Chapter 218
Gu Tingyan's lips curved into a sneer, "In the next life."

The car stopped at the entrance of the mansion in the Chinese courtyard.

It is elegant and quiet here. The garden is filled with green pines of different shapes, and the stone path leads to the main entrance hall.

Two cars stopped in front of each other.

The red Porsche arrived first, followed closely by the Maybach.

Feixin saw Gu Shizhou going to open the passenger door and said, "It seems that he has brought back an unknown female star to be his female companion."

Gu Tingyan was not interested in watching. He opened the door and got out of the car, buttoned up his suit, and the driver went to the other side to pick up Feixin and get off the car.

Jiang Nuannuan also came down with Gu Shizhou's support. She straightened her skirt, naturally took his arm, and looked back.

Feixin was the first to see who the woman was. She was so shocked that her high heels got stuck in the cracks of the stone and almost sprained her ankle.

The tone of her voice changed, "Hey, President Gu, your corner has been poached."

The elder brother's lover appears at the family party holding the younger brother's hand. Could there be a more exciting scene than this?
Gu Tingyan raised his eyelids and looked over. Jiang Nuannuan had turned around and walked up the steps holding Gu Shizhou's arm. However, he could still tell who it was at a glance. Immediately, those dark eyes were bottomless and angry. He smiled back and said in a cold voice, "You must have lost your temper a bit."

System 66: "Alipay received 1000 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 51%."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Don't broadcast to me again before the birthday party is over."

She knew that tonight would definitely leave a deep impression on Gu Tingyan.

Lin Xiao and a Wanyue woman were sitting on the sofa chatting and laughing. The servant came in and said, "The second young master and the eldest young master are here."

Lin Xiao patted the hands of the people around him and stood up, "Come meet my little son."

Two people walked in from outside the door and looked right at each other. They were about the same age and had matching looks.

Gu Shizhou greeted Lin Xiao, whose face darkened, "Mom."

He patted Jiang Nuannuan's hand again and said, "Call Mom."

A gust of cold wind blew from the sleeves behind her, brushing against the back of Jiang Nuannuan's hands and brushing against her sleeves, making her lick her fingers in the cold.

Gu Tingyan stood beside her, glanced at her with his narrow black eyes, and called Lin Xiao softly: "Mom."

Jiang Nuannuan, who was caught in the middle like a bomb, caught the whole family off guard.

She raised a smile, met Lin Xiao's changeable eyes, and called sweetly: "Hello, Aunt Lin."

Gu Shizhou had expected that she would not be able to shout, so he explained with a smile: "She is afraid of life."

Feixin was like an outsider watching this good show at this time. It was obvious that Lin Xiao had met Jiang Nuannuan, and the expression on his face was as exciting as a color palette.

She suddenly felt that this woman was more powerful than she thought. She could arouse the emotions of the family in an instant, which was very interesting.

Lin Xiao never imagined that one day, his eldest son's lover would be with his younger son and want to call her mom.

This chaotic relationship made her endure it again and again, so she didn't behave too rudely.

She moved out of the girl next to her, glared at Gu Shizhou, and said, holding back her anger, "This is Li Wan. She just returned from studying in the UK this year. Let me introduce you to her."

Before the birthday party, Lin Xiao made it clear that Gu Shizhou wanted him to come alone. If she made such a fuss now, she would not be able to do the matchmaking thing anymore.

Jiang Nuannuan also understood that she and Gu Shizhou were taking advantage of each other today.

On the one hand, he is hostile to his brother, and on the other hand, he is blocking the woman who is trying to tie up his marriage.

Fortunately, Li Wan was a lady, so she kept a calm expression on her face and greeted everyone.

Gu Shizhou pulled Jiang Nuannuan and said, "Go sit."

A few people sat down at the long table. Mr. Gu, who had returned from prison, also came down the stairs. Lin Xiao went to help his body that was unable to move.Jiang Nuannuan was facing Gu Tingyan. Feeling that his eyes were unkind, she raised her red lips, opened her lips and said silently: A surprise for you.

