Chapter 223 Drinking together

Jiang Nuannuan threw the paper into the wastebasket and asked her: "How many days have you been with him? Do you still think Ye Hang is more suitable for you without any wavering or change?"

For several days, Zhai Lin never got angry in front of her. His handsome face, which was more than twice as young as Ye Hang, was very dazzling in the clear sunlight. Fu Ying hesitated and looked at her phone again.

But Ye Hang was with her day and night, and he was tortured deeply for her in the detention center. How could she turn her back on him.

Everything about the two of them before came to mind again, and Fu Ying's swaying expression finally firmed up, "We are friends through adversity, not to mention that I have a child. If I don't like Zhai Lin, I just don't like him."

She looked at Jiang Nuannuan, "Anyway, I have promised you to treat him peacefully. In exchange, you must also help go to the police station to see Ye Hang. I want to know his current situation and how injured he is."

Seeing how in love she was, Jiang Nuannuan had no choice but to agree, "I'll do it, and you can get along with her again."

Fu Ying said hello.

Zhai Lin, who heard the whole conversation, kicked the door open with one foot, and the door panel hit the wall with a loud noise.

The two of them turned their heads to look, their expressions changing slightly.

His gray eyes looked at Fu Ying, filled with anger after discovering the truth.

Jiang Nuannuan stood up quickly and said, "Zhai Lin."

He strolled to the bedside, stepped on the lid of the trash can, and threw the thermos box in. The soup inside spilled out, and it was very fragrant.

His terrifying and silent aura made the two women feel cold in their hearts.


Zhai Lin lowered his hand and turned his pale and handsome face to Jiang Nuannuan, "It turns out that you negotiated the conditions with her for me to be accepted."

What he thought was an improvement in the situation was nothing more than a concerted scam.

Jiang Nuannuan pulled his sleeve and opened her mouth, not knowing how to explain for a while.

She didn't expect that Zhai Lin, who was supposed to go home, would come back. What a coincidence.

Fu Ying was afraid that he would be angry again like before, so she huddled up in the quilt and shivered, and did not dare to confront him head-on.

The alienated and frightened look in her eyes was what she really thought about Zhai Lin in her heart.

Zhai Lin shook off Jiang Nuannuan's hand and growled like a fried golden retriever, "Don't touch me."

In the past two days, he sent flowers and chatted with Fu Ying. In the end, it was just a one-sided farce on his part.

He said to her harshly: "I will arrange for a doctor to have an abortion for you."

Originally he wanted to delay it until she was willing to accept the past, but now he didn't want to wait any longer.

Fu Ying's eyes widened in shock and he shouted: "Impossible! Don't even think about it!"

Zhai Lin didn't want to look at her anymore, turned around and left.

Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her forehead with a headache, "I'm going to coax you, just stay calm."

She picked up her bag and chased her out of the hospital. Zhai Lin's figure had disappeared at the door, apparently avoiding the car sent by her family.

Jiang Nuannuan ran all the way to catch up, "Can't we have a nice talk? I'll explain to you why I did this."

"Go away." Zhai Lin put on his hat and walked through the crowd.

The street lights were turned on after dark. Jiang Nuannuan saw a bar with a lighted sign not far away. She suddenly had an idea in her mind and ran to him, "How about we go have a drink?"

Zhai Lin paused for a moment and turned around. His delicate and attractive face was like an evil ghost from hell, with red eyes and bloodshot eyes.

He was really hurt.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him and gasped: "15-year-old Laphroaig whiskey? Or can you order the wine? You can drink as much as you want."

"Your solution is of no use." Zhai Lin stared at her with a sneer on his lips, "You still want to cheat and wait for my brother to come to the bar to catch me?"

It was she who tipped him off last time, and someone tied him into a rice dumpling and tied him into the car.

His thoughts were exposed, and Jiang Nuannuan handed him the phone in a flash, "I'll give you the phone to keep? I haven't had time to send a message, and no one knows where we are."

