Chapter 224 One

The woman took out a pill and threw it into the wine glass, shaking it lightly. She raised her eyes and sneered, "You can give it to a prey that I haven't missed before. Just say it's the new wine given by the store if you spend enough money. Have a better attitude."


Jiang Nuannuan took the time to ask someone to borrow her mobile phone to make a call. She asked four or five women in succession before a kind person lent it to her. As a result, she called three times in a row, but Zhai Heng received no answer.

She thought he should rest or be in the hospital and not be disturbed anymore.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, it seemed that she could only get the drunkard back tonight by herself.

She returned the phone, thanked her, and walked out of the toilet aisle. When she returned to the booth, her expression changed.

Where have people gone! ! !

Jiang Nuannuan quickly grabbed a passing waiter and asked anxiously: "Where is the man sitting in the booth just now?"

The other party said she didn't see it, so she asked a few more questions. Finally, the waiter at the bar felt pity for her beautiful face and said to her: "I went to a private room on the second floor with a woman. Are you his female companion?" ? It’s better to go in and catch the rapist later, it should be done now.”

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned and slapped the bar, "What's the room number?"

The waiter was not intimidated by her. After all, her boss, Sister Hong, liked to do this kind of thing in the nightclub every day. There was someone watching over her, and most men wouldn't care if they ate free meat.

He smiled and joked, "It's just a small matter. They will come down by themselves when it's done. Why are you anxious? Why don't you go to the dance floor and find a new love first, or maybe take a look at me?"

Jiang Nuannuan coldly frowned, "That man has typical mania. He has just been released from prison after killing someone. Normally he would not go with a strange woman. If he had any adverse reaction, that woman would die tonight. "

The waiter's smile froze and he put down the wine glass he was wiping, "Are you serious?"

"If you don't want to call a group of policemen to come here and install the body, you'd better tell me quickly." Jiang Nuannuan said calmly, with no smile on her pretty face, and she didn't look like she was lying at all.

The other party also had a premonition that something was wrong, "The room at the end of the corridor on the second floor is where Sister Hong hunts every night. It's most likely there."

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and ran upstairs, stepping on the soft carpet and heading straight to the end of the room on the second floor.

The door was unlocked, so she easily opened it and entered.

There were two figures overlapping on a circular water bed inside. Zhai Lin knelt between the woman's legs, his hands stuck around her neck, his arm muscles bulging, and he tried to strangle her to death.

"Uh" A suffocating sob came from the woman's mouth. She grabbed Zhai Lin's arm weakly with both hands. Her eyes gradually turned upward and white. She saw someone beside the door from the corner of her eye. She barely squeezed out one word in her throat, "Help"

Jiang Nuannuan had seen how fierce Zhai Lin was when he was angry and wanted to kill someone. She rushed in and stepped on the bed, bent down and pushed his shoulders hard, "Zhai Lin!! Let go! Are you going to strangle her to death!"

The man whose eyes were stained by violent emotions raised his eyelids, narrowed his inorganic gray eyes as if he recognized her, and said hoarsely: "Get out of here."

He just saw Fu Ying. He followed Fu Ying to the room. She suddenly couldn't wait to have sex with him, but his body extremely rejected this kind of touch. After pushing her away hard, he saw such a disgusting face.

"If you don't let go, believe it or not, I will steal all the paintings in your room?" Jiang Nuannuan went to hold Zhai Lin's face, and her warm palm touched his face, making him reluctantly let go.

He let out a painful groan from his mouth, shrank back, bent over and clamped a hand on his neck, the unknown drug was taking effect in his body, and his whole body felt like being thrown into a raging fire, burning blazingly.

Jiang Nuannuan had no time to care about him now. She turned around to check on the woman who was almost strangled to death. She received a heavy punch in the left eye socket. The bridge of her nose was completely crooked to one side, and her jaw was also crooked.

A good technological face was destroyed beyond recognition.

"Hey." Jiang Nuannuan patted her face, "Can I still go?" The woman was in so much pain that she couldn't cough or speak, so she could only nod weakly. She never expected that after so many years of wandering in love, she would want to sleep with a man. He can also be beaten and disfigured.

Jiang Nuannuan helped her get out of bed. The waiter at the bar was standing at the door. Seeing his wife turned into such a ghost, she quickly came over to support her.

Jiang Nuannuan handed the person over to him and said, "Go to the police and call 120."

"Okay, okay." After the door was closed again, the waiter hugged the boss with one hand and touched the phone with the other hand shaking to call the police. Halfway through inputting the number, the woman pressed her hand and squeezed out the broken syllables, "Alright. You're so big, take me to the hospital first, I'm going to die from the pain."

She drugged the man's wine glass, and she would be in trouble if the police were called.

The waiter reacted and had to cover her head with a layer of clothing, then hurried out of the bar and rushed to the hospital with her in her arms.

After closing the door, Jiang Nuannuan turned around and was caught off guard by Zhai Lin, who had arrived behind her at some point. She was frightened by his blushing face and blurred eyes.

"Are you okay?" She tentatively touched his face, her palms filled with heat.

For Zhai Lin at this time, the temperature of her palms was like cold water, which made him feel particularly comfortable.

Unable to control himself, he lowered his head and pressed his face completely into her palm, saying in a low and hoarse voice, "It's so hot."

His whole body was feeling hot, so hot that he was trembling.

Jiang Nuannuan understood that he had been drugged, and it was impossible for him to be dragged into the room by a strange woman.

She calmed down and said, "I'm going to see if there's anything downstairs that can cool you down, and then we'll wait for the ambulance to come."

She turned around and planned to leave first to let him calm down, but her arm was suddenly grabbed and pulled back. Jiang Nuannuan screamed, staggered and fell into Zhai Lin's arms, and a big hand immediately wrapped around her waist. Hold her tight against her belly.

Jiang Nuannuan froze and did not dare to move. She tried her best to say in a calm tone: "You have been drugged, so you are a little confused. Do you understand? How about I go to the toilet and put some cold water for you, so you can take a dip first?"

She tried to break free, but in response Zhai Lin hugged her harder, lifting her off the ground and pressing her against the glass window in the room.

Jiang Nuannuan was forced to press against the window. She could clearly see the traffic on the street outside, and his close body was wrapped around her back. There was something strange that made her pay attention.

She forcibly turned around in Zhai Lin's arms and warned in a panic: "Zhai Lin, see clearly who I am! I'm not Fu Ying!"

She took it for granted that he could let down his guard and still be willing to get close to her without doing anything that would hurt her. She had once again recognized the wrong person.

Zhai Lin lowered his body, rubbed the tip of her nose with his straight nose, and then stepped away a little, staring at her face with his gray and misty eyes. The dark pupils in the middle shrank from time to time, as if he was recognizing, or as if The sight of a dog patrolling its territory. In short, this aggressive sight made Jiang Nuannuan extremely uncomfortable.

She bent down to escape from his arms. Zhai Lin instantly sensed her intention, put his knees on her legs, hugged her waist, and forced her against the window again.

The cold wind poured in through the gap between the window edges, blowing Jiang Nuannuan's hair slightly, brushing over the man's face, giving off a faint fragrance.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Jiang Nuannuan pressed her hands against his chest, feeling extremely nervous, "You'd better see clearly who I am and don't do anything you regret."

She reminded him over and over again, trying to get him to see clearly.

With the busy traffic outside and the honking quiet, the clear light shone through the window on Zhai Lin's delicate face. He tilted his head and brought it to her lips, calling her hoarsely with scarlet eyes, "I know, Jiang Nuannuan."

(End of this chapter)

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