos, and I happen to know a little bit about volleyball."

As he said that, he tapped his fingertips on her forehead, "It hurts to see how she beat you?"

So it was the incident when Fu Shiliu illegally touched the net and hit her on the head with a ball that made him withdraw the 10 billion divorce gift?But she also killed someone's front tooth, although it was unintentional.

Jiang Nuannuan followed him to the basement, secretly dumbfounded, Fu Shiliu's price was really high.

Before leaving, she stood in front of her Audi and asked him, "Who do you think I look like?" Zhai Heng curled her lips and smiled, "The moon is bright in the night sky."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "It's a good metaphor. Good night. I wish you a good dream tonight."

On the morning of my family’s birthday party, Gu Shizhou brought his makeup team to Bishui Bay and brought many dresses, but Jiang Nuannuan didn’t use them. She wore a bathrobe and opened her closet. There was no row of tags inside. The cut gowns were hanging there, and there were also some luxurious private customizations. The team who saw the lavishness were stunned.

Gu Shizhou sat on the sofa and waited, grabbing the doll on the sofa and playing with it with his fingertips.

Jiang Nuannuan came out of the dressing room and was on the phone.

Hearing the sound next to him, he turned his head and raised his eyebrows. There was surprise in his peach blossom eyes. Then he said perfunctorily to the phone that I have a female companion, hung up the phone and got up and walked towards her.

"Who is it?" Jiang Nuannuan walked over and asked.

Gu Shizhou said nonchalantly: "Fu Shiliu."

"let me see."

He was wearing a burgundy formal suit today, and his unruly short hair was neatly styled. His usually unruly appearance became much more serious thanks to his attire.

However, Jiang Nuannuan didn't see much seriousness. He put his hand on her right shoulder, grabbed the sliding mink coat, and lifted it up.

Gu Shizhou tapped the mark on her shoulder with his fingertips, "Did you go for cupping? It made it so ugly."

"Want you to read more?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and glanced, and his chin was lifted by him. Her fair face was slightly smoky, her almond-shaped eyes were elongated with black eyeliner, her eyelashes were curled, and her red lips were bright.

Gu Shizhou's Adam's apple rolled slightly and he joked: "I told the designer to make you pure. What do you look like now? A goblin that sucks human blood?"

The tight sequined black dress pinched her waist to hip proportions in an amazing way, making her look so tight.

Jiang Nuannuan put her hand on his chest and pushed him away, "What's the occasion, what's the outfit."

She was there to gain favor, not to pretend to be a good girl who wanted to join a wealthy family.

Gu Shizhou took two steps back with his strength and put one hand in his pocket, "It's quite suitable."

He really felt that it was very suitable. Instead of wanting her to act nice before, she should be more of a seductive succubus.

Tonight, Mr. Gu's birthday party was just for him. Gu Tingyan went to pick up Feixin.

Both were dressed in formal attire, sitting on either side of the window in the back seat, as if they were treating each other as a plague.

Feixin opened the car window, smoked a lady's cigarette, and threw a document to him, "Take a look."

After looking through it for a few times, Gu Tingyan put the things away and said, "I owe you a favor."

"You want to take this opportunity to kick all those old people out of the board of directors. You have been plotting for so many years and you still don't hesitate to use me as a shield. You owe more than this." Feixin exhaled and turned to look at him.

Gu Tingyan: "Nuan Nuan is going to buy jade in two days. Ask her to bring you an extra piece."

Fei Xin raised an eyebrow, "I'm a qualified marriage partner, aren't I? Just send me away if you want jade?"

Gu Tingyan turned his face sideways, with dark eyes. He just looked at her for a while. Feixin put out a cigarette and asked him: "But have you told her about the marriage agreement with me? How did she react? I quite like her. of."

Gu Tingyan: "Take care of yourself."

Feixin could still hear a hint of irritation in his tone. She smiled openly and kindly reminded, "Don't be in trouble."

"What's wrong?" He said indifferently: "You are not the only heir to the Fei family, so it is not the best choice for me."

Feixin's expression froze, and then she said: "You really don't want to take any losses. Everything is under your control and calculation. I can't wait to see you kneel down and beg for help in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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