This was the most sincerity she could show, and at the risk of him losing control at any time, Zhai Lin looked at the phone for a few seconds, and finally reached out to take it and put it in his pocket.It was okay. He could still remain rational and accept the communication. Jiang Nuannuan relaxed slightly and said, "Let's go."

It's the same bar as last time.

The two chose a small booth. Zhai Lin ordered some wine. When he saw the cigarette case half exposed in the waiter's trouser pocket, he said coldly: "Give me one."

Realizing what he was talking about, the other party generously handed him the cigarette and lit it again.

Zhai Lin took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled it. His beautiful face was blurred in the smoke, which eased the emotions that were about to explode.

The two sat for a while, and Jiang Nuannuan asked him: "Ye Hang was beaten at the police station. Did you let someone do it?"

Zhai Lin raised his eyes sarcastically, "I said it wasn't me, do you believe it?"

Everyone thinks he is a madman, who can believe it.

"I believe it." Jiang Nuannuan touched his wine glass, "It must have been done by the Fu family. They are the only ones who can desperately hope that Fu Ying will reconcile with you."

Zhai Lin fell silent, held the cigarette between his knuckles, and took a sip of wine.

The whiskey he ordered was old and had plenty of stamina. Jiang Nuannuan took a sip and didn't dare to drink more. Watching him directly refill two or three glasses, her hands on her knees quietly tightened her skirt.

"Why did you join forces with her to deceive me?" Zhai Lin asked in a low voice, and then mocked: "Do I look like I need comfort and mercy so much?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "I just feel sad for you and want to do something for you."

She sighed and didn't hide it from him, "I originally planned to let Fu Yingjing calm down and try to get along with you. Maybe in a month or two, she will regain her previous feelings and change her mind and fall in love with you, after all."

"It's not such a bad thing to be loved by you."

"You used to love her terribly."

It was a blow to him that his girlfriend, who had not gotten her back after paying such a heavy price, reappeared with a boyfriend who was not as good as him in everything.

Jiang Nuannuan also knew very well that obsession grew in Zhai Lin's heart, accompanied by all kinds of grief and shame. If it could not be solved perfectly, he would not be able to get out.

Zhai Lin was biting the cigarette, and a bit of ash burned on the back of his hand. It hurt, but he didn't care. He only felt that his heart was stabbed quietly, and he felt a strange emotion.

"That's almost it. Don't be too presumptuous." Jiang Nuannuan stood up and pinched half of the cigarette he was holding between his fingertips across the small table.

Zhai Lin blew out the smoke, drank another glass of whiskey, and used impatience to hide his emotions, "I want you to take care of so many things."

Jiang Nuannuan put out her cigarette and walked out of the booth, "I'm going to use the toilet. Don't wander around here, or I can't find you."

"Can't find it?"

She turned around and said quietly: "I'll be worried."

Zhai Lin watched her figure disappear, raised his head and took another sip of wine.

His angular face and cold white skin were extremely conspicuous under the dim lights of the bar. Many beauties in the nightclub saw him sitting there alone and became interested.

A beautiful woman in a suspender skirt came over with a wine glass, walked around the table and bent down where Jiang Nuannuan was just now, with her elbows on the table and her chin in her palms, with an innocent look on her face.

"Handsome guy, would you like to chat?"

Zhai Lin had just poured a glass of wine and raised his eyelids to look at her.

The woman is smiling, her red lips are weeping, and her facial features are full of artificial technology.

"I'm not interested in you." Zhai Lin finished speaking word by word, raised his chin to drink, and poured out the rest.


The word contains full intimidation and extreme violence.

The woman fell down on the sofa, but was not frightened like ordinary little girls. She stood up and walked out of the booth with a sneer, and went to the bar to ask for tissues and wine.

"Hey, Sister Hong failed in her night hunt today? That pretty boy doesn't like you, but I do."

The waiter behind the bar had an extremely ambiguous smile, "And I'm free."

(End of this chapter)

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