Not bringing her?She just came.

The man lowered his thick eyebrows, and his air-conditioning was fierce. The intimidating aura and faint anger of the long-time leader made Feixin feel a little uncomfortable sitting next to him.

Li Wan, who was diagonally opposite, didn't pay much attention to Gu Tingyan. To break the ice at the dinner table, she took the initiative to chat with Gu Shizhou, "I've seen a few movies in which you acted, and they were very exciting."

Gu Shizhou smiled and said, "What do you mean? Do I still know?"

As soon as he opens his mouth, no matter how serious he is in dressing up, he will be speechless and embarrassed even if he can be rude to others.

Li Wan bit her lip and apologized awkwardly, "Sorry, I was abrupt."

Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of water, and then stood up with everyone else to greet Mr. Gu, who was slowly moving over.

He is over 50 years old and has white hair. He looks very old. His life in prison may not have been easy.

He showed off his masterly attitude and said, "Sit down."

"It's just a birthday, just a casual chat as a family."

A few people sat down and the servants started serving food.

Li Wan started to pick up the topic again, but the wise people no longer surrounded Gu Shizhou, and talked about the changes in Linggang in recent years in a measured manner. The most dazzling one was the Gu Group that Gu Tingyan propped up from the ruins.

Speaking of this, Mr. Gu was also very satisfied and looked at Gu Tingyan with admiration in his eyes.

The man would add a few words in agreement from time to time, but his calm tone suddenly dropped when a certain syllable was spoken.

Under the table, his suit trouser leg was hooked by a white and tender foot, slowly rubbing along his calf. Across the table, Jiang Nuannuan was shaking the red wine in his glass, leaning against the edge of the table, talking and laughing.

The long tablecloth covered her movements, but it also added a touch of taboo and secret ambiguity.

In front of the elders, with a female (male) companion beside them, the heartbeats of both of them accelerated at this moment.

Gu Shizhou used serving chopsticks to give Jiang Nuannuan some small pieces of crispy pork, and shook her hand, "Try it, the fried meat at home is good."

She nodded, picked up the chopsticks to eat the meat, and slowly lowered her feet, stepping lightly on Gu Tingyan's leather shoes.

She thought that for this man now, he should be in the realm of ice and fire.

Even though he was annoyed by the apparent closeness between her and Gu Shizhou, he couldn't stand her teasing under the table.

She received another warning look from Gu Tingyan asking her to retract her feet immediately. After being over-interpreted by Gu Shizhou, he was in a good mood and gave Jiang Nuannuan more vegetables, "Eat more, it will be comfortable to hold her."

He almost said it into her ear, and they looked so sweet together that even Feixin had to wipe her sweat for Jiang Nuannuan, feeling that she was almost at the end of her road to death.

Li Wan then brought the topic to Gu Tingyan, "I have been speculating in stocks before and always lost money. Mr. Gu, you are an expert in this field. Do you have any good suggestions?"

He withdrew his eyes from Jiang Nuannuan and briefly answered Li Wan about the recent market situation, "Ronghe Pharmaceutical has been able to enter recently, the demand is stable, and the company's performance is good."

His calm tone suddenly paused in the second half, and he turned to look at Jiang Nuannuan again.

The tender feet that were on his leather shoes squeezed between his legs and stepped forcefully on the front of the cushion of his chair and the inside of his suit pants.

The girl opposite smiled more and more provocatively and seductively.

Gu Tingyan's chest rose and fell slightly, his breathing became rapid, and his dark eyes could no longer maintain a stable mood. He suddenly put down the hand holding the wine glass, grabbed the little foot that kept making trouble and trapped it forcefully.

The warm palms pressed against the soles of her feet to convey warmth. Jiang Nuannuan's body trembled suddenly, and her red nails scratched the tablecloth uneasily.

(Commentary: I know your lips are about to burst from laughter again. Haha.)
(End of this chapter)

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