Chapter 219 Movies
Gu Tingyan calmly ended the question raised by Li Wan. A long tablecloth was covered between his legs. He hid one hand under the printed cloth. No one knew that the slender fingers were holding a jade foot in the palm of his hand.

His unstable breath quickly recovered, and after regaining control, he became calm and contented.

Flirting with her secret fingertips, she rubbed Jiang Nuannuan's heel and squeezed it gently.

Her long legs under the table were stretched and straight, and her buttocks only occupied a small half of the high-backed chair. Her back straightened due to his touch, and she bit her red lip.

There was a silent aura exchange between the two people, and they almost seemed to blend together even across the air.

"Okay, it's time to serve the birthday cake."

Li Wan stood up, walked around the dining table, and took the initiative to push the dining cart over, "I specially asked someone to order a longevity cake. Uncle Gu must give me face and make a wish for the coming year."

Lin Xiao asked someone to turn off the lights in the restaurant, and the surrounding environment suddenly became dark, with only a few candles on the cake flickering.

The darkness hid half of Gu Tingyan's cold face, weakening the sharp skeletal lines. He looked in the direction of the birthday cake, and loosened his fingers under the tablecloth, trying to get the disobedient tender foot to get out.

Jiang Nuannuan sang the birthday song in conjunction with Li Wan. The foot that had intended to shrink back suddenly straightened its instep. After crushing his suit pants with force, it suddenly retracted and stepped into her own high heels.

Gu Tingyan's body at the other end suddenly leaned back, and he was completely plunged into darkness. Veins popped up on the back of his hand when he put it back on the table. He tried his best to endure something, closed his eyes, and then opened them, staring at Jiang Nuannuan's charming and charming face. Side face.

The look in her eyes was too dangerous, but she took the cake from Li Wan personally and said thank you with a smile.

She was wise enough not to seduce him again until the meal was over. The group left the table and went to the tea room to taste tea. Jiang Nuannuan went to the bathroom.

Lin Xiao also followed him with an excuse.

"Let's talk."

She invited people to a small private living room upstairs, and the calm demeanor in front of her suddenly turned into an angry one, "What's going on with you? What's your relationship with my two sons!"

Jiang Nuannuan fiddled with her long hair and smiled back: "It's just what you see with your eyes."

Lin Xiao was struck by a bolt from the blue, and fell softly into his chair. He had just thought of many possibilities in his mind, and even now he is still trembling and saying in disbelief: "Do they own you together?"

She only thought about her younger son wandering around in the flowers and having lots of fun, but she never thought that her eldest son would be involved, let alone that Gu Tingyan, who had always been a man of few words, would acquiesce in such a thing.

Jiang Nuannuan almost laughed out loud when she saw her doubtful expression about life. Considering that this person was in poor health and had been staying in a nursing home for a long time, she kindly gave an explanation, "Just kidding, it's just that Gu Shizhou is not satisfied with you looking for him." The target just asked me to recharge, that’s all.”

She was just a tool. What she said was very clear. Lin Xiao reflected and said: "No matter what, I warned you before not to think about things you shouldn't have. I believe Ting Yan has a sense of proportion, but Shi Zhou, his life Li must not be tied up with a woman of unknown origin."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and agreed generously, "I remember, after all, I also received a check of 5000 million."

Seeing that she was so honest and not lying, Lin Xiao calmed down and said, "Let's go."

Before opening the door and leaving, Jiang Nuannuan turned around and added: "But the two sons you gave birth to taste good, I like them very much."

I don't know who warned whom, but Lin Xiao was so angry that he didn't know where to direct his anger.


Gu Shizhou, who was standing against the wall, turned his head with a careless smile on his lips, "Does it taste good?"

Jiang Nuannuan closed the door and looked at him, "Why are you here and eavesdropping in the corner?"

Gu Shizhou held her arm and pulled her into the video room next to her.

The door was closed and the surrounding area darkened.

He walked to the jukebox and said, "Sit down." Jiang Nuannuan found the sofa next to her. The room was very hot. She took off her mink coat and sat down in only a black sequined suspender skirt that fell to the floor. Her two thin white arms were casual. Putting it on his lap, he looked at him sideways, "They are drinking tea in the tea room. Is it okay for you to watch a movie with me?"

"If there's anything inappropriate, they won't be here for a while."

Gu Shizhou poured two glasses of wine and sat next to her, "Watch a movie with me."

Jiang Nuannuan leaned on the sofa and took the wine glass, "Okay."

The movie played was starring him, a martial arts movie that was released during the Spring Festival last year.

She didn't pay much attention at first, focusing on what Gu Shizhou wanted to do, but he kept sitting there, very quiet.

Later, her expression gradually became more focused. The knight clearly had a chance to escape, but in the end he fell to the ground and died and had to maintain his loyalty, which made her sigh.

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The screen went dark, and the overhead spotlight turned on bright white light. Gu Shizhou asked her, "How is it?"

His expression was serious now that he was talking, and the frivolity brought to him by his pair of peach blossom eyes was much weakened, and his whole demeanor quietly changed.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a moment and answered seriously, "You are suitable for acting."

There was no flattery. Every expression and movement he made was that of a standard loyal tough guy in this drama. His natural acting skills brought this character to life, so much so that when she turned to look at him, her eyes were kind. few.

Gu Shizhou touched his wine glass lightly with her, and said with a touch of sarcasm in his voice, "Look, everyone can see it, except my parents."

He usually looks indifferent, mostly disguised. Jiang Nuannuan turned sideways and said, "So what do you want me to tell you? To comfort you and tell you to continue acting? Or go home and inherit the family business?"

She didn't think it was her turn to give an opinion on such a matter.

Gu Shizhou met her gaze, pressed the sofa cushion with his palm and turned around, "I have 30% of the group's shares. My father transferred it to me before he went to jail. Do you think I should return it to him, or keep it with me?" Brother, do you want to grab some power?"

"If I want to keep you as a canary and don't work hard to make money, I'm afraid he won't be able to support it, and I won't be able to support it either." He raised his lips and joked again, pinched out the little cherry in the wine glass and handed it to her mouth side.

Jiang Nuannuan opened her mouth and bit it, thinking about it.

She probably understood Gu Tingyan's current situation. His father came back and wanted to regain his power.

Although he now controls the entire group, he definitely does not own the majority of the shares. The Gu family, which was once on the verge of bankruptcy, was bailed out by the Zhai family. After that, new shareholders must invest in stabilizing the company. If Gu Shizhou switches sides and favors his father, add A holder of scattered shares on the board of directors can easily lose power once impeached.

No wonder he maintains an accepting attitude towards Feixin. Her family's real estate is spread all over the country and they also have a lot of business overseas. Gu Tingyan doesn't trust his younger brother, so marrying her will not only consolidate his power, but also make the board of directors consider whether to kick him out. as a result of.

Gu Tingyan can make the Gu family like this by himself. If he is really forced to take his shares to the Gofei family, it will be time for Linggang to change again.

This marriage is a mutual achievement for both of them.

"What are you thinking about?" Gu Shizhou pinched her earlobe.

Jiang Nuannuan came back to her senses, her eyes moved, "You may not know."


"If I really like someone, I can appropriately reduce my expenses and support me without any effort."

Gu Shizhou couldn't help laughing and chuckled, "Reducing expenses? I thought you would say that you can also support a man."

(End of this chapter)